JOHN DOE Player Report

   CKEY: martcraft

   Your Discord: martcraft#3685

   Offender’s CKEY: can't recall

   LRP or MRP server: LRP

   Offender’s In-Game Name: can't recall (Was the chef on that round: IT WASN'T TOASTER)

   Date : 04-28-2020

   Round Number: 15234

   Rules Broken: Rule 4

   Incident Description: The person gibbed one unconscious drunk man with his gibber for no reason, welder-bombed the escape shuttle BEFORE it arrived at CentCom and tried to STAB ME to death with a knife also on the escape shuttle BEFORE it arrived at Centcom.

   Additional Information: I'm sorry I don't know alot of the person but I clicked the game closed before I could note the person's name

Report confirmed and verified. Exact punishment hasn’t yet been decided, but they’ll be dealt with after I’m done gathering opinions from other Admins.

The CKEY in question is Johny_melons, a confirmed alternate account of Nigaalfred69 for the sake of future forum searches.