In-game report:
CKEY: ambiic
Your Discord: ambiic
Offender’s CKEY:
Offender’s In-Game Name: Lars Romp
Date: 2024-11-12
Round Number: 50636
Rules Broken: 2 No Powergaming
Incident Description: Calm green shift with no events of any significance. Lars and some others thought I had perished during the toxin bomb test due to an unfortunate telecom outage. Later into the shift we’re detonating a bomb on lavaland and I put Lars and myself in a somewhat isolated location and began beating them with a baton I had gotten earlier. However, as I baton them, they manage to bring out an EMP grenade they had stocked up in their backpack and detonate it, immobilizing me (an IPC) immediately.
Additional Information: Classic example of acquiring items not relative to their job. Which in this case was an Assistant Medical Doctor (no title change due to the low-pop environment).