Le ebic/Perma'd by RodBoward

CKEY: Le ebic

Admin’s CKEY: RodBoward

Is this for both servers or just one? If so, which one: Both

Which server did the ban happen on? LRP

Ban Type: Permanent

Ban Length: - Permanent

Ban Date (MM/DD/YYYY): 2020-02-7 18:45:12

Round ID: 12284

Ban Reason: “Shot some people for seemingly no reason”. “Left after Bwoink”.

Appeal Reason: booted up Beestation and forgot I was banned, said I should appeal here. Beestation was one of the first servers i started playing ss13 i think around January/ February time. I might have been trying to learn how to play security and i think disablers could disable and harm I don’t think I knew how to change it or possibly me enacting ‘shitsec’ for some reason. i cant remember why i left after the Bwoink possibly because of my bad connection or me not seeing it as mandatory. I haven’t played on Beestation for around 8 months now and have learned how to play the game on TG and hippystation without causing issues. regardless of this apologies for my initial behavior on your server.

Uhhh get a vouch then send it to crossedfall

I haven’t played the game in quite a while and don’t really know who to ask for a vouch. is it acceptable to ask a server owner for a vouch possibly?

basicly ask an admin to say “ye he cool”
and put it in here

i do not suggest faking it

Alright, fair enough I’ll try asking an admin on TG or Hippystation then

hippies dead
20 chars moment

I know i like playing on low pop servers though it had a fair few more players back in February/ March, and TG has been acting weird recently

  1. What’s your ckey.
  2. Unless this is your 50th ban, you don’t really need a vouch, ignore those two guys.
  3. You were banned so you explain on the forums, to which you did. And it’s been 8 months since then. So unless there’s more to this, you’ll be unbanned.

i was a little confused what exactly does ckey mean?

What’s your byond username mate

thought that was the case gotcha

Ckey = leebic
If you’ve been playing on other servers, how come you don’t know what a ckey is yet?

Because you can play on other servers without knowing all the game’s terminology as in Ckey=canonical key/clear/clean where as I understand what a BYOND account is

“Arrested people in MRP for seemingly no reason and DCd”.
was playing security I think I arrested the clown for some reason and left the game half way through the round to cook food hoping that one of the other officers would help resolve the issue.

“Threw bombs at random because of “testing” as chemist, disconnected after adminhelped.”
first role I played as was chemist (where as I probably should have played as a assistant to learn the game first) and decided the mess around with the game’s chemistry mechanic. I thought the chemistry grenade stuff was cool like you could make a foam healing nade or a nade that creates a literal cloud of methamphetamine and you’re even provided with two or three grenade cases and the equipment to assemble them in the chemistry lab. I wanted the test what was possible with this and I barely knew the boxstation map and decided to test this at the bottom of medical near to the virology decontamination and if anything went wrong I could just PDA a engineer to help fix it.

You should re-read over our server rules and get used to the layout.

@RodBoward Can you shed some context on this ban please?

It was a while ago, but I think he was walking through the halls shooting random people with lethals, when I bwoinked him, he left right away. I have very few bans so when I did ban someone it was mostly for doing something dumb as fuck or for blatant grief. I don’t know what job he was or remember if he killed anyone.

I’m pretty sure I was a security officer at the time, could possibly have been HOP
and I think at the time security officers had disablers that could both harm and disable but the HOP does start with an energy gun with the same functions so I could have not changed the setting on the energy gun and tried firing at someone after they broke into my office.

Maybe I’m thinking of someone else, but I’m pretty sure you were using a shotgun with lethals.

I think I was using an energy gun because they are common in security and used by some head roles but if I did use a shotgun I could potentially have been given one by the warden and they come with beanbags as standard, or I could had been bartender and as they start with a double barrel shotgun and two boxes of beanbag shells.

He’s lying. His knowledge and account dont add up