Is this for both servers or just one? If so, which one: Global
Which server did the ban happen on? LRP
Ban Type: server
Ban Length: 5 days
Ban Date (MM/DD/YYYY): 10/12/2020
Round ID: 22533
Ban Reason: Maxcapped several innocent people as nonantag. Allegedly did this to take out xenobio xeno queen. Taunted in chat afterwards. Please appeal if you think this is not warranted.
Appeal Reason: Tianmen square massacrer was thorwing people into the disposals unit that leads into the pen, i was stunned in the floor while watching him doing, for all i knew the officer he threw there was already dead, and then he tried to shove me into the disposals unit but the officer there tried to stop him, a fight broke out and then he opened the xenobio pen containing the praetorian, i couldn’t see what was happening as again i was stunned on the ground, all i see is the praetorian in front of me so i panicked and thinking that it had killed the other folk in the pen , i left and detoanted the maxcap i placed there in case it broke out. This ended up killing both the praetorian and tianmen square massacre and another guy. I feel like my actions were pretty justified considering the situation with tianmen self antagging and throwing people into the pen to be killed by the praetorian.
Additional Information:
From the momment the round ended perishedfraud, saw people talking about me maxcapping xenobio and how it was self antagging the server restarted and without bwoinking me to ask for my side of the story or what happened banning me instead.
So you saw someone self-antagging (letting benos out, shoving people into the beno pit), but decided not to say anything about it, even after death?
Probably the most applicable thing for this would be that you can suicide maxcap blob and other antags, so long as it wins the round for your side immediately.
No but i knew there was a shitter going around killing people, and also subverted the AI. So i was busy trying to maxcap the ai but couldn’t becase tgui broke timers lol
I didn’t even open the pen, I was plasmaflooding at the time, plus you said several times there was a maxcap at xenobio if the queen escapes maxcap is exploding. I say this deserves a unban. Also the power might of gone out that’s why the shields turned off. (shoulda locked them so I couldn’t turn them off too)
I’d like to get another admin’s opinion on this. imo this doesn’t warrant a maxcap. imo very few things do warrant a maxcap tho. did I mention I don’t like maxcaps?
But I’m not gonna let that influence it too much. If others think this is fine I’ll oblige and unban.