Kate bishop self-antagging

In-game report:

   Title: Kate bishop self antagging
   CKEY: aguyiguess

   Your Discord: aguyiguess#8432

   Offender’s CKEY: Kate bishop

   LRP or MRP server: LRP

   Offender’s In-Game Name: Kate Bishop

   Date (MM-DD-YYYY): 7/20/2020

   Round Number: 18819

   Rules Broken: Rule 4 No self antagging or grief

   Incident Description: 

As roboticist I decided to get mech tech rather than mining tech roundstart. I admit this was kind of a dick move but it in no way justifies what Kate did. As a miner Kate decided to break into robotics in an attempt to either kill me or destroy my lab. Judging by past experiences, likely the former.

I ran into maints and when I came back, saw that they had destroyed robotics and taken the protolathe from Rnd with them. I was pretty pissed off and went to do the same sort of thing to mining. I dismantled the orm and deep fried the circuit. I believe this was justified since they just made printing certain items practically impossible for sci.

After finding out, they went full Isaac Clarke on my ass with a couple plasma cutters and left me as a near nugget (no legs one arm) like I was a fucking necromorph. Kate had the audacity to say “eye for an eye” after this.

   Additional Information:

Although they did heal me a bit, they still dismembered me over something that is definitely not a valid reason.

I attempted to fight back only to be dismembered once more, leaving me with just my arm and head.

first topic I made I hit the wrong button on accident and it posted it before it was done

maybe dont scalate shit? i even healed you after cuting one of your legs so you wouldnt die but you KEPT at it and shoot back at me

1 Like

you say I escalated, yet this literally started with you breaking into robotics to destroy it. I did the same as you did to me, and you escalated with a plasma cutter.

because you wasted points inco combat mechs before minning tech or EVEN simple minning was up, at no point did i hurt you and the board where in the disposal bin didnt even destroy them

I know I did that and that was kind of a dick move but it doesn’t validate destroying a lab and taking the protolathe circuit. And how the fuck was I supposed to know it was in disposals?

We’ll get to this when we can get to the logs.

Fight logs


Line 682: [2020-07-21 03:16:35.379] ATTACK: Aguyiguess/(Dikh Inash) has flashed(targeted) Kate bishop/(Kate Bishop) with the flash (NEWHP: 95.5) (Research Division (176, 116, 2))

Line 1569: [2020-07-21 03:29:56.717] ATTACK: Kate bishop/(Kate Bishop) has shot Aguyiguess/(Dikh Inash) with the plasma blast (NEWHP: 54.3)  (Central Primary Hallway (116, 112, 2))
Line 1570: [2020-07-21 03:29:56.720] ATTACK: Kate bishop/(Kate Bishop) has shot Aguyiguess/(Dikh Inash) with the plasma blast (NEWHP: 43.8)  (Central Primary Hallway (116, 112, 2))
Line 1580: [2020-07-21 03:30:01.372] ATTACK: Kate bishop/(Kate Bishop) has shot Aguyiguess/(Dikh Inash) with the plasma blast (NEWHP: 33.3)  (Central Primary Hallway (103, 111, 2))
Line 1581: [2020-07-21 03:30:03.953] ATTACK: Kate bishop/(Kate Bishop) has fired at Aguyiguess/(Dikh Inash) with the plasma blast from Central Primary Hallway (NEWHP: 1.7)  (Central Primary Hallway (103, 111, 2))
Line 1582: [2020-07-21 03:30:04.020] ATTACK: Kate bishop/(Kate Bishop) has fired at Aguyiguess/(Dikh Inash) with the plasma blast from Central Primary Hallway (NEWHP: 1.7)  (Central Primary Hallway (103, 111, 2))
Line 1583: [2020-07-21 03:30:04.134] ATTACK: Kate bishop/(Kate Bishop) has shot Aguyiguess/(Dikh Inash) with the plasma blast (NEWHP: 22.7)  (Central Primary Hallway (103, 111, 2))
Line 1586: [2020-07-21 03:30:04.222] ATTACK: Kate bishop/(Kate Bishop) has shot Aguyiguess/(Dikh Inash) with the plasma blast (NEWHP: 12.2)  (Central Primary Hallway (103, 111, 2))
Line 1641: [2020-07-21 03:30:27.614] ATTACK: Kate bishop/(Kate Bishop) has fired at Aguyiguess/(Dikh Inash) with the plasma blast from Central Primary Hallway (NEWHP: -1.8)  (Central Primary Hallway (106, 112, 2))
Line 1642: [2020-07-21 03:30:27.670] ATTACK: Kate bishop/(Kate Bishop) has fired at Aguyiguess/(Dikh Inash) with the plasma blast from Central Primary Hallway (NEWHP: -1.8)  (Central Primary Hallway (106, 112, 2))
Line 1643: [2020-07-21 03:30:27.873] ATTACK: Kate bishop/(Kate Bishop) has shot Aguyiguess/(Dikh Inash) with the plasma blast (NEWHP: -12.3)  (Central Primary Hallway (106, 112, 2))
Line 1714: [2020-07-21 03:31:12.831] ATTACK: Kate bishop/(Kate Bishop) has grabbed Aguyiguess/(Dikh Inash) passive grab (NEWHP: 22.7)  (Central Primary Hallway (101, 111, 2))
Line 1715: [2020-07-21 03:31:13.860] ATTACK: Kate bishop/(Kate Bishop) has grabbed Aguyiguess/(Dikh Inash) aggressive grab (NEWHP: 22.7)  (Central Primary Hallway (101, 111, 2))
More shooting ommitted

Line 1761: [2020-07-21 03:31:39.633] ATTACK: Aguyiguess/(Dikh Inash) has shot Kate bishop/(Kate Bishop) with the plasma blast (NEWHP: 63.3)  (Central Primary Hallway (102, 111, 2))
Line 1767: [2020-07-21 03:31:42.777] ATTACK: Aguyiguess/(Dikh Inash) has shot Kate bishop/(Kate Bishop) with the plasma blast (NEWHP: 52.1)  (Central Primary Hallway (103, 111, 2))
Line 1784: [2020-07-21 03:31:52.034] ATTACK: Kate bishop/(Kate Bishop) has shoved Aguyiguess/(Dikh Inash) with knocking them down (NEWHP: 11.7)  (Central Primary Hallway (102, 112, 2))

Line 1790: [2020-07-21 03:32:02.897] ATTACK: Kate bishop/(Kate Bishop) has attempted to inject Kate bishop/(Kate Bishop) with the survival medipen (Salbutamol, Leporazine, Tricordrazine, Epinephrine, Lavaland Extract and Omnizine) (NEWHP: 35.3)  (Central Primary Hallway (103, 112, 2))
Line 1814: [2020-07-21 03:32:35.823] ATTACK: Kate bishop/(Kate Bishop) has attempted to inject Aguyiguess/(Dikh Inash) with the survival medipen (Salbutamol, Leporazine, Tricordrazine, Epinephrine, Lavaland Extract and Omnizine) (NEWHP: 77.7)  (Central Primary Hallway (102, 112, 2))

Kate say logs


Line 300: [2020-07-21 02:59:14.691] SAY: Kate bishop/(Kate Bishop) “science better get me adv minning” (Mining Station EVA (69, 37, 5))
Line 308: [2020-07-21 02:59:21.781] SAY: Kate bishop/(Kate Bishop) “or there ill be “consecuences”” (Mining Station EVA (69, 37, 5))
Line 376: [2020-07-21 03:01:41.911] SAY: Kate bishop/(Kate Bishop) “i dont want to set the world on fireeee” (Lavaland Wastes (188, 33, 5))
Line 543: [2020-07-21 03:05:59.776] SAY: Kate bishop/(Kate Bishop) “nice food” (Lavaland Wastes (234, 41, 5))
Line 563: [2020-07-21 03:06:18.666] SAY: Kate bishop/(Kate Bishop) “le money” (Lavaland Wastes (225, 50, 5))
Line 632: [2020-07-21 03:08:15.073] EMOTE: Kate bishop/(Kate Bishop) screams! (Emergency Shelter (119, 40, 5))
Line 667: [2020-07-21 03:08:55.903] SAY: Kate bishop/(Kate Bishop) “ai jeff ratard isnt human” (Emergency Shelter (119, 40, 5))
Line 671: [2020-07-21 03:09:01.565] SAY: Kate bishop/(Kate Bishop) “he pulled armblade on m” (Emergency Shelter (119, 40, 5))
Line 777: [2020-07-21 03:11:31.705] OOC: Kate bishop/(Kate Bishop) “killing the lavaland base turtle gives you a 90% dmg resist armor” (Mining Shuttle (73, 105, 2))
Line 781: [2020-07-21 03:11:38.895] OOC: Kate bishop/(Kate Bishop) “doesnt it” (Mining Shuttle (73, 105, 2))
Line 793: [2020-07-21 03:11:55.961] OOC: Kate bishop/(Kate Bishop) “foolish to you to think i care” (Mining Dock (88, 112, 2))
Line 804: [2020-07-21 03:12:23.085] OOC: Kate bishop/(Kate Bishop) “empathy is overrated” (Cargo Office (86, 118, 2))
Line 808: [2020-07-21 03:12:36.135] OOC: Kate bishop/(Kate Bishop) “bubblegum facetank is eternal” (Cargo Office (86, 118, 2))
Line 813: [2020-07-21 03:12:48.295] OOC: Kate bishop/(Kate Bishop) “im a miner about to facetank bubblegum” (Cargo Office (86, 118, 2))
Line 824: [2020-07-21 03:13:08.535] SAY: Kate bishop/(Kate Bishop) “welp adv minning wasnt researched” (Cargo Office (88, 118, 2))
Line 946: [2020-07-21 03:15:59.484] SAY: Kate bishop/(Kate Bishop) “robotist researched shit before advanced minning” (Research Division (176, 116, 2))
Line 951: [2020-07-21 03:16:03.816] SAY: Kate bishop/(Kate Bishop) “time to remove legs” (Research Division (176, 116, 2))
Line 1002: [2020-07-21 03:17:03.761] SAY: Kate bishop/(Kate Bishop) “heya” (Robotics Lab (174, 121, 2))
Line 1014: [2020-07-21 03:17:17.463] SAY: Kate bishop/(Kate Bishop) “not antag” (Robotics Lab (170, 119, 2))
Line 1030: [2020-07-21 03:17:43.249] SAY: Kate bishop/(Kate Bishop) “hey” (Robotics Lab (176, 119, 2))
Line 1045: [2020-07-21 03:18:24.443] SAY: Kate bishop/(Kate Bishop) “robotics has ben trashed” (Robotics Lab (174, 118, 2))
Line 1090: [2020-07-21 03:19:45.207] SAY: Kate bishop/(Kate Bishop) “remember kids” (Cargo Office (89, 118, 2))
Line 1093: [2020-07-21 03:19:51.088] SAY: Kate bishop/(Kate Bishop) “pissing a miner off is a bad idea” (Cargo Office (89, 118, 2))
Line 1127: [2020-07-21 03:21:01.038] OOC: Kate bishop/(Kate Bishop) “you know that robotist who research mechs before adv minnign get fucked” (Mining Station Starboard Wing (58, 36, 5))
Line 1128: [2020-07-21 03:21:02.887] OOC: Kate bishop/(Kate Bishop) “rigth?” (Mining Station Starboard Wing (58, 36, 5))
Line 1156: [2020-07-21 03:21:47.871] OOC: Kate bishop/(Kate Bishop) “next time dont research mechs before minning” (Lavaland Wastes (76, 37, 5))
Line 1160: [2020-07-21 03:21:53.538] OOC: Kate bishop/(Kate Bishop) “ye ye get an admin” (Lavaland Wastes (76, 40, 5))
Line 1177: [2020-07-21 03:22:12.555] OOC: Kate bishop/(Kate Bishop) “do i care” (Lavaland Wastes (113, 21, 5))
Line 1200: [2020-07-21 03:22:44.118] OOC: Kate bishop/(Kate Bishop) “bruh” (Lavaland Wastes (99, 42, 5))
Line 1206: [2020-07-21 03:22:57.065] OOC: Kate bishop/(Kate Bishop) “robo researching mechs has been fucked since spessman 1” (Lavaland Wastes (99, 42, 5))
Line 1212: [2020-07-21 03:23:12.921] OOC: Kate bishop/(Kate Bishop) “dont act like a dipshit if you dont want to be treated like one” (Lavaland Wastes (106, 45, 5))
Line 1219: [2020-07-21 03:23:19.583] OOC: Kate bishop/(Kate Bishop) “nor do you” (Lavaland Wastes (124, 44, 5))
Line 1303: [2020-07-21 03:25:07.464] OOC: Kate bishop/(Kate Bishop) “yes whitout ic reason on mrp” (Lavaland Wastes (156, 64, 5))
Line 1304: [2020-07-21 03:25:14.657] OOC: Kate bishop/(Kate Bishop) “i had ic reason this is lrp” (Lavaland Wastes (156, 64, 5))
Line 1309: [2020-07-21 03:25:19.383] OOC: Kate bishop/(Kate Bishop) “get a admin or stfu” (Lavaland Wastes (156, 64, 5))
Line 1472: [2020-07-21 03:29:34.986] SAY: Kate bishop/(Kate Bishop) “ai where is the cmo” (Central Primary Hallway (97, 119, 2))
Line 1496: [2020-07-21 03:30:18.462] SAY: Kate bishop/(Kate Bishop) “no” (Central Primary Hallway (106, 112, 2))
Line 1500: [2020-07-21 03:30:24.558] SAY: Kate bishop/(Kate Bishop) “he started dis” (Central Primary Hallway (106, 112, 2))
Line 1511: [2020-07-21 03:30:38.527] SAY: Kate bishop/(Kate Bishop) “an eye” (Central Primary Hallway (99, 112, 2))
Line 1515: [2020-07-21 03:30:41.068] SAY: Kate bishop/(Kate Bishop) “for an eye” (Central Primary Hallway (99, 112, 2))
Line 1521: [2020-07-21 03:30:51.952] SAY: Kate bishop/(Kate Bishop) “you removed my shit” (Central Primary Hallway (99, 112, 2))
Line 1527: [2020-07-21 03:30:56.770] SAY: Kate bishop/(Kate Bishop) “i removed yours” (Central Primary Hallway (99, 112, 2))
Line 1529: [2020-07-21 03:31:01.424] SAY: Kate bishop/(Kate Bishop) “welp” (Central Primary Hallway (99, 112, 2))
Line 1531: [2020-07-21 03:31:05.353] SAY: Kate bishop/(Kate Bishop) “no” (Central Primary Hallway (99, 112, 2))
Line 1536: [2020-07-21 03:31:10.536] SAY: Kate bishop/(Kate Bishop) “jeff” (Central Primary Hallway (101, 112, 2))
Line 1544: [2020-07-21 03:31:17.421] SAY: Kate bishop/(Kate Bishop) “nb” (Central Primary Hallway (101, 111, 2))
Line 1547: [2020-07-21 03:31:22.830] SAY: Kate bishop/(Kate Bishop) “jeff” (Central Primary Hallway (102, 111, 2))
Line 1548: [2020-07-21 03:31:24.648] SAY: Kate bishop/(Kate Bishop) “the fuck” (Central Primary Hallway (102, 111, 2))
Line 1560: [2020-07-21 03:31:32.069] SAY: Kate bishop/(Kate Bishop) “this is bettewn him” (Central Primary Hallway (102, 111, 2))
Line 1561: [2020-07-21 03:31:33.346] SAY: Kate bishop/(Kate Bishop) “and i” (Central Primary Hallway (102, 111, 2))
Line 1564: [2020-07-21 03:31:35.298] SAY: Kate bishop/(Kate Bishop) “stop” (Central Primary Hallway (102, 111, 2))
Line 1591: [2020-07-21 03:32:08.606] SAY: Kate bishop/(Kate Bishop) “station left” (Central Primary Hallway (103, 112, 2))
Line 1592: [2020-07-21 03:32:09.746] SAY: Kate bishop/(Kate Bishop) “fuck” (Central Primary Hallway (103, 112, 2))
Line 1609: [2020-07-21 03:32:24.269] SAY: Kate bishop/(Kate Bishop) “an eye for an eye” (Central Primary Hallway (103, 112, 2))
Line 1613: [2020-07-21 03:32:31.053] SAY: Kate bishop/(Kate Bishop) “heal his ass” (Central Primary Hallway (103, 112, 2))
Line 1627: [2020-07-21 03:32:48.135] SAY: Kate bishop/(Kate Bishop) “ouch” (Central Primary Hallway (105, 113, 2))
Line 1635: [2020-07-21 03:33:11.408] OOC: Kate bishop/(Kate Bishop) “ai was triying to metagruge jeff? lmao” (Kitchen (149, 132, 2))
Line 1656: [2020-07-21 03:33:38.050] OOC: Kate bishop/(Kate Bishop) “hentai i dont care” (Kitchen (149, 132, 2))
Line 1658: [2020-07-21 03:33:41.569] OOC: Kate bishop/(Kate Bishop) “you arent him” (Kitchen (149, 132, 2))
Line 1665: [2020-07-21 03:33:49.980] SAY: Kate bishop/(Kate Bishop) “o” (Starboard Primary Hallway (144, 129, 2))
Line 1666: [2020-07-21 03:33:51.553] SAY: Kate bishop/(Kate Bishop) “dead” (Starboard Primary Hallway (144, 129, 2))
Line 1684: [2020-07-21 03:34:19.863] SAY: Kate bishop/(Kate Bishop) “jeff here ya” (Cargo Office (95, 118, 2))
Line 1691: [2020-07-21 03:34:36.790] OOC: Kate bishop/(Kate Bishop) “it” (Central Primary Hallway (129, 138, 2))
Line 1705: [2020-07-21 03:35:16.562] SAY: Kate bishop/(Kate Bishop) “got your leg” (Central Primary Hallway (128, 124, 2))
Line 1706: [2020-07-21 03:35:17.973] SAY: Kate bishop/(Kate Bishop) “hahahahah” (Central Primary Hallway (128, 124, 2))
Line 1709: [2020-07-21 03:35:22.199] SAY: Kate bishop/(Kate Bishop) “cripple” (Central Primary Hallway (129, 121, 2))

guy say


Line 937: [2020-07-21 03:15:41.840] SAY: Aguyiguess/(Dikh Inash) “he attacked everyone lmao” (Robotics Lab (167, 119, 2))
Line 942: [2020-07-21 03:15:48.774] SAY: Aguyiguess/(Dikh Inash) “MINER” (Robotics Lab (172, 119, 2))
Line 943: [2020-07-21 03:15:53.336] SAY: Aguyiguess/(Dikh Inash) “STOP BREAKING IN RETARD” (Robotics Lab (172, 119, 2))
Line 945: [2020-07-21 03:15:57.586] SAY: Aguyiguess/(Dikh Inash) “IM OCCUPIED” (Robotics Lab (170, 119, 2))
Line 969: [2020-07-21 03:16:27.093] SAY: Aguyiguess/(Dikh Inash) “dont” (Robotics Lab (172, 118, 2))
Line 973: [2020-07-21 03:16:28.404] SAY: Aguyiguess/(Dikh Inash) “fucking” (Robotics Lab (172, 118, 2))
Line 976: [2020-07-21 03:16:30.436] SAY: Aguyiguess/(Dikh Inash) “break it” (Robotics Lab (172, 118, 2))
Line 985: [2020-07-21 03:16:47.527] SAY: Aguyiguess/(Dikh Inash) “AI” (Escape Shuttle Hallway (189, 128, 2))
Line 988: [2020-07-21 03:16:50.879] SAY: Aguyiguess/(Dikh Inash) “KATE ANTAG BRUH” (Escape Shuttle Hallway (189, 128, 2))
Line 1006: [2020-07-21 03:17:11.707] SAY: Aguyiguess/(Dikh Inash) “kate antag in sci” (Starboard Maintenance (196, 109, 2))
Line 1018: [2020-07-21 03:17:20.823] SAY: Aguyiguess/(Dikh Inash) “yes antag” (Starboard Quarter Maintenance (193, 82, 2))
Line 1024: [2020-07-21 03:17:32.032] SAY: Aguyiguess/(Dikh Inash) “just go research shit yourself instead of throwing a fucking fit” (Starboard Quarter Maintenance (193, 82, 2))
Line 1041: [2020-07-21 03:18:01.242] SAY: Aguyiguess/(Dikh Inash) “you’re pissing and shitting yourself and trying to hunt me down because you dont have your sweet precious isaac clarke cosplay” (Starboard Quarter Maintenance (193, 82, 2))
Line 1044: [2020-07-21 03:18:07.363] SAY: Aguyiguess/(Dikh Inash) “fuck off” (Starboard Quarter Maintenance (193, 82, 2))
Line 1054: [2020-07-21 03:18:29.552] SAY: Aguyiguess/(Dikh Inash) “really” (Starboard Quarter Maintenance (183, 82, 2))
Line 1057: [2020-07-21 03:18:40.059] SAY: Aguyiguess/(Dikh Inash) “AI what does robotics look like?” (Starboard Quarter Maintenance (183, 82, 2))
Line 1067: [2020-07-21 03:18:59.112] SAY: Aguyiguess/(Dikh Inash) “as to be expected” (Toxins Mixing Lab (192, 105, 2))
Line 1072: [2020-07-21 03:19:09.743] SAY: Aguyiguess/(Dikh Inash) “wow” (Robotics Lab (174, 118, 2))
Line 1073: [2020-07-21 03:19:11.726] SAY: Aguyiguess/(Dikh Inash) “oka” (Robotics Lab (174, 118, 2))
Line 1074: [2020-07-21 03:19:13.268] SAY: Aguyiguess/(Dikh Inash) “okay” (Robotics Lab (174, 118, 2))
Line 1075: [2020-07-21 03:19:17.190] SAY: Aguyiguess/(Dikh Inash) “that crossed the fucking line” (Robotics Lab (174, 118, 2))
Line 1095: [2020-07-21 03:19:53.607] SAY: Aguyiguess/(Dikh Inash) “kate go fuck yourself” (Starboard Quarter Maintenance (178, 80, 2))
Line 1124: [2020-07-21 03:20:58.009] OOC: Aguyiguess/(Dikh Inash) “would it also be bannable to run into to sci and destroy the fucking protolathe and try to kill me?” (Genetics Lab (158, 114, 2))
Line 1137: [2020-07-21 03:21:18.060] OOC: Aguyiguess/(Dikh Inash) “you dont destroy the protolathe” (Genetics Lab (158, 114, 2))
Line 1138: [2020-07-21 03:21:19.297] OOC: Aguyiguess/(Dikh Inash) “retard” (Genetics Lab (158, 114, 2))
Line 1146: [2020-07-21 03:21:38.033] OOC: Aguyiguess/(Dikh Inash) “you legit fucking ruined sci” (Genetics Lab (157, 114, 2))
Line 1173: [2020-07-21 03:22:11.041] OOC: Aguyiguess/(Dikh Inash) “next time dont piss and shit yourself cause I didnt research your fucking Isaac Clarke Cosplay kit” (Genetics Lab (155, 114, 2))
Line 1181: [2020-07-21 03:22:16.554] OOC: Aguyiguess/(Dikh Inash) “go fuck yourself” (Genetics Lab (155, 115, 2))
Line 1188: [2020-07-21 03:22:34.818] SAY: Aguyiguess/(Dikh Inash) “yp” (Central Primary Hallway (118, 111, 2))
Line 1189: [2020-07-21 03:22:35.903] SAY: Aguyiguess/(Dikh Inash) “yo” (Central Primary Hallway (118, 111, 2))
Line 1225: [2020-07-21 03:23:22.138] OOC: Aguyiguess/(Dikh Inash) “iditto” (Port Quarter Maintenance (88, 95, 2))
Line 1226: [2020-07-21 03:23:24.242] OOC: Aguyiguess/(Dikh Inash) “ditto” (Port Quarter Maintenance (88, 95, 2))
Line 1230: [2020-07-21 03:23:27.910] OOC: Aguyiguess/(Dikh Inash) “it does” (Port Quarter Maintenance (88, 95, 2))
Line 1239: [2020-07-21 03:23:35.289] OOC: Aguyiguess/(Dikh Inash) “but you dont need to ruin sci for the whole fucking round” (Port Quarter Maintenance (88, 95, 2))
Line 1284: [2020-07-21 03:24:25.553] OOC: Aguyiguess/(Dikh Inash) “i was literally about to borg someoen” (Port Quarter Maintenance (96, 96, 2))
Line 1286: [2020-07-21 03:24:28.282] OOC: Aguyiguess/(Dikh Inash) “someone” (Port Quarter Maintenance (96, 96, 2))
Line 1305: [2020-07-21 03:25:15.065] OOC: Aguyiguess/(Dikh Inash) “no tech isnt an ic reason” (Cargo Office (89, 118, 2))Line 1487: [2020-07-21 03:30:08.205] SAY: Aguyiguess/(Dikh Inash) “ANTAG” (Central Primary Hallway (99, 111, 2))
Line 1488: [2020-07-21 03:30:11.735] SAY: Aguyiguess/(Dikh Inash) “FFS” (Central Primary Hallway (99, 111, 2))
Line 1495: [2020-07-21 03:30:17.546] SAY: Aguyiguess/(Dikh Inash) “GIVE ME A FUCKING BREAK” (Central Primary Hallway (99, 111, 2))
Line 1497: [2020-07-21 03:30:21.546] SAY: Aguyiguess/(Dikh Inash) “KATE IS A TRAITOR” (Central Primary Hallway (99, 111, 2))
Line 1509: [2020-07-21 03:30:37.658] WHISPER: Aguyiguess/(Dikh Inash) “how gay do you have to be” (Central Primary Hallway (101, 112, 2))
Line 1517: [2020-07-21 03:30:42.816] SAY: Aguyiguess/(Dikh Inash) “no” (Central Primary Hallway (101, 112, 2))
Line 1520: [2020-07-21 03:30:46.449] SAY: Aguyiguess/(Dikh Inash) “dumbass” (Central Primary Hallway (101, 112, 2))
Line 1522: [2020-07-21 03:30:53.373] SAY: Aguyiguess/(Dikh Inash) “you took my lab” (Central Primary Hallway (101, 112, 2))
Line 1523: [2020-07-21 03:30:55.619] SAY: Aguyiguess/(Dikh Inash) “i take yours” (Central Primary Hallway (101, 112, 2))
Line 1528: [2020-07-21 03:31:00.984] SAY: Aguyiguess/(Dikh Inash) “this is more than what I did” (Central Primary Hallway (101, 112, 2))
Line 1535: [2020-07-21 03:31:09.406] SAY: Aguyiguess/(Dikh Inash) “i just made your job obsolete” (Central Primary Hallway (100, 111, 2))
Line 1538: [2020-07-21 03:31:12.946] SAY: Aguyiguess/(Dikh Inash) “like you made mine” (Central Primary Hallway (100, 111, 2))
Line 1541: [2020-07-21 03:31:14.692] SAY: Aguyiguess/(Dikh Inash) “fuck” (Central Primary Hallway (100, 111, 2))
Line 1542: [2020-07-21 03:31:15.455] SAY: Aguyiguess/(Dikh Inash) “you” (Central Primary Hallway (100, 111, 2))
Line 1553: [2020-07-21 03:31:27.969] SAY: Aguyiguess/(Dikh Inash) “STOP” (Central Primary Hallway (101, 111, 2))
Line 1563: [2020-07-21 03:31:34.934] SAY: Aguyiguess/(Dikh Inash) “get me up” (Central Primary Hallway (101, 111, 2))
Line 1565: [2020-07-21 03:31:35.984] SAY: Aguyiguess/(Dikh Inash) “now” (Central Primary Hallway (101, 111, 2))
Line 1582: [2020-07-21 03:32:00.614] SAY: Aguyiguess/(Dikh Inash) “dumbass” (Central Primary Hallway (101, 111, 2))
Line 1587: [2020-07-21 03:32:03.323] SAY: Aguyiguess/(Dikh Inash) “they took my shit” (Central Primary Hallway (101, 111, 2))
Line 1588: [2020-07-21 03:32:05.975] SAY: Aguyiguess/(Dikh Inash) “I took theird” (Central Primary Hallway (101, 111, 2))
Line 1590: [2020-07-21 03:32:08.035] SAY: Aguyiguess/(Dikh Inash) “theirs” (Central Primary Hallway (101, 111, 2))
Line 1593: [2020-07-21 03:32:11.489] SAY: Aguyiguess/(Dikh Inash) “and they dismember me” (Central Primary Hallway (101, 111, 2))
Line 1600: [2020-07-21 03:32:14.655] SAY: Aguyiguess/(Dikh Inash) “are you retarded?” (Central Primary Hallway (101, 111, 2))
Line 1612: [2020-07-21 03:32:28.860] SAY: Aguyiguess/(Dikh Inash) “i ment stop shooting” (Central Primary Hallway (101, 111, 2))
Line 1615: [2020-07-21 03:32:31.660] SAY: Aguyiguess/(Dikh Inash) “meant” (Central Primary Hallway (101, 111, 2))
Line 1637: [2020-07-21 03:33:18.418] SAY: Aguyiguess/(Dikh Inash) “how fucking retarded do you have to be to think that it’s fair to dismember me after I literally did what you did to me” (Central Primary Hallway (101, 111, 2))
Line 1638: [2020-07-21 03:33:24.531] SAY: Aguyiguess/(Dikh Inash) “are you that daft?” (Central Primary Hallway (101, 111, 2))
Line 1642: [2020-07-21 03:33:28.245] SAY: Aguyiguess/(Dikh Inash) “do you just not think?” (Central Primary Hallway (101, 111, 2))
Line 1655: [2020-07-21 03:33:37.454] SAY: Aguyiguess/(Dikh Inash) “im a fucking nugget” (Central Primary Hallway (101, 111, 2))
Line 1657: [2020-07-21 03:33:41.275] SAY: Aguyiguess/(Dikh Inash) “literally cant do shit” (Central Primary Hallway (101, 111, 2))
Line 1660: [2020-07-21 03:33:44.494] OOC: Aguyiguess/(Dikh Inash) “fuck you” (Central Primary Hallway (101, 111, 2))
Line 1670: [2020-07-21 03:34:01.382] OOC: Aguyiguess/(Dikh Inash) “you dismember me like a goddamn necromorph when I do EXACTLY what you did to me” (Central Primary Hallway (101, 111, 2))
Line 1678: [2020-07-21 03:34:15.181] OOC: Aguyiguess/(Dikh Inash) “how fucking daft do you have to be to think that was justified?” (Central Primary Hallway (101, 111, 2))
Line 1685: [2020-07-21 03:34:28.639] OOC: Aguyiguess/(Dikh Inash) “i could think better than you blackout drunk” (Central Primary Hallway (101, 111, 2))
Line 1693: [2020-07-21 03:34:40.529] OOC: Aguyiguess/(Dikh Inash) “no” (Central Primary Hallway (99, 112, 2))
Line 1702: [2020-07-21 03:35:10.295] OOC: Aguyiguess/(Dikh Inash) “you fucking ruined my round over mining tech” (Central Primary Hallway (99, 112, 2))
Line 1708: [2020-07-21 03:35:21.814] OOC: Aguyiguess/(Dikh Inash) “you couldve just idk walked in and researched it?” (Central Primary Hallway (99, 112, 2))
Line 1719: [2020-07-21 03:35:40.515] OOC: Aguyiguess/(Dikh Inash) “you are a mere unthawed waffle you fucking degenerate scum” (Central Primary Hallway (99, 112, 2))

Some over escalation to break into their workplace, peanut them and disable science for the round as they didn’t research mining.

Report Accepted

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