Moth Naming Guidelines updated

Any time people bring up “X has been allowed to have a name” I immediately go to search the ahelp history and find that it’s never been mentioned before.

If you ahelp a bad name and an admin says its fine, then you can fairly bring it up on the forums as being hypocritical.

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The problem also is some people have names that are against the naming rules but they could have had them for hundreds of hours before the rule was added.

see that’s the biggest issue we were originally allowed the names and then suddenly guidelines that just throw the names away it’s not only anti player but anti roleplay

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Wardstool is okay for the naming conventions right?

The hell is a wardstool?

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Sounds like a name from Mushroom Kingdom. Doesn’t really belong on a moth.

Toadstools are a type of mushroom

Which is why it sounds like a name from mushroom kingdom?