Jester#7303 mute appeal

**Discord ID:**Jester#7303

**Admin Discord ID:**I cant remember

**Ban Type:**Mute

**Ban Length:**Forever

**Ban Date (MM/DD/YYYY):**I cant remember probably around the late summer of 2021

Ban Reason: The mute’s reason MIGHT HAVE included the following: Racism, xenophobia, homophobia, trolling, filter bypassing, argueing with other discord members.


Appeal Reason: I wish to parttake in the community once more but this time without trolling and being offensive. I am a lot calmer person now.

Additional Information: I cant really add anything, its been so long ago i forgot it all.


Appeal ignored? :frowning:

EDIT: Three day is long, if you live in agony

Also thanks for the ban lift

→ three days old thread
→ “Appeal ignored? :frowning:

if only three days was a long time for us, that’d be great actualy.

yea, ill lift my warning i guess. Just dont ping repeatedly for one issue, thats kinda cringe and realy annoying for staff.

Open a new thread if you want to also appeal the other two warning i guess