In-game report:
CKEY: sergeikoralev
Your Discord: aclericalerror9300
Offender’s CKEY: Vanghan
Offender’s In-Game Name: John Adamantine
Date (YYYY-MM-DD): 2025/1/23
Round Number: 51413
Rules Broken: Powergaming/EORG Prep
Incident Description: During round prepared a significant amount of explosive plants as botanists in preparation for EORG. This has been happening a lot as of late and he does it even as non-antag. This would also likely fall under the no powergaming rule, primarily, because he preps enough explosives to thoroughly destroy CC in many rounds. You can also reference the OOC logs at the start of round 51414.
Additional Information: Note, I don’t necissarily expect this to wind up as a ban. I just get tired to exploding at the end of every round by a lunatic throwing melons and bananas at me.
I’ve noticed a lot of generic “gamer” behaviour from John on a few rounds, never something truly foul or worthy of a report, but enough to keep me on edge, still the impression I got was that he was just getting used to the server, considering what flies elsewhere.
As such this sadly doesn’t surprise me, but I think the best thing we could get done is just getting Vanghan to look at this thread (looc him?) and explain why it’s stinky.
I did a Ckey check, he’s got over 400 hours.
400 hours is nothing if you just spend them doing job stuff and not interacting. (and it’s not like he’s a griefer either, he’s not)
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In his own words, carrying around multiple ‘one hit KO’ weapons as a nonantag is already crossing the line. As for the EORG prep, the logs are fairly clear and he has a note from the last two weeks about EORG prep/powergaming resulting in him blowing up all of botany.
Sorry I took a bit to get to this.