Marshmellow10 Authority Player Report

Your Discord: cafedamanha44777

Offender’s CKEY: Marshmellow10

Offender’s In-Game Name:Authority

Date (YYYY-MM-DD): 2025/03/06

Round Number: 51846

Rules Broken: 1 and 9

Incident Description: As a captain on a greenshift, decided to ignore escalation and space law as part of their gimmick/roleplay. He was somewhat upset with me and thretened shooting me if the alert was raised to blue and when I dared them to do it (because he was obviously not allowed to) he shot me until I got into critical condition (skipping straight to escalation 4).

Furthermore this is also explicitly against space law and therefore also a breach or SOP. The captain is supposed to enforce and obey the law even more than the average crewmember, and using lethal force on every situation isn’t exaclty peak captaincy.

Furthermore the captain also shot me to crit again later (because I walked into his room and was trying to announce something I think) and also tried shooting me (but failed) later on because I walked into the bridge.

Someone told me that Authority’s RP consists of Him being “authoritarian”, “evil” or something like that. I’m not sure but if that is the case then it would be against rule 12

The Captain’s goal is to ensure the safety of their crew and the success of the station as a whole, not to abuse your position and power-trip over the station.

I don’t think Marshmellow acted with clear malicious intent, bur I do believe that this situation needs to be checked by an admin.

I wasn’t even gonna do this report but Marshmellow told me I should do it and see what an admin has to say.

To clarify what you think was me ‘trying’ to shoot you was me shooting warning shots to your side. I intended to shoot you you with my less than lethal pistol twice this round, once when you dared me to do it and the second time when you were trespassing in my office after having already RCD deleted all the doors to the bridge once and trespassed once or twice. If I recall correctly the security team was thin or busy when I did this.

Edit: I should also add the tone of this round was insanity. I dont want to write 1000 words, but half of the crew was printing photos of my dictator captain wearing a skirt and calling him cute so you can imagine how he felt dealing with the same IPC deleting all the doors to the bridge to trespass in his office

Is there more to this than being shot by someone you dared to shoot you?

That was after you had already critted me twice. I did not rcd doors at the time I entered you office (not that I remember).

You asked an officer to arrest me at one point and he looked unwilling to do it, but said that if he dared to disobey you he would be punished in some way so he would not arrest you (for aggraved assault 2 times)

Yes? It’s in the report. I wrote two more instances of over escalarion other than that and also added something related to rule 12 (wich is not even about the captain shooting me)

My memory is hazy because this waited 4 days to be reported, but I also recall now I had two officers, one was printing the posters of me in a skirt and the other was mostly dealing with the naked woman hell bent on beating the shit out of me


I’d also like to point out that the captain also overescalated with other players this shift. Forgot to add that at the report.

I think that sort of RP is against rule 12

The Captain’s goal is to ensure the safety of their crew and the success of the station as a whole, not to abuse your position and power-trip over the station.

You had already critted me twice before I used the RCD. I only trespassed into your office once.

Honestly I don’t even remember why you were so upset to threaten shooting me. Maybe it was because I entered the bridge for a second using my wormhole projector, but that’s just a guess.