The title is pretty self evident, but too expand, sometimes I really love to play the role of the crew of charlie station, and i end up just finding a way to die early, so I can go ghost and become one. There are other roles set up for ghosts, but I was thinking maybe Charlie Station could be implemented into the round start menu? having a small crew and setting up the station from the ground up is always so much fun, but usually the round is already over by the time you have three people.
There’s a way to play as that from the start: The Observe button
true, but it would be cool if it was right there at the front, that way people might be more aware that they have greater choice. These non crew roles still play a large role in the game, as it spices it up to have little things going on outside of the main station.
actually, just checked in on this, it doesn’t work like that, if you hit observe, you cant just spawn right into the ghost roles.
The main reason these aren’t available upfront is because then everyone already knows whats out there, especially with regards to lavaland roles.
There’d also be an issue of everyone hitting observe if they knew what was to come. Once you’ve seen things as a ghost, you can have meta knowledge. People would go observer, check the AIs laws, then bounce back to a role if they could.
Maybe if there was a pop up like normal mid rounds it could work or the egg thing in the top right? But then people would know what antags existed in the round. As I write that I see that’s what Ruko meant.
what I’m thinking is more just like any other option for a job, meaning you don’t have to go through observe or anything like that.
The main function of Ghost roles isn’t really to provide additional jobs roundstart or anything like that. While it can be used in that way for observers, that’s not why they’re there. Ghost roles are meant to be a way to get back into the round for people that die midway through. It keeps people engaged throughout the round.
Sooooo… Adding ghost roles to the job picker doesn’t really provide any value. Since, at that point, they might as well just be alternative crew roles.