Let people shit to become less fat, like in Animals Crossing, eating too much is way too punishing for no reason

From a game design POV why does messing up and eating too much warrant such a harsh punishment? Like, if you mess up while fighting an antag you die, but the payoff of winning is that you stop the antag. If you mess up when eating you get forced to a snail’s pace, which grinds the game to a halt and is a death sentence in almost any situation, but if you eat the right amount, you’re… just not hungry anymore.

Like why is eating too much so punishing?

It’s like with the emagged arcade machines where you get a hat if you win but you instagib if you lose, but for a regular game mechanic which makes no sense


literally you get to wait 5-10 minutes or you get to beg chem to make you lipolicide or sci to research the lipid extractor. Not sure why it’s so punishing for something new players and probably even not new players easily mess up on

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are you serious

maggot this better be a joke

I’ve seen servers with a pissing/shitting game function. It never ends well.

People on LRP will be taking shits on corpses in 5 seconds.


yes you need to learn to constantly spam check your mood so you don’t overeat, but why, from a design pov is that so important that it’s punished this hard

I’m serious, just make it so it only works on the toilets, and if you shit too much in them before flushing they can break like microwaves or something so that jannie has a reason to check the stalls once in a while

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bruh no.

I will oppose the existence of shitting until the day I die.

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hijacking literal shit posting thread for an actual suggestion
add a “yeah that was a good meal, i’m full” flavor line for when someone’s getting close to the fatass threshold so they hopefully don’t go over the line


people who are against poo are noobs who never played during the golden era of SS13

back when the janitor had a port-a-potty, a draggable toilet chamber that you could throw someone in, slowly making them shit themselves to death while spraying highly slippy poo all over the station (which you are immune too, with your galoshes)


That already exists though, stop eating when it says that you unwillingly take a bite.

I also miss the ‘brown’ dirty sprite for when someone threw poop at you

oh oh stinky green smell lines will never be as good as being covered in literal shit


Alright scat fetishist.


aren’t there a good amount of potent foods/growns where if you reach “unwillingly eats” you’re already past the fatass threshold by the time the nutriment in your system finishes metabolizing


yes. This is why you literally have to wait between each bite and spam check your mood until it no longer says you’re hungry or says you’re stuffed

what you want to make it hrp or something?


sorry maggot this sounds hard for a redditor like you but you need to watch your eating habits and wait for the message saying you are overeating


there is a way to run fast even while fat smh you people



I don’t get how moving slightly slower for a short while is that bad of a downside. If you eat too much just make some lipolicide and you’ll be skinny again in no time at the low low cost of negligible toxin damage.

Or you know, just don’t eat like a lard-ass


maggot, are you kidding or do you need a psychologist

I kind of like the idea.
Get hijack, make nutriment smoke bombs and then rig the toilet doors or the toilets themselves with bombs.