How long have you been playing ss13?: Started playing a few days before 9/30/2024, I first tried finding my footing on Monkestation, but it was too chaotic for me, so Anxiety told me about Beestation! And that date is when I first started playing Bee, and have now put around 700 hours into Bee alone.
Who vouches for your experience (if anyone)?: I know Raspberry or BotTierPC said they would vouch for me, and I know of a few other friends who would probably, but I donât want to put their names as I canât confirm for certain if they would.
Game Experience (More Detailed): Most of my play time stems from medbay so I know most of the ins and outs regarding that department. The only gap in my knowledge regarding medical is viro due to there not being a dedicated job to it (anymore, I know that it used to be a thing but was removed before I started playing). I know how to use it to identify a cure and make a vaccine, but not much more than that. I also have a lot of service knowledge, Raspberry actually helped quite a bit with that back when I didnât even know what a light replacer was or how to use it. And what I would say my next most strongest field would be AI and borgs, having actually made not just one AI character but two, and being a robot (or robit, as Raspberry likes to say) has surprisingly been a lot of fun, despite my first impressions.
1.- How do I get an urinal cake?
2- How do I get an air horn? For a cake
3.- I just got brigged 15 minutes for Negligence. Isnât that a 5 minute crime?
4.- How can I make a remote lube grenade and where can I hide it out in the open??
5.- How can I play as a secborg?
6.- Where can I get ITVs?
7.- Can I fight my friend if we both agree to it?
8.- How can I attract more people to my bar?
9.- Bananas keep appearing in front of me when I walk, but I donât see no one throwing them, whatâs going on?
10.- What is my purpose as a pAI?
11.- How can I wife Bombyx Modesta? The flowers and diamonds arent working.
Can I get a bit more information? By no effect do you mean you didnât get caught in the storm? Or did the green static effect of the storm not appear for you?
One I believe is from the Captainâs office, and the other a miner possibly found a replica in some ruins on lavaland. It may also be possible to find them on exploration missions, albeit rarely.
Those tiles can be acquired from Science, specifically stemming from Xenobio using bluespace extracts.
Send a burn mix into the turbine, with some nitrogen added in. Scrub nothing but Nitryl, and when the chamber lights, it should cause a chain reaction that makes Nitryl.
It might not be recognizing the circulation, the use of a multi tool might fix it.
Turn off the emitters, and check to see if the gas is being properly siphoned and that itâs actually being cooled. If it was a surge that caused it, a short amount of time with the emitters off should extinguish it.
First, place the nuclear authentication disk into the nuke. Then, click it with an open hand. Punch in the nuke code (found in your IC note tab if youâre a nukie), Set the time, arm it, and then grab the disk as you escape.
That is⌠quite a lot of questions. To keep with the formality of the application I will only be answering four, but so I am not potentially cherry-picking, I will do the first four.
Use a screwdriver on a urinal, you should be able to grab it afterwards.
Iron and bananium in a protolathe. Clown technology might have to be researched beforehand.
There is both negligence and high negligence. High negligence has a time of ten minutes, so you may have been charged with that at a elevated sentence, raising the time to fifteen minutes.
After adding the cable to a grenade casing and with a remote signalling device, set the code to one you can memorize, make sure itâs not in can be attached mode with a screwdriver, use the device on it, and select on the window that pops up âAttachâ. As for hiding, you may be able to place it on the same tile as a plant and have that cover it.
What do we have here? a MENTOR application? By Good Golly! Not if my questions have anything to say about it!! đŚ
Stupid Idea BUT lets do a little role-play and act like youâre living your best life! Owning three birds, NO lizards and one snake, you suddenlty find these mhelps popping up! And remember, is no rush so take your tim- OH GOD THE SNAKE IS CHOCKING, QUICKLY ANSWER THE MHELPS BEFORE ITS TOO LATE FOR SNAKE CPR!
h-h-hi there i um like m-might h.h⌠have um aaâaccidently stepped on Dionao? Dinaeo? Diana? Plant bug person and they are now doing a squish. A-are t-t-they d-d-dâŚdeadâŚ? can i l-like help them a-at all or should i j-just admit im a m-murderer and t-t-t-t-turn my self into da law ?
i got a strange seed with the gene ???. Whats that ?
YO ! So like, im trying to have fun playing this game but like cargo is being a bitch and not ordering me modsuit cores. Like am i just out of luck? Im going to go dehead that skimpy dressed quater master Taylor or whatever tf their name is but like, why does this game suck? can i really not get a modsuit now??
volia ~
Le questions! Good luck on them moth friend and am eagerly awaiting to see what kind of responses youâll come up with <3
Hmm⌠was there perhaps anyone with you had got caught in the rad storm? If so, they may have developed the Fiery Sweat gene, which may have inadvertently burned you.
first of all i hate your answers, not only are they all wro-⌠oh no wait theyre right⌠Amazing job!!
id nit pick a little about
That paticular trait means that it does nothing
kind of sounds like maybe it means the plant does nothing? maybe im streching but a tiny bit of clarification that the gene does nothing would be nice .
Beyond that though i think you did a stellar job!
While I would love to be the first to give you a +1 here would like to get a little more first since have low hours in some jobs, so if you donât mind iâve got two more questions for you <3
Bonjour, Wouldnt you believe it ive been assigned to do research or something to get points? I just wanted to build robots but apparently have to do this so how can i do that easily. Think they mentioned something about bombs or xeno but idk what either of those are really sorry
whats effects does 1u of Eldrich Essence have?
and with that, i bring my questions to a close. Amazing work so far, on not just mine but all the questions youâve put the time and effort into answering. Sorry to load you on with more but eagerly await what you come up with <3
Some basic questions for you before I jump into some more obscure things ~
What are the best plants to grow for medical usage?
How would you set up the Supermatter Engine safely? And if the SM is delaminating, how would you stablize it? If the SM has blown itself to fuck, Which other engine design outputs the most power the safest and how would you set it up?
What are the main purposes of the Null Rod?
What should an Explorer should bring to every mission, and which missions are the most dangerous?
What should you do if an anomaly (Pyroclastic, Bluespace, Gravitational) is detected in the station as a member of science?
Whats the lowest a human can safely set their pure o2 tank output to?
Weâll use Xenobio as an example. Simply first familiarize yourself with your workspace and grab a nearby fire extinguisher, just in case. Next, load up a nearby slime console with monkey cubes and familiarize yourself with the controls.
Your main goal here will be to scan each new slime for discovery points. You can start right away by scanning one of the grey slimes in the pens. All other mobs can also be scanned like that, but each only once. Each new type of slime means more discovery!
Simply deposit a monkey into their pen, and theyâll start eating it. It takes two monkeys for a slime to multiply, some of which will be a different breed! You can recycle dead monkeys, and in case you run out, botany or cargo can get you more!
If you find your pens are getting a little too crowded after enough time, you can beam up a slime using the console and deposit them into the freezer room. The dead slimes can be taken to the slime grinder and be turned into slime cores which can be used to make cool things, as well a way to make more monkey cubes! Specifically by drawing blood from a dead monkey with a syringe, followed by placing the blood inside of a beaker. Then, with a dropper, add 1u to a grey slime extract. You now have more cubes.
Keep feeding the slimes, and youâll soon have a bunch of discovery points!
Eldrich essence has a metabolization rate of 1u a tick and different effects depending on if the person is a heretic or not.
For heretics, heals all damage types by 2, gives 10 stamina, reduces drowsiness by 5, restores 3 blood volume.
For non-heretics, deals 2 damage of all types, and deals 3 brain damage.
Iâd comment something about the length. The first one, is as long as it is. Its not an easy question to answer, and is going to be a certain length given what its asking. But the second might be able to be trimmed down a tiny. That or its the formatting, either way, im not in a possition to be talking about too long given my history on the Forums, or answers to my own application.
Am more then satisfied here, the questions have room for improvement, but perfect is by far the expectation. You not only showcased an ability to find out information via code, but to explain something semi essential to station and a job people often find themselves stuck doing despite low hours in it yourself.
That, and you more then showcased your ability to answer questions when confronted with them. Practice makes perfect, but youâre off to an amazing start moth friend.
I see a handful of questions left here, and know theyâll be more coming in the following days. So barring anything crazy, am honoured to be the first to do this â¸(ď˝ĄË áľ Ë )â¸
I think youâre a great player, and have showcased an ability to not only figure out niche tidbits about the game, but to explain long concepts that you arent overly familiar with. Being a mentor is an active effort of learning in order to help the playerbase, and server be as great as they can be. And, i know that with you on staff thatâs what weâd be getting help with. So am more then happy to give you my reccomendation and i wish you nothing but luck (even if not needed) on the rest of the application <3