Admin Discord ID: I’m not sure, I woke up one day banned, happened overnight I guess.
Ban Type: Discord
Ban Length: Perma? once again, cloudy on the details.
Ban Date (MM/DD/YYYY): Couple weeks ago, I don’t think I have a way of pulling up a date, unlike server bans that tell you when you try to connect.
Ban Reason: Crossedfall said, when I pm’d him, that it was for a video I posted about animal abuse?
Appeal Reason: I posted a meme video of a guy with a deer in the back of the car chillin’, I think the deer had a voice dub over that was talkin shit, drunk guy slaps deer with a book, deer goes WTF BRO. Whole thing was a meme, think someone had the wrong idea or got offended. My apologies if it did.
Additional Information: Lubricant Bob is good at greytide combat but horrible at clown-type prank combat. Both are vital to being robust. Just my two cents.
Discord has their ToS for a reason, I’d be happy to keep my discord account after breaking ToS rather than just a server ban.
Plus, animal abuse, oof >.>
Buuut I didnt see what was posted or how bad it was.
Neutral here
I’d recommend lifting the ban with the warning of further animal abuse will result in a discord ban with no chance for later appeals. I’ve been giving a single warning for animal cruelty memes, but maybe that is too lenient? I don’t get the funny. Regardless its up to Bass at this point.