Offender’s In-Game Name (if relevant): Not relevant
Date (YYYY-MM-DD): 2023/10/22
Round Number: 46329
Rules Broken (if relevant): Admin Conduct
Part of Admin/Mentor Conduct Broken (if relevant): General Conduct and Policies - General Behavior
Incident Description: I get bwoinked in game for doing a meme, the moderator in question says that doing a meme in IC is LRP, I say back explaining how it’s not LRP and how ss13 itself is like 50% memes and media. I’ve added in examples regarding the fact that everyone in the server uses memes, along with how I’ve heard people use amongus in chat before (Not to mention the countless paintings of the crewmate character). After all of this I stated how I’m not going to argue against the ruling but I’ll happily settle it on the forums which results in a ban.
Additional Information: In my personal opinion, this is unprofessional on how it was conducted. A player disagrees against you and they get banned for it, they don’t say ‘Dont do it again’ and then resolve the ticket or anything like that? They just ban me for a day, as the logs will show I was not violent- I didn’t insult the mod or anything I was calmly explaining my side.
I was banned for calmly explaining something, which in turn got my application declined, I have tried to follow the rules of the server to the T, keeping in line and all that stuff but then somebody comes along and bans me for “Being Extremely argumentative.” Even though as records will show I was pointing out my side of this? I made a meme in IC I was being an annoying revenant, it’s not uncommon to see memes referenced, I cant count how many times I’ve heard theres a changeling among us and the word sus.
If an admin tells you something is bad, then its bad. Not up for debate, refer to rule 0.2.
If you disagree with the judgement you can file an appeal.
Admins are not obligated to listen to your oppinion on how rules should be interpreted.
Ah yes, the classic “BUT EVRYMUDHE IS DOING IT!!!”
And that makes it okay somehow?
Why dont you REPORT people that are spewing shitty memes instead of trying to use it to justify your own spewing of shitty memes?
the word sus is filterd so if people are somehow still saying it you should doubly report it, since its also filterbypass.
Me when you mispell your own ckey. its fishytheflopping with two ps
There is no unprofessinalism here.
The mod told you what you were doing wrong and to not do it anymore, to which you attempt at length to argue its actualy okay somehow.
Again, none of what the mod says is unprofessional in any way, and you absolutely were argumentative.
If you want to argue that the ban is injust, you can do that - IN AN APPEAL.
report dismissed.