My Ashtard base and playthrough



I’ve built and planted everything that you see. I’m quite proud of myself and wanted to get some uranium to mutate the towercaps into steelcaps :> Sadly I didn’t get around to doing that, but I got quite a bit further than usual! It’s quite a pain to keep all the plants fed, but sadly you can’t graft as an Ashwalker for some reason and combine traits that way. I met a friendly miner as well who I never saw again after that and that’s about it.


It’s beautiful and proves we aren’t all murderous scum that just want to wipe the staton via metaknowledge. (I still kill intruders though)

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This reminds me of those trench bunkers.

Good work

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The reson you cant graft traits is probably becouse that is from the new TG botnis and I have not seen that ported over to bee.