Title: [Offender’s CKEY] Player Report
CKEY: bloons3
Your Discord:
Offender’s CKEY: CrackRocks
LRP or MRP server:
Offender’s In-Game Name:
Date (MM-DD-YYYY):
Round Number: MRP 13279
Rules Broken: Murderboning without a Hijack Objective
Incident Description:
Basic Rundown, more details to follow
-Made spiders as a xenobio traitor with 2 steal objectives
-Told spiders to kill everyone
-Spiders ahelped since they’re not idiots
-spiders told by admin not to murderbone
-no one died from spiders
-He randomly (?) killed a clown on the shuttle ~20 seconds before it docked with the station
-failed steal objectives
Issues; Attempted Spider murderbone, random(?) murder on the shuttle
Admin Note: Do not take any action on this until CrackRocks has responded. This thread was created to handle a long running ticket in game, and they said that they needed to head off due to the late hour.
This is the body of text from my own report since I didn’t know Bloons was making one at the same time.
Incident Description: Crackrocks was a traitor scientist with the to steal captain’s jetpack, reactive teleport armor and to escape alive. Crackrocks failed to do either of their theft objectives, and got a Broodmother near the end of the round. Broodmother was ordered to kill everyone on escape shuttle except CrackRocks. Broodmother drew attention to this by opening a ticket to make sure this was a valid order to follow, and after verifying it wasn’t I told them as much, followed by opening a ticket with Crack telling them that murderbone is bad and leave them a note instead of a ban because the murderbone never actually occurred. Crackrocks went on to kill a clown on the shuttle for what I see as no reason. They claim they were worried for their life because clown was running in circles.
Additional Information: Round ended and clown questioned why they had been killed by a different scientist (not an antag) so I delayed round and looked into it, only to find out it was this very scientist that had just gotten a warning about murderbone. They proceed to Ree at me and start calling it admin bias, so I’m forced to bring it here in a report instead of banning them myself.
This isnt my official response, I’m typing up my official response now.
Also please list official rules broken, in previous thread Ruko claimed rule violations on 1, 2 and 7 is this still the case? I’m gonna assume this is still the case, as my reply was centered specifically around those rules. I know for other people viewing this it’s gonna be hard to tell because of the thread juggling by Ruko.
The first thing that needs to be done is that we need to agree on the facts.
What happened, at what time did it happen. Who was involved.
Then we will see what rules may have been violated based off of what happened.
If a rule was violated, then we will see what the punishment might be. Could range from a simple note of the behavior to a ban.
If there is a punishment, then we will see if there were any circumstances that would mitigate some or all of the punishment.
We can go as slow as we need to make sure that no one feels attacked, and that no one feels singled out. This is not, and should not feel like a personal issue.
That’s not what the other post was claiming. It’s hard to defend myself as I do not even understand what rules were violated.
The total outcome was 1 dead clown 20 seconds before round end, and Ruko kept talking about forum stuff in the ahelp, and I could tell he was clearly bothered about me just existing.
[2020-03-22 08:11:27.290] SAY: CrackRocks/(Maddox Baer) “Everyone except for me is a bad guy” (Xenobiology Lab (166, 101, 2))
[2020-03-22 08:11:28.522] SAY: CrackRocks/(Maddox Baer) “Okay?” (Xenobiology Lab (166, 101, 2))
[2020-03-22 08:11:38.262] SAY: CrackRocks/(Maddox Baer) “Kill bad guys.” (Xenobiology Lab (167, 101, 2))
[2020-03-22 08:14:48.244] SAY: CrackRocks/(Maddox Baer) “Kille veryone” (Xenobiology Lab (166, 101, 2))
[2020-03-22 08:14:50.008] SAY: CrackRocks/(Maddox Baer) “on the shuttle” (Xenobiology Lab (166, 101, 2))
[2020-03-22 08:14:58.436] ADMINPRIVATE: Ticket #4: Shuenwu/(broodmother (217)): i dont want to get in trouble but, my current master has ordered that everyone but him is evil and is to be killed, ive set my directives as such but i dont wanna get fucked for it.
[2020-03-22 08:21:11.120] OOC: CrackRocks/(Maddox Baer) “Whoever called the shuttle, I hope your lungs get covered in a thick layer of covid19” (CentCom Recovery Ship (199, 84, 1))
Cracks was playing as a Xenobio Traitor.
They had two steal objectives, as well as an escape alive objective.
Later on in the round, around when the shuttle was called, they created three broodmother spiders and gave them sentience.
One of the spiders was given an order to kill or attack people on the station indiscriminately.
That spider ahelp’ed to confirm that they were allowed to do that. They were told not to do it.
Cracked was messaged by Ruko that murderboning was not allowed based on their objectives.
The spiders eventually died, and no one was killed by the spiders.
@Crack, do those details sound correct to you? Is there anything that happened differently? I do not have the log files open in front of me, I am just trying to get the general details down.
I also felt that the clown being alive would jeopardize my surviving the shift, he was being crazy on the shuttle, and people were generally being chaotic, so I put em down. His round wasn’t ruined, he died 20 seconds before the round was ended.
No harm no foul from the spiders, they were completely ineffectual and they received their directives right before the shuttle got there. Ruko messaged me told me he changed their directives, and I was like okay cool.
This whole tribunal is over 1 dead clown 20 seconds before round end, because Ruko got his feelings hurt in a forum thread earlier in the day. Absolutely astonishing and amazing to me, that we are like 10 posts deep and three threads, when in the same round same-naming shitters (who Ruko happens to be a big fan of, according to his PMs) literally getting away with constantly toeing the line and blatant murder. It’s kind of crazy to me honestly, this haphazard enforcement of the rules, based on personal admin feelings.
The round 13507 report isn’t about Everett, since antags can do what they want (except metagame) and Everett was a traitor.
Worse behavior, excused, but there is a whole tribunal for Crack for taking away 20 seconds of a Clown’s play time. This is exactly what I talk about when I talk about unequal enforcement of MRP rules, and people being immune to enforcement because of cliques.
Well I didn’t metagame, so case closed right bros?
Murderboning is defined as indiscriminate killing of multiple parties for absolutely no reason. Isolated killings are not murderboning. This is frowned upon, but, due to the nature of antag status, there are two exceptions to murderboning rules
Isolated killing are not murderboning, according to the ruling, I am 100% in the right here, exactly like I stated in my ahelp – 1 death does not a murderbone make.
Not counting the attempt, since you’re fairly lucky that the Xeno mobs YOU created had the sense to ahelp to ask to make sure that they weren’t supposed to murderbone the station at your behest.
I’ll open the door here for you on this one - murderbone has been defined to me as killing for no reason, not defined by the number killed.
Killing someone because they exist without a reason or pressing need to kill them (they are an objective, a threat, are impeding you or a witness to your crimes) is murderboning them, even if it’s just one person.
I’ve seen the term used to define single killings, and it’s not exactly a word I’ve ever encountered outside of SS13
No offense @Ruko, but I truly in my hearts of hearts don’t give the slightest iota of a fuck of what you think murderboning is, when there is a clearly laid out council ruling on the subject. I’m gonna go ahead and post it again, since you seemed to just ignore it. You can also look it up on the council ruling, I can link it to you if you like, if you haven’t seen the ruling page, would you like me to link it?
Murderboning is defined as indiscriminate killing of multiple parties for absolutely no reason. Isolated killings are not murderboning. This is frowned upon, but, due to the nature of antag status, there are two exceptions to murderboning rules
Also, from literally the admin that opened this thread, on another thread:
The round 13507 report isn’t about Everett, since antags can do what they want (except metagame) and Everett was a traitor.
Would any admins care to address these two points, or are we just gonna keep letting Ruko try to grind his axe here while ignoring actual council rulings?
you’ve maade up so much bullshit already
the only way this is goin to end well for you is if you fess-up and accept a note, which, at this point, might be a 1-day sage ban or scientist ban
Here comes the admin clique of Fighterslam and Victorpride – shocker that they are both commenting together and at exactly the same time, probably metacomming this post like they metacomm in the game.
You say that as if Fighterslam doesn’t get notes and bans like other players. They’re arguably under more scrutiny since as a high hour player they should know better.