Incident Description: Marshmellow10 very politely asked me to change the name of my character “Tuesday Keens” after an ahelp about it.
Additional Information:
I have played this character on this server traceable back to 2021. There hasn’t been an issue other than one admin speaking to me about it, and ruling it fine. (hence I am still here and using this name)
My argument is that although uncommon, this is a normal human name that if my neighbours named their kid with it, I’d think they’re hippies and nothing more. Its not a reference, its not a joke or a meme or a fantasy name.
I agreed to stop playing the character until I can get approval to do so, but he is my most developed character that I made specifically to play on Bee, it would be a real shame if I had to put him down.
Thanks for being cool in the ticket anyways Marshmellow10, I know you didn’t want to rain on my parade.
It’s been multiple weeks.
Please don’t do this to me a second time like with my mod application.
I would just like someone to say something about this. I get admins are real people with real lives, and this is a pretty minor thing but please, I want closure on this.
That doesn’t matter. Names slip through, they always have. We have a long standing precedent stating that the duration of a name’s use is irrelevant when deciding if it’s acceptable or not.
With respects to the name, Tuesday Keens, I would say it’s on the line which is probably what bit you here. By your own admission, the name is eyebrow raising.
You recognize that the name is uncommon and you attributed the name to people who typically stand out (the screenshot of how uncommon the name is also didn’t do you any favors here).
I’m willing to give you the benefit of the doubt and say that you came up with some pretty terrible defenses for your position. That they aren’t necessarily reflective of name itself. Viewing things from that perspective, I am willing to allow you to continue using the name as I think it falls within our guidelines.
However, my final recommendation would be to consider something new. If even yourself, someone who is actively trying to argue that the name is boring enough to fall in line with our standards, has a hard time viewing it as something entirely unassuming… I would say that even with my ruling on the issue you’re liable to still have some problems in the future. The best way to resolve the issue entirely, and to avoid any future conflicts, would be to either create a new character or reinvent this one. But I’ll leave that decision up to you. As it stands the name is fine.
You’re welcome. I’m sorry it has taken us this long to get back to you on the matter. If you have any added questions you’re welcome to message us here on the forums, in-game, or via Discord.