Making all permabans unappealable for an entire year is fucking stupid

It’s not common knowledge but ROBLOX games are often considered and managed like real life businesses. Some of the most popular games make upwards of hundreds of thousands of dollars, if not millions.

so yes I mean Roblox


i don’t think comparing roblox roleplaying games to irl businesses is healthy for the mind


If a headmin makes up their mind on something opinionated, theres not really much room for getting it changed. ¯_(ツ)_/¯

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how’s that then?


With the DevEx project allow you to exchange robux(roblox currency) for real world money lets people unironlcy live off creating roblox games. Which is why they are now so high polished. So for some people this is there buisniss

Its like the brave new world, but instead of vat growing humans, we all just earn our living by playing Roblox.


the bad ending


Bobox and SS13 are very different games with different markets, also, Bee isn’t a profitable nor is a company

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So going off the condescending responses and lack of actual effect from this thread:
You’re stupid if you take admins at their word, don’t expect what announcements say about policy changes to actually be true, Ruko ignores most of the criticism that concerns him to answer low hanging fruit and pretend everything’s going swimmingly

Also the announcement wasn’t even modified to be more clear on “bad” bans, still just “mistaken” ones

Also also we never got an answer on if the ruling applies to job bans, as far as I’ve seen. Guess the admins got bored of even pretending to respond


The only difference between a “bad” and “mistaken” ban is the degree to which an admin may have messed up. An admin that messes up and insists they’re right us a “bad” ban in this sense.

The announcement was edited to say “Sustained” permanent bans, so I’m not even sure where you’re coming from?

Or perhaps maybe we don’t have a good answer for you because we’re discussing revisions? The core policy is staying and we aren’t dropping it, but that doesn’t mean it doesn’t need to have some rough edges polished off, and perhaps have the year duration reconsidered for a longer different one.

Sorry for the super late response, I’m sure you’ve been on the edge of your seat waiting for me to say something again, I’ve just been going through the five stages of grief in regards to bee and I only hit acceptance when I was going into work

I’d say it’s the nature of the admin’s fuckup, rather than the degree, perhaps just to split hairs, but I think the spirit of that statement is generally almost in the right place. If the ban literally shouldn’t have been there, that’s a whole different beast than if it was placed due to the admin’s personal bias or was overly harsh for whatever reason.

This means literally nothing, as it’s nonsensical in any potentially important context. If I read that a ban is “sustained” that doesn’t tell me the ban is necessarily considered valid, it only sends the message that the ban is still in place.
It might make more sense in a context where appealing bans was something you could actually do, because then the ban being upheld after such an appeal would mean the ban being sustained, but the crux of most of what I’m bitching about has had to do with being barred from appealing altogether (if “temporarily”)

That’s a pretty important thing to leave out I’d say, and it’s rather worrisome that it can’t just be handwaved as “no lol, extending a jobban directly into a community removal is dumb as hell”

It’d be funny if I thought it was a joke

im running out of memes guys send me amogus on gmail

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I’m glad you are already considering revising this policy. I think my thread has served its purpose now, feel free to lock it if you want.

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I mean my 1st offense was a mix of me not knowing how atmospherics and supermatter maintenance works mixed with me leaving a situation when something goes wrong and hoping i can pretend it never happened.

the: necroposter

but seriously this thread is still true

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Haven’t seen someone complain about that in a few years, if you really want your slurs go to another server. The only true issues with it is player based, some try to use the outdated slang for mental ■■■■■■ation (now the term is intellectually disabled so people can’t use it as a insult) and ignore the warning when they aren’t able to say it and then go straight to saying some form that isn’t in the filter, which is filter bypassing and get a note for it or worse. People if the game prevents you from saying a word you might not realize it’s filtered just don’t try to go around it to say it.

Otherwise the filter is fine, granted you could use a IC way to deal with it and classify it as disturbing the peace and such. But with sec officers having the habit of being both tyrants and lazy when enforcing space law, it’s not possible to trust players to keep themselves in check. The filter at least brings some kind of order and makes the server overall friendlier, and prevents those certain players from acting out their favorite racist fantasies being a skin head and others.

12 months later…

necro :angry:
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