In-game misconduct: I, as security officer, was chasing a heretic down a hallway. Due to my unrobustness, said heretic succeeded in incapacitating me. It was at this time that Icelita Uruma, chief engineer arrives. I fully die from critical, and the CE stares on as the heretic begins to behead my corpse. The CE takes issue with my beheading, and here is a short transcript of what was said between the CE and the heretic:
Icelita Uruma flutters, “Hey.”
Icelita Uruma flutters, “Sooooo.”
Icelita Uruma flutters, “Like.”
Icelita Uruma flutters, “Their just doing their job yknow.”
Haum Duke (Visibly bloody and armed heretic) says, “So am I.”
Haum Duke tears you in the head with the rusted blade!
Icelita Uruma flutters, “Yeah but.”
Icelita Uruma flutters, “Beheading them.”
Icelita Uruma flutters, “Seems a bit overkill.”
As I was dead at the time, I could not see the CE reporting my death and subsequent beheading to security at all, no warning of any kind left the CE’s mouth to warn the station, until AFTER the heretic had dragged me away into maint. This whole thing lasted about a minute and a half to two.
I reported this to admins, as surely a head of staff failing to report a dying security officer over the radio, especially one still in the process of dying on their arrival to the scene, might warrant some kind of looking into the issue?
Unfortunately the admin did not take my side at all on this, and kept on saying a number of factually incorrect things to try and shut me down as quickly as possible. It honestly felt like I was arguing with the CE, and not the admin.
I’d go into greater detail (especially if asked) but it’s 1am and I have plans tomorrow.
I did not record the admin says that were sent to me, but I do have the round ID
RoundID 47430
CKEY: darkfnc
Your Discord: darkfnc#4083
Offender’s CKEY: Marshmellow10
Offender’s In-Game Name (if relevant): unknown if CE was the admin
Date (YYYY-MM-DD): 21/01/2024
Round Number: 47430