Kate bishop ended my round cause she’s a IC hoe

In-game report:

   Title: [Offender’s CKEY] Player Report

   Your Discord:crusader

   Offender’s CKEY:Kate Bishop

   LRP or MRP server:mrp

   Offender’s In-Game Name:Kate Bishop

   Date (MM-DD-YYYY): 25/03/2020 (English cause I’m not a spastic)

   Round Number:

Rules Broken:
Putting me out of a round and not Rping
Incident Description:
I hit her with my lamp once seeing if blood increases the value (it doesn’t) then starts telling me do that again I will end you
So I’m like shut up slut
So either I push first or she punches first either way she punching I’m pushing
Crits me
That’s fine it’s all IC she still a hoe
Later on I’m breaking into customs to strip it of all value
Then the brig physician Kate bishop comes along starts smashing me in the head with a tool box
Cause you know she’s sec at this point
I try to escape in space but she grabs me
I say I’d rather die then go with her
She puts me in front of shuttle effectively ending my round and that’s not gucci

Give her a big fuck off warning
Better tag the sket
@Kate_bishop1 defend yourself


You gave her IC permission to murder you through the line you gave. You asked for death than to be arrested and detained. From what I recall IC permission to murder is valid. Just like if you agree to be a sacrifice in the church for a roleplay reason to even a non-antag Chaplain. You gave your consent in your case so she’s in the right.

Didn’t agree to be shuttled and have my body destroyed doe :pensive:

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Permission to murder doesnt mean you do it as sec, nor does it mean you gib the body. Kinda unbased

No ban just a sick ass warning

Not that mad doe I became a alien and shit so was better than a boring cargo tech

Also I won so feel free to close

@St0rmC4st3r my guy I forgive her
Change it to a one day ban please, just so she knows, she knows she a hoe

That ban wasn’t for what Kate did to you, she did that to someone else.
You literally gave her permission to kill you and have no ground to stand on in reporting her. You spaced yourself at arrivals and then told her you’d rather die so she left you where you were. It’s not even her fault you were in the arrival shuttle’s gibbing zone when you died.