How long have you been playing ss13?:About 7 months. Cumulated 249H of playtime.
Who vouches for your experience (if anyone)?:Tried to make some of my friends play but it was too complicated for them. So nobody.
Game Experience (More Detailed):I have a lot of experience in science and medical, also in most civil jobs. I dwelled the wikis a lot and encountered some stuff. I still learn things from time to time so i’m not an expert at everything but i’m pretty solid on some subects.
Get some screenshots, bruv, you may understand alot of roles, but screenshots of total / job playtime is good for guaging your aptitude aswell as proving your total playtime as a fact (You can use other servers aswell, but bee is important)
It will also be a good occasion to learn even more by seeing the kind of question people ask.
Well it has some power since you can predict the kind of round depending on the questions.