Discord ID: lost6344
Admin Discord ID: Beebot’s warn doesn’t say who it was
Ban Type: Mute
Ban Length: Until the end of time
Ban Date (MM/DD/YYYY): 09/08/2022
Ban Reason: R2/13 Violations. Keep your political opinions to yourself, also don’t praise the death of others.
Appeal Reason: I’m going to be honest I don’t remember what I said here, it was probably something spicy based off of the ban reason. I will not do it again, pinky promise.
Additional Information: It’s been well over a year so I think I have done a good job on not being ?political or celebrating deaths.
Can I do two in the same post? If so here’s a second
Discord ID: lost6344
Admin Discord ID: Beebot’s warn doesn’t say who it was
Ban Type: Mute
Ban Length: Until the heat death of the universe
Ban Date (MM/DD/YYYY): 12/13/2022
Ban Reason: Posted a link to english swear words which included slurs and the n word. Don’t.
Appeal Reason: I plead ignorance, I imagine I probably googled list of swears, glanced over it, didn’t notice anything, and sent it. Which yeah I should have done more due diligence. Who bundles slurs with swear words though c’mon whosever website that was.
Additional Information: I think it’s important to note I haven’t been disciplined in game or on discord for any slurs or swears that I directly or indirectly said aside from this one time. I think that’s pretty good evidence it was a lapse in judgement in not vetting things fully rather than it being a mask slip moment or something.