Natalia Figueroa (or whoever stole my PDA) Player Report

CKEY: Smujge

Your Discord: Smujge

Offender’s CKEY: N/A

Offender’s In-Game Name: Natalia Figueroa

Server (Sage or Acacia): Sage

Date (YYYY-MM-DD): 2024/01/19

Round Number: 47407

Rules Broken: Rule 14

Incident Description: Me, a traitor brig physician, has their PDA conveniently lost by either a member of security or the captain during a demotion process. I have named the HoS in the report because they seemed like the most likely related candidate based on other actions throughout the round if they did actually purposefully hide it somewhere.

Additional Information: So this more about the circumstances of my PDA mysteriously vanishing. I have no idea where it went and I’m concerned that a member of security metagamed and purposefully “lost” it or hid it somewhere. Of course if someone did genuinely lose it then all is fine, things happen.

The lead up to me losing my PDA went like this: I was asked to be searched by the HoS because I was “set to monitor”, unfortunately I never got an actual reason but I can only assume it’s because they either thought I took something from a prisoner’s locker that I opened once, or that I kept entering and leaving genpop (even though I was a brig physician). They asked the Warden about the locker in the first incident and confronted me directly about me running around the brig a lot.

I ended up resisting the search and ended up getting arrested, which is fine. The really dodgy part happened when the HoS said they were going to fire me (they also didn’t consult the CMO apparently which was weird), at which point they confiscated my PDA and ID to take it to the Captain apparently, eventually they return with my ID… but my PDA is nowhere to be seen!

I asked the HoS and they stated they didn’t have it and didn’t know where it went. The captain also basically told me the same thing, and the contraband lockers did not have it, the genpop lockers also did not contain it. So somewhere within that demotion process it just vanished.

I am 99% sure it was locked and even then it would be odd if it wasn’t in contraband storage, I had also bought nothing from it. I can only assume that someone either genuinely lost it in the process, or someone purposefully hid it because they suspected it was an uplink. There’s also the possibility that someone stole it but either way I just want to know what happened to my PDA and if someone purposefully hid it or not.

I feel like this report comes off as really paranoid or petty but whatever I suppose there’s no harm in making it.

Oh I forgot to mention that my PDA was the only item of mine to be lost, which is why I’m a little suspicious.


For the record, I put you on monitor because I caught you sorting through the SM sliver stealing kit in the restrooms (on cams).


Ooooh that makes a lot of sense. Thank you!

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You should return PDA’s as HoS, Warden or Seccie, unless they are demonstrably uplinks, you don’t know if they are or are not, that is the whole point of their being disguised. The PDA is a personal item that is likely important to the suspect/culprit’s job. Unless of course you’ve got a full demotion lined up, if they’re getting the full demotion then you don’t have to immediately return shit in the way of IDs, headsets, other job related gear and sometimes PDAs since GUESS WHAT, THEY FUCKIN LOST THEIR JOB! if they DESPERATELY want a new PDA then they should speak to the HoP about getting a new appropriately outfitted PDA.

I won’t disclose my Uplink type but I’d laugh as either a Seccie or Jailed tot at the at the person who thinks “I has locked away PDA, if they tot, then I has taken away uplink!”, Because there is 3 in 4 odds, that sucker hasn’t taken the uplink away.

Yeah everything you said is correct, but I didn’t do any of the processing for them it was all HOS, no idea where the PDA went, would have returned it if I knew.


hey hos here i did not move your pda or hide it lol i actule have no idea where it was so this report is kinda silly >-<

Why wasn’t it in the prisoner locker?

it was when i removed the id i alt clicked it to take the id i took it ot cap to remove there brig accsesi honstly have no idea where it went so ikinda want to find out whre it went

Well hopefully someone can pull logs and maybe find out what happened. The loss of my PDA was an unfortunately round ruining incident, as minor of a thing as it might seem. I named you in the report since I think I had to name at least someone and you were the last person I saw with my PDA (if memory is serving me correctly).


Sorry for kinda a lame result for this, but there just isn’t any evidence that I can find that points to what happened to your PDA here. However, looking at the responses that were here, it doesn’t seem like anyone involved had any ill-intent, and the PDA becoming lost was just an accident.
SS13 can become quite hectic at points, and even slight distractions can lead to things being forgotten or everybody thinking that someone else is handling/has handled something that no one actually has.

Thank you for the report, regardless.

Report rejected.