Kathleen Judge, (Communismbelike) Feedback (insulting) thread

Very means and lacks empathy!! But that’s not a bad thing in my eyes as I feel like the player portray it best they can, it’s not just them being unkind ooc. As much as I get tired of the cliché, I don’t feel like they are bloodthirsty contrary to some secoffs.


You are just so serious at all times, maybe I just caught you in a bad mood but when I see you, you are usually yelling.

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Very mean and angry man, pushes you for no reason. Make sure to throw him out into space without any oxygen tank if he pushes you or uphold the hop line and start a fight if he refuses to give you maint access.
Also obligatory Milhouse in in LOOC every time you pass him, can’t forget how he looked like before he gave in to all the bullying.


I do like that Kathleen is focused on serious tasks and always try to remain professional in any scenario. The only part that not only me, but others have pointed out, is you being a bit too mean sometimes and I believe with a little improvement, you might find more people enjoying and respecting your character.

My most recent example was when both of us were in Command (Me as CMO and you as the Captain) we got into an argument over me trying to help out a player obtain basic medical access. I will not get into discussion if it was wrong or right, but keep in mind that we are both parts of the Command and keeping relations is only beneficial to the stations integrity.

Anyways the only negative part of Kathleen that I most hate is that he has a female name and it always confuses me!


You are too easy on the trigger to the point seeing you chasing down your own officers shooting your PTSD is no longer a rare case

that is just security, no ill intent there, thats just how security goes most shifts

I don’t think I’ve ever seen another captain shooting down other people randomly unless it’s someone I’ve fucked with A LOT or I’ve stolen something precious

Again, thats just kane…and aaron…and sam when im cap or hos

Kathleen is the worst player ever, maxcap him on sight.

Jokes aside, I think Kathleen’s kind of alright, fun to mess with once in a while.

Idk, that just sounds like bored sec fighting each other for shit and giggles.


Divulging my experiences with Kathleen, used LOOC to describe how SS13 is a top-tier space station while others roleplayed it as being a backwater vessel, disrupting my immersion.

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it is simply funnier to imagine it as a blackwater vessel populated by the deranged and the stupid


Discriminates against felinids :pleading_face:


if it looks like a blackwater vessel acts like a blackwater vessel and sounds like a blackwater vessel then it probably is a blackwater vessel


Twice now have you taken the captainship from me. I demand you lower the priority of captain in your roster, or there will be… Consequences.


0/10, starts shit with me ALL the time and I’m totally not the one starting anything.

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Pretty durable punching bag. Best You can buy in low price range.


A terrifying whirlwind of destruction when an antag.

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Very aggressive antag, while not a problem for me because I am rarely a target but I can see others complaining.

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