Admin’s CKEY:
Is this for both servers or just one? If so, which one:
Ban Type:
Ban Length:
Ban Date (MM/DD/YYYY):
Round ID:
Ban Reason:
“Self antag - shoving, throwing ninja stars and even shotgunning players for little reason. Already warned about powergaming earlier today. Player has been on some thin ice after being unpermad and has proven they have not really changed at all.”
Appeal Reason:
First off, I’d like to say that they didn’t get their facts straight & most of the ban reason is just pure misinformation to the point where it’d kinda just look like slander. Never once did I really get any admin PM’s for powergaming besides the one part where I was told keeping a makeshift shotgun on you for self-defense counts as ‘powergaming’- I dropped it somewhere off in maints after being told that and never continued using a shotgun again after. From that round I really don’t remember much, but some guy kept trying to murder me over harmlessly shoving them on the HOP’s table and would continuously come back trying to kill me. The ‘throwing ninja stars’ part was the two times I threw ninja stars at sec to slow them down and keep em’ off my trail, again, no real intent to murder. More like slow down/disable.
Additional Information: