Title: Nehemiah Burns Player Report
CKEY: Dutchylwd
Your Discord: -
Offender’s CKEY: No clue.
LRP or MRP server: MRP
Offender’s In-Game Name: Nehemiah Burns
Date : 08-10-2020
Round Number: 19694
Rules Broken: Big over escalation.
Incident Description:
Joined late into round as a Assistant. Wanted to get borged so went to Robo right away so i could go mine. Nehemiah Burns stands there as well, i asked to get borged. He decides to shove me and call me a nerd. Funny, i guess? So i follow him for 2 seconds and throw a plant, running back after. He decides it is time for full on war, throws his spear at me. Gets stuck in me, wants to very obviously kill me over it. I see security so i ask for help several times. Security’s response? Not one word and casually walk off. He had seen me getting attacked, and a spear thrown at me. So at that point i am alone with Nehemiah Burns. I end up robusting him with a potted plant and his own spear. DIDN’T KILL HIM. I left him to go heal and decided to go back to robo to get borged, instead who do i see? Nehemiah Burns again. I run over to the Brig paramedic, told him what happened. he just heals me and runs off quietly again. That is two of Sec who ignored me. Meanwhile Nehemiah Burns is chasing me AGAIN with his spear, missed me. meanwhile i go for the potted plant attack again. Robusted him again. Threw his body into a locker.
Here is the catch. This actual butthurt pussy decides to Ahelp me. Now tell me what should i have done, i called for security twice. got ignored, i left him in front of medbay and ran off the first time allowing him to heal and move on. He chases me again, i explained ALL of this to the Admin @st0rmc4st3r.
I explained it in detail, brought up everything that could have happened. And i was about to get noted for:
I got angry, because my round by that point is ruined because of some sore pussy who can’t handle someone for once hitting back and ended up losing twice in a row. I did everything textbook perfect AS FAR AS I AM AWARE. Someone was a bitch, i threw a plant ONCE and ran back to robo. After he started to go for the kill i asked for sec twice, both ignored. I left that guy alone not in crit in medbay so he can just go heal. He goes after me AGAIN and at the end i shoved him into a locker. What the fuck else am i supposed to do? I get noted for that? So i explain in a decently upset way that fuck this bullshit, i just told you what happened in detail. My round is ruined because of that fuck. And you want to note me?
After some silence i suddenly get this.
Once again i will say, FUCK that kind of stupid bullshit. How can someone be such a sore pussy to Ahelp after starting shit and getting robusted twice. Admin clearly not reading everything i typed out in the first place, saying i was wrong and i will get noted to suddenly it turning a IC issue?
If you are gonna note someone, note the person who is going around with a spear that spergs out entirely after getting a plant thrown at him for being a annoying asshole. Don’t just silently close a ticket marking it a IC issue.