MarkR#1706 banned by I don't fuggin know

Discord ID: MarkR#1706

Admin Discord ID: I’m not sure, I woke up one day banned, happened overnight I guess.

Ban Type: Discord

Ban Length: Perma? once again, cloudy on the details.

Ban Date (MM/DD/YYYY): Couple weeks ago, I don’t think I have a way of pulling up a date, unlike server bans that tell you when you try to connect.

Ban Reason: Crossedfall said, when I pm’d him, that it was for a video I posted about animal abuse?

Appeal Reason: I posted a meme video of a guy with a deer in the back of the car chillin’, I think the deer had a voice dub over that was talkin shit, drunk guy slaps deer with a book, deer goes WTF BRO. Whole thing was a meme, think someone had the wrong idea or got offended. My apologies if it did.

Additional Information: Lubricant Bob is good at greytide combat but horrible at clown-type prank combat. Both are vital to being robust. Just my two cents.

@Bastian0930 banned you

Posted animal abuse at 4AM

You’ve been banned since February 21st

Discord has their ToS for a reason, I’d be happy to keep my discord account after breaking ToS rather than just a server ban.
Plus, animal abuse, oof >.>

Buuut I didnt see what was posted or how bad it was.
Neutral here

I know this video very well. It’s some dudes hitting a deer in the back of a car with a textbook.

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just a wee clatter to the head

u can see the video here

Not that bad, not funny but not that bad



20 characters fuck

Daroundar de ar


I’d recommend lifting the ban with the warning of further animal abuse will result in a discord ban with no chance for later appeals. I’ve been giving a single warning for animal cruelty memes, but maybe that is too lenient? I don’t get the funny. Regardless its up to Bass at this point.

Seems valid. I’ll be marking this as approved.