In-game report:
CKEY: MiriamHorn
Your Discord:
Offender’s CKEY: Motespeck
Offender’s In-Game Name: Alberto Merryman
Date (YYYY-MM-DD): 2024-12-15
Round Number: 50979
Rules Broken: You must roleplay, antag conduct, possible metagrudging.
Incident Description: As an assistant, while I was being questioned by the detective on the shuttle’s cargo for the possible murder of Katrina, Alberto ran in, ducked below him and wordlessly shot me with multiple lethal syringes while I was typing. I was not involved in any of his objectives in any way nor did I really get on his way if at all. I am fairly confident I have not even interacted with him once during that round. No other antag had me as their objective either.
Additional Information: I initially thought that their character were just meant to be rude which I initially shrugged off, but after my interaction with them on last round’s dchat where they try to stir shit against me while I was talking about finding games to play has convinced me that it’s not a character thing at all, especially considering that he even went as far to be toxic and indirectly shit on me on rounds such as 50856 over the use of hypnoflash.
I believe that there may be some sort of grudge against me involved, especially that, as an exploration crew packed to the brim (BoH, beam marksman, yada yada), out of all people and even sec, he beelines straight to shuttle cargo not to kill the detective, but to kill an unarmed assistant they dislike in the most NRP way possible.