Mass Sentience Granter Scientist Player Report

In-game report:

CKEY: WilsonPH

Your Discord: Lamiales#5536

Offender’s CKEY: Unknown

Offender’s In-Game Name: Ceti VA

Server (Sage or Acacia): Sage

Date (MM-DD-YYYY):2023-07-06

Round Number: 44376

Rules Broken: Rule 9 Do Not Self-Antag

Incident Description: As a non-antagonist sciencist, created several mobs with sentience potions and told them to ‘be free’.


In case it matters. I’ve seen this player do this in the past. Just the other day in fact…

To be fair, isn’t this similar to what the RD told the golems? “Yeah, go do whatever.” Doesn’t mean they are antagonists. Maybe, they should’ve been more clear about it… I like makin’ golems or other sentient things just to allow some ghost to do their own thing instead of bein’ a ghost.

Did the sentient creatures do anything at all?

From Rule 9 Do not self-antag

  1. Granting mass sentience will be treated as self-antag if more creatures are given sentience than you can maintain reasonable command over. Direct disobedience to orders will still be at the fault of the sentient creature, but vague instructions such as “Do whatever you want” or “You’re free” will be at the fault of the player in charge of issuing orders.
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I took a leave midway through this and didn’t get to process this properly, my apologies on that mistake.

Did the sentient mobs actually do any damage?

Their orders weren’t just “you’re free”, but “you’re free, do no harm unless harm is done to you”.

I don’t remember the exact details at this point, but he explicitly told me to ‘be free’ without any additional conditions. And after I died by a borg I observed him and also saw him giving other sentient mobs the same commands.

to add examples of this repeating behavior, round ID 44476,
I was filling in for the xenobiologist spot when Ceti, as VIP that had just joined, asked to become a luminescent, then a gold and light pink extract
I expected, but didn’t actually supervise to see that the extracts are used responsibly, so without second thought I had helped them with their request
later on, a magicarp that opened doors was told by Ceti, “in their final words”, to open doors
so, as far as I gathered from dchat, they opened a door into the fusion mix, creating a hazardous atmosphere stationwide
reusing @Varo 's video here to point out extent of damage done (that is, at least as much as outside of medbay on rad; personally I had died from it in R&D but I almost found it just for fulfilling the request in the first place)

That’s not true, there were conditions.

They did use the intelligence potion a lot, but it is difficult to assess how many mobs were created. Judging by the lack of reports in round, and the lack of details given here regarding damages caused, I’m going to dismiss this report.

Player is treading dangerous grounds by using sentience potion this much, and I will remind them of that, but they acted within the rules.

All other reports from other rounds in this thread have been dismissed as they are not directly relevant to this one.
Please, report them in another thread if you wish for another issue to be investigated.
Report rejected.