Your Discord: Tentakuru
Offender’s CKEY: unknown
Offender’s In-Game Name: K1-L1
Date (2024-12-02):
Round Number:50842
Rules Broken: 14 When you are revived, you cannot remember the circumstances (roughly 5 minutes) leading up to your death.
Incident Description:
I kidnapped and accidently killed K1-L1. I tried to call extraction at SE kilo solars, but some bug occured that kept saying this space is covered and I need to clear it before extraction rocket can be called. I tried moving to different parts and calling it but same thing happened, meanwhile K1-L1 died because I didn’t had a hardsuit for them. I didn’t try to kill them, they are worth so much more alive, but couldn’t call extraction and they died. Afterwards I picked them up and tried taking them to medbay to revive them, someone from cargo dep asked if they could take them from me and I gave them, told them to north way since south was breached.
Afterwards I see K1-L1 yelling in general that I kidnapped and killed them, something they should have no memory of.
It wasn’t my real name, this name wasn’t even on the crew list and no harm was done,
but I think this player didn’t read server rules properly and since I couldn’t get hold of him in OOC after round I’m making report so they don’t make this mistake again.