Mat05usz Admin Report

Title: Mat05usz Admin Report

CKEY: I don’t know what that is.

Your Discord: Karathi (Foojile)#3791

Offender’s CKEY: Don’t know what that is

LRP or MRP server: MRP

Offender’s In-Game Name (if relevant): N/A

Date (MM-DD-YYYY): 6/24/2020

Round Number: 17647

Rules Broken (if relevant): Random Job ban

Part of Admin Conduct Broken (if relevant): Random Job banning people without explanation or bwoink

Incident Description: I was chemist and made meth pills, named them strength pills. Didn’t distribute them to anyone except for on the soviet escape shuttle where I put them on the weapons table and let people use them before going into the rage cage. I didn’t get bwoinked at all and then I come back and I am job banned for 7 days claiming I broke rules for making meth pills. I literally did my job the entire round and putting the pills on the table next to the rage cage isn’t breaking any rules. NOT ONCE was I talked to about anything.

Additional Information: N/A

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meth deals brain damage no matter how much has been injested, and can fuck you up even more if you get addicted or OD

if you labeled them properly, this most likely would not have happened.
also, that should’ve been a game ban appeal, not an admeme report kek

Read what I said, it wasn’t distributed except for on the rage cage shuttle and people took them before going into the rage cage, it gave them strength as labeled so it isn’t incorrect

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There’s been a major problem with griefers mislabeling chemicals and then giving them to the crew, so it’s not surprising that you were banned.

I wasn’t even bwoinked or asked anything, admin just falsified what actually happened thru the ban remarks.

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Making meth pills and naming them ‘strenght pills’ is against rules.

I am sorry if I didn’t bwoink you, but i think that this round i was overloaded with tickets. From what I saw was that you made some pills/patches which containted 32u (or some other weird but harmful number) of meth. You named so people taking them would have no idea that it may kill them.

If you are willing to eat a “strength pill” of a ground you probably know that you are signing up for some wild ride.
edit: holy fucking shit 32u, you want to kill your clients or what


If it’s labeled “Meth 32u”, you eat that and die, that’s your own fault. Same goes for “Death Pill”, “The Red Pill”, “Floorpill”.

“Strength” pill that’s got enough meth to OD and kill you, different story

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From this wiki page, on the bee wiki:
I feel like something like this should definately also apply to chem, it’d be weird to apply only to genetics when mutations can also kill you or cripple you, a lot more permanantly.
If this isn’t a thing on bee, then please change the wiki.


I was trying to understand the measurements and tried lowering the doses in later batches

If people are eating pills off the floor they deserve to die period. I thought this was an rp server. Would you eat a pill you randomly find on the floor expecting only good things IRL? My intentions where not to harm anyone I just left them on the rage cage table as a combat drug.

Mat05usz has been talked to about issuing a ban without getting your side first considering you were still online at the time the ban was applied.

I recommend making a ban appeal if you want the ban revoked, but from what I see here that’s not very likely to happen. Making pills and labeling them as if they’re helpful when they are not is a problem. We don’t let chefs spike their food with harmful chemicals and then blame the person who ate the food.