In-game report:
Title: [Offender’s CKEY] Player Report
Your Discord:crusader
Offender’s CKEY:Kate Bishop
LRP or MRP server:mrp
Offender’s In-Game Name:Kate Bishop
Date (MM-DD-YYYY): 25/03/2020 (English cause I’m not a spastic)
Round Number:
Rules Broken:
Putting me out of a round and not Rping
Incident Description:
I hit her with my lamp once seeing if blood increases the value (it doesn’t) then starts telling me do that again I will end you
So I’m like shut up slut
So either I push first or she punches first either way she punching I’m pushing
Crits me
That’s fine it’s all IC she still a hoe
Later on I’m breaking into customs to strip it of all value
Then the brig physician Kate bishop comes along starts smashing me in the head with a tool box
Cause you know she’s sec at this point
I try to escape in space but she grabs me
I say I’d rather die then go with her
She puts me in front of shuttle effectively ending my round and that’s not gucci
Give her a big fuck off warning
Better tag the sket
@Kate_bishop1 defend yourself