Michael Kurkin Player Report

In-game report:

CKEY: Jesters_Ballad

Your Discord: jestersballad

Offender’s CKEY: Unknown

Offender’s In-Game Name: Michael Kurkin

Date (YYYY-MM-DD): 2025-02-21

Round Number: 51727

Rules Broken: Two

Incident Description: Detective who chambered lethals from the beginning of my interactions with him, consistently chased me down as Heretic and immediately began firing when I escaped and attempted to continue roleplaying, Also seemed to have a quickloader of tracking bullets? I can’t be certain on that so anywho. Made being a very roleplay focused heretic kinda shitty, and also used throwing stars to incapacitate me during chases.

Additional Information: Overall, just someone who I think would be happier as a security officer as opposed to a detective. I would not trust this man with a revolver


I can confirm, first time in a while i can call someone fully honestly shit sec. I was BB this round, he used gun and tried to arrest people on green, was loded with lethals from start and i saw him arrest my BB for no reason during escape shuttle travel(he didnt do anything and got released way back, + had fatial surgery and changed his hair). I have to assume it was to prevent possible green text because of the action having no sense otherwise. He would be a bad sec oficer but as detective he broke SOP so many times than he really should have access to the role.

I also have to add that while I can’t be 100% sure I think he started shooting captain at some point. I don’t saw his shooting but I saw cap running away heavily damaged while firing his laser at detective. I believe cap also told about this on radio

Report processed via a long discussion with the player in-game

The reported player is new here, but has been informed of our stance on valid-hunting and shouldn’t be carrying on this behavior moving forward. Feel free to open another report if they do.

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