Marilyn Bluetenberger/Ivanmixo player feedback

yeah funny I thought this was a Michiru2 Player report at first too


absolutely based, says nya, 10/10

don’t you say Nya as well Kapu?

yes, i do. alot. nya.

sometimes I play as a catgirl

they stopped using bolas when they realised they end fights in seconds and when everyone uses them even a newbie can win.

Me when i get bolaed 50th time by Marilyn

You are the only person on Golden i fear when i get antag.

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Funny felinid. Very robust. If you’re nice to them though you get special benefits like continued existence when you’re ousted on antag it’s very cool.
9/10 headpatted me once not very cool of you

An alright felinid… only problem is they ARE SO MEAN TO ME! Please stop calling me Fatcliff. Other than that pretty fun to play with.

Taught me how to make 40k research bombs, kind of cool i guess.

Validhunted me





Makes good and custom foods as chef

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good cta nice to talk to and actually antagonizes crew as antag


Fun and a really cool friend, also good at clicking at a somwhat fast speed.

If only you didnt say nya, you’d be perfect.

Among Gus, good player.

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Christ that screenshot is so old, probably from back in march or something lol

Correct, its from march the 16th from my blob round video.

One of my favorite cats on this server, also robust.

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