MRP Attempted Murderbone Crack Rocks

I have seen Fighterslam wantonly murderbone for 5 days in a row consistently, yet he is still here on day 6 – so please don’t give me that shit. How can you rack up so many notes without getting a perma ban? Cliques.


The round 13507 report isn’t about Everett, since antags can do what they want (except metagame) and Everett was a traitor.

This is what you literally said about Everett in another thread, why haven’t you commented on this? Clearly different applications of your interpretation for what antags can and can’t do.

Like I said, sorry I’m not in your admin clique, and this has to be a 30 post thread – where if I was Everett Garrison I could “do what I want (except metagame) because I am a traitor” according to you.

Antags can generally break the rules that apply to most players like:
-Don’t abandon your job to mess around in maint
-Don’t randomly kill security officers
-Don’t break into places

I made a generalization about antag behavior in general. Most rules about behavior as a player don’t directly apply when you are an antagonist. However, there are still antagonist specific rules about player conduct.

Fun how you instantly dismiss and generalize his misconduct, but my taking away 20 seconds of a clown’s round, when supported by council rulings that it’s merely frowned upon, deserves thirty posts of noise, because why? Because I’m not Everett Garrison?

What’s the rules for the old mobs you make been gone awhile
The mobs take no blame if they follow orders? So the spiders take no blame for killing
And the spawned take the blame for what his mob does that he ORDERED?

Rules change so much lately

If you tell them to kill, and they kill, that’s on you.
If you don’t tell them to kill, and they go kill, that’s on them.

Ah same as it used to be very good very good
Cheers send nudes

You attempted to kill a bunch of people, which would have been murderbone.
Later on, you killed a person on the shuttle randomly.
The 2nd looks like an indiscriminate killing because of the 1st.

You attempted to kill a bunch of people, which would have been murderbone.
Later on, you killed a person on the shuttle randomly.
The 2nd looks like an indiscriminate killing because of the 1st.

Okay since everyone is having a case of the “I can’t reads” I’m going to paste the relevant passage from the ruling once more.

Isolated killings are not murderboning.
Isolated killings are not murderboning.
Isolated killings are not murderboning.
Isolated killings are not murderboning.
Isolated killings are not murderboning.
Isolated killings are not murderboning.
Isolated killings are not murderboning.
Isolated killings are not murderboning.
Isolated killings are not murderboning.
Isolated killings are not murderboning.
Isolated killings are not murderboning.
Isolated killings are not murderboning.
Isolated killings are not murderboning.
Isolated killings are not murderboning.
Isolated killings are not murderboning.
Isolated killings are not murderboning.
Isolated killings are not murderboning.
Isolated killings are not murderboning.
Isolated killings are not murderboning.
Isolated killings are not murderboning.
Isolated killings are not murderboning.
Isolated killings are not murderboning.
Isolated killings are not murderboning.
Isolated killings are not murderboning.

The spider thing was just a warning, and the clown incident is unrelated to the spiders in every way. There is no case here, just admins trying to drag this out because I’m not one of their besties.

Crack is right here. The clown killing, if it is breaking rules, would be 7 on MRP. Antag conduct requires that you have a reason allowing the accomplishment of your objectives to ignore standard server rules. this was not done on LRP, so they are not allowed to kill a person under the murderboning umbrella. If the clown was in fact acting in a way that could have scared or harmed Crack then they were able to kill them. If you want to pursue that Bloons and Ruko, I can pull logs on it to see if the clown was doing anything other than running around.

This here is actually a problem though. Just because it was interrupted before happening, doesn’t absolve you from trying to break server rules. You seem knowledgeable on murderboning so you should know this is bad. There is already a note on the issue though so I don’t see the point of the in-game report unless it is to up it to a ban or specifically about the clown thing.

This was created since Cracked needed to get off and it wouldn’t have been fair to judge them in absentee.

I’m fine with it just being a note, and I believe Ruko is as well. The initial ruling was a note, and that’s probably what it will stay as.

Word word.

20 young bois

The initial action for the spider thing was a “warning” not a note, this can be verified through chat logs.

The second action did not warrant a note or any admin response as it was well within council rulings on MRP for antagonist conduct. There should be no action, and I will appeal the note if it is applied.

Seems unfair to up it from a warning to a note, for an unrelated and tolerated incident.

A note pretty much is a warning. There’s no reason to ban you imo. You tried a muderbone. A note is good enough.

Either way, quit sperging about all the admins hating you, its cringe.

I’m not sperging about the the admins hating me, the admins just have an internal clique, and certain people because of it are untouchable. Ruko specifically had his feelings hurt earlier in the day and mentioned the forums in the aHelp during the round, and it was obvious there were some latent ill feelings about it on his part, and I felt that motivated the dragged out ““discussion””.

A note is not the same thing as a warning, a warning is a warning and a note is a note. I’m going to appeal if the note is issued.

The note was issued when the warning was given. A note is a record of someone doing or attempting to do something wrong and having it addressed. Warnings almost always come with a note attached to record the fact you were warned on any given topic - then if you do the same thing again later and a different admin handles it, they can know you’ve already been warned once, twice or previously banned for something.

Who would you say is untouchable? There are certain people I suspect are, but in my time with him, Ruko has shown to be the most responsible admin left.

Gonna close this since it was agreed to be left at a note, and telling spoder boiz to kill is bad.