Joelogbybolb ruling dissagreement

In-game misconduct:


Your Discord:rensandia

Offender’s CKEY:Unknown

Offender’s In-Game Name (if relevant):Percy Honkson

Admin’s Ckey:joelogbybolb

Date (YYYY-MM-DD): Forgot when it happened, here is a day where Percy played. 2023 10 17

Round Number: 46270

Rules Broken (if relevant):Naming guideline

Part of Admin/Mentor Conduct Broken (if relevant):

Incident Description: The Name Percy Honkson is a clear violation of the naming guideline, for once it is a clear referance to PERCY JACKSON, and also it raises eyebrows, this name is more fit for a clown than a average human slaving away to NT

Additional Information:


admins previously ruled to have damien honkster change his non-clown lastname right? Fairly sure any name riffing on honk is considered an eyebrow raiser


Do not peanut post if you’re not involved in the report or have Important Info

what he said

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Alright, time to break this down.

I think the name here is pretty clearly not allowed. There’s a strong reference on top of it also containing “honk” which for non-clowns is “eyebrow-raising”.

I disagree with the original ruling made by @joelogbybolb and agree with the report.

Thank you.