Kate bishop lrp admin app

Kate my lass, I am 90% that if sec doesn’t say “Ai dont let prisoners out” the Ai can let prisoners out, especially if they haven’t caused harm. Thats just how it is.

Minner gear can be replaced tho, killing another megafauna is viable, freddy fucking farmed 5 ash drakes.

Good answers, but this one the AI would be fine letting them out, since if they are in for something like spraying that doesn’t involve harm the prisoners law 2 would force the AI to open. If the prisoner had attacked or shot someone however, they cannot.
The policy against AIs is that they shouldn’t interfere if they do not have to, however ordering an AI to free you after you were brigged for something like spraying or something silly would be ok.
The bigger problem here was the all borgs being instantly blown other something minor like this.

Other answers were good.

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me nothing to say me fake screenshoot unga.

NiREDACTED i’m pretty fucking sure that Hierophant and the fucking blood drunk miner don’t respawn

Nonetheless they are rare fucking items, if not UNIQUE

‘It’s a fake screenshot but I’m going to admit it’s real by saying I said that but lied’


It ain’ fake.

You already said you have low hopes of this app being accepted, dunno why even apply on the first place with a month long ban on both servers on top of it already.

but the month ban was self requested tho :thinking:

Can this get denied already? Player Council Members are not allowed to apply for Admin until they either resign or their term is over.

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Does it makes it any less bad?

“But I put myself in jail for a month yo” bruh just 'cause you admitted guilty doesn’t make you a holier than thou being.

i wanted a month ban of mrp so i wouldnt make a mistep, idk what i admited guilty

Huge note and ban history
Gamer word

N- isn’t the gamer word btw


You’re completely ineligible to apply for multiple different reasons and to be honest wouldn’t get accepted even if you could.

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o no time to be banned

@Kasual @Lagomorphica @SuperDork55

Denying due to council position and the high note history. You have already worked on setting yourself up to improve your record and style of play which I appreciate it. Take a good deal of time to build up hours without incidents and you can be accepted in the future. Applying for council does bar you from applying for admin during its term length. Even if you were to drop out of player council I would still deny it during that term out of principle.

Thank you for the application during our time of need however. And obviously those discord messages were a joke smh.