Kurpingspace2 mentor application

Uh oh don’t got my mentor tag yet. Ok in all seriousness the SM looks scary as fuck to set up, but it’s actually easy after the first 3ish times you solo set up. Trust me I know all too well, but hey now I can set up 9 emitters and produce INFINITE POWER. So even tho you don’t know the SM I’ll give you a
For being knowledgeable in most others aspects.
I will ask 2 questions tho.

  1. How can you supply N2 to the SM without constantly adding new canisters.
  2. SM is delaming due to too much coolent what is one way to remove excess coolent.
  1. Enable the pump that connects to atmos
  2. Change the filter to filter out n2

Ok cool I know those are basic questions but hey it’s good to know.

I think I got the hang of the SM but only using n2

Yea just stick to N2 for now.

Not being able to run the SM on pure O2, CO2, and only a hint of N2 and N2O.

someone ran the SM on 60% tritium oh and never delaminated

Tritium doesn’t react with the SM.

CO2 is the most reactive gas, with O2 being the second most reactive.

Tritium increases the radiation production of the Supermatter by up to 3 times

Tritium reacts with the SM now moccha ported it I think

Yeah, the PR got merged, not too long ago

nobody has said no yet :eyes:

Current tally is +6.5

Might as well accept it. But I can’t cuz trailmin

How long have you been playing ss13?: 2+~ month


I started off playing engineering when I was learning how to play the game for the first time. I know how to hack doors and construct things now, but I am still not too confident in setting up the SM using other kinds of gasses. i’ve only ever been a virgin and used N2

The SM isn’t complicated. It should only take a few dozen rounds to nail it and understand how it works. The SM on beestation is much easier to wrangle than on some servers like citadel. Here’s my advice:

Learn how to upgrade the SM to prevent tampering with the cooling loop via spacewalk, learn how to do pure co2 because it’s the most popular “advanced” setup, learn how to do emergency measures in case of tesla delamination / singularity delamination, and then learn how to rad boost with RPEDs or unsecured pipes. I’d call this the bare minimum.

You can’t vote on applications becuase you aren’t staff. Also why are your requirements for engineering knowledge so much higher than everyone else’s and every other department? Atmos for example gets asked about in mhelp quite a bit and I haven’t seen it mentioned outside of the context of the SM in this thread at all.

i mean i think i did get it once, but then i forgot about it since i never really play engineer. i think i never got the grasp of how piping worked when i was trying. usually i never changed the pressure values in the gas pumps but now i do

i’d love to try co2 actually, but i don’t want to be that guy who delams the station if he fails haha.

why the -1 for 2 month playtime? moccha probably got mentor status at 1 month or something

Since when could only staff vote on mentor applications?
My standards aren’t high lmfao. If you want to be a mentor you should know enough about this gtame to help people who need help.

Plus I have standards for every departments.
I think it’s ridiculous that you’ve not played sec enough. Do you know how to handle cults as sec/head? do you know how to handle revs? do you know how to handle lings? do you know how to handle nuke ops? You dont want to be the guy who’s being screamed at by a dozen people for fucking up during rev rounds and brigging assistants for being in the armory during a war declaration round
Do you know how to make miasma farms as cargo? Whats your favorite deathmix? Whats your favorite grenade? What are you going to say when someone mentorhelps and says he can’t get a dead body out of his odyssey? What are you going to say when someone mentorhelps and asks why the cloning pod keeps spitting out dead bodies? What are you going to say when someone asks why they haven’t been able to get a headslug from the gold slime pool in xenobiology after working on it for the last hour? What are you going to say when someone asks why the incinerator isn’t giving them tritium after they set it up just like the wiki told them to?

The point of menotrs isn’t to just know the bare minimum for the people who are too lazy to read a single page of the wiki, the point of mentors is to help people who need help when the wiki has failed them.

edit: plus I’ve been playignt hsi game for a long long time and there are very few things that piss me off more than someone who’s either a mentor/admin/coder/ experienced player who’s spreading misinfo. I’ve had admins who left notes saying I was responsible for people’s deaths beacuse they thought that it took 2 minutes to resist out of cryo tubes. I’ve had mentors tell me that epipens completely stop lexorin from dealing oxyloss/suffocation damage and that flamethrowers are disabled on the ark. ect.

The more you play this game the more you’ll learn how little you know.

mocha should not have gotten mentor status for 1 month playtime.

Since always? Mentors werent even allowed to vote until recently.

I recall multiple normal players voting on my mentor application and having their votes counted when I made an application

That’s when Mentors weren’t allowed to vote, but they kept voting, because they weren’t used to a recent council ruling