Midround Security Reinforcements


There is no way of getting trustworthy security officers, besides round start or late-join menu. This leads to command avoiding punishing officers, who are misbehaving assholes.

note: by trustworthy i mean players who are 100% guaranteed to not be an antagonist.


Add a mid-round antagonist, with negative threat, that spawn in something like pirates on console, where command gets an option to buy reinforcements, that would include up to 3 mind-shielded normal security officers that drop in escape pods, similar to how the prisoner event spawned the prisoners.


1. Having the ability to obtain more officers, should lead to command having an easier decision on taking action against bad officers.

2. This could act as a mini-ERT, where the emergency is not determined by the admins (who are not always active) and grant the ability for ghosts who are rooting for crew members to win, to help them out.

3. This event would add another reason, to value station credits.

Anyways… this is an idea that, my mind thought of, and I considered of bringing it up, hope to hear what you think.


True!! Same thing with misbehaving Command staff.

I’d like this, even if it is just one officer for 50K.

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I like the idea, though i really hope this is going to be extremely expensive, like emptying two or three budgets type expensive. Also how big is the negative threat going to be? Since adding 3 secoffs will have a pretty huge impact in what antags are going to be able to do.

Herein lies the problem really, what’ll happen is the captain will just steal all the budget cards and the cost won’t matter because credits don’t matter. aside from cargo

What I would personally do is make them spawn in as security contractors that are mostly aligned with the station. Kind of like when an admin spawns in Russian crew replacements because a ton of people died. They’ll do their job, but they might get a bonus objective to swipe something valuable or something kind of important. That way it’s not a cut and dry if you have X amount of credits, immediately call in the ghost gang.

Then you’d have to think, is it worth it to get 3 more people on hand if it means you might end up with them swiping all your gold or a techfab board? Sure you could just call security over and have them keep an eye on the contractors but now you’re stretched a little thinner.

I imagine the Security Officer will step off the shuttle, take ten steps around the station and be promptly RRd, before they manage to utter a single word to anyone.

I would like to do this via factions

Via factions?

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Cool idea!
The only concern I have is that this may encourage metagaming, since the security officers will have been ghosts and may know who/where/etc the antagonists are.


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