Locked hacked APC = AI malf = metagaming?


It is indeed what prompted this thread, since I played the entire time under the assumptions that all crew knows about antagonists and their abilities.

If Iā€™m reading the rules right, Iā€™m supposed to cherry pick bits and pieces of knowledge that are specifically referenced on the wiki page of my current job and know nothing else? Or maybe the rule is badly written or Iā€™m misunderstanding it. Maybe I can click the links inside the job pages and use that info too? Maybe even links in the linked pages and so on and hope that I can click through towards a thing I acted upon?

14 Metagaming and Meta-communications

Players are not allowed to use information gained in any way other than from their living character's point of view during an ongoing round, except for information pertaining to their specific job found on the wiki.

Since thereā€™s not much at all written on the specific job pages and would imply that nearly all characters donā€™t know about anything about antagonists and should stand there oblivious until death.

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I am once again telling the admin team to write an actual policy on knowing things about antagonists.


Yeah imagine getting banned for something not written.

Bee has gone. I donā€™t want to watch its corpse.

@GameAdmin yo perma ban me ckey is Winter Darkraven

I donā€™t see bee surviving in a year. See ya ll again.

Bye. Cat pun.

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No need to ping everyone, I believe you already banned for general shittery a while ago. - nevermind not a while ago, few days ago

Itā€™s not self antag itā€™s based

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Malf AI is not a station ending threat any more than another traitor that may have hijack or just two assassination jobs. Traitors with hijack can technically wipe out an entire station but drastic damage almost never happens.

Malf AI is bound by server laws that really shackle it to the point that if itā€™s discovered, it canā€™t really be proactively violent against the station, only security, like any traitor. Except unlike other traitors who get discovered and have the option to run into maintenance and go incognito, an AI is usually screwed waiting for the door kicking.

If an AI goes delta then the crew can join to attack it. Otherwise, allowing the crew to attack a malf AI on any situation means it should see the entire station as a legitimate threat worth plasma flooding in advance.

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