Kate bishop mentor application

Your CKEY:kate bishop

Your Discord:i forgot about it long ago

How long have you been playing ss13?:since the sseth tide

Who vouches for your experience :*cry

Game Experience (More Detailed):i really know my way around the game and know a lot about everything mid robust in combat and getting better at chemistry, i only kinda lack on robotics and cracking a safe open, but in exchange i learn shit pretty quick and like to teach something to the newbies on the coming years

Sec arrests Kate Bishop
“OOC: Kate Bishop: I’m ahelping this shit”

450h on bee, you might be a meteor, sure


please no, bate kishop is bad and should not be allowed mentor, boo

O no It has been leaked i am indeed
A Clay wall

That joke got me in a lot of trouble when people started to believe that bate kishop was my alt not funny (well kinda)

Pss i Will sell you one of my 4 antag tokens

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Actual decent person to talk to
Mentor brotherhood hates 'em
Lots of hours
b̶r̶i̶b̶i̶n̶g̶ ̶w̶i̶t̶h̶ ̶a̶n̶t̶a̶g̶ ̶t̶o̶k̶e̶n

Take my +2

I have seen your name before everyones bullying you too take my +1

It makes it better
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You currently got like, +3 total. Also get discord, nerd.

Kates a pretty cool guy, eh wears a jojo hat and doesn’t afraid of anything

I Kate bishop have a dream to become a mentorstar

ngl but kate kinda thicc :flushed:
if i was unbanned

in order to pass you must first complete the trial

what do you do when someone requests to go on a play date with you

I tell them that erp bad except If It is a admin and is going to giv antag tokens

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4 pages of notes show a tendency to be overly aggressive at times, but no severe issues recently. 450+ hours is good and the more mentors the better. Just try and be a little less over-escalative and kill happy with people.


Yes sir
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You have some good playtime on the server and is also known to the community.

I’d like to see another knowledgeable player become a mentor.


I will +1 for being competent and knowledgeable.

Do try to be less of a dick when sec though.

Something os rissing and is not the space law electrical swattering