JayHays banned by Admin whyiscaeciliustaken

CKEY: JayHays

Admin’s CKEY: whyiscaeciliustaken

Is this for both servers or just one? If so, which one: Both

Which server did the ban happen on? Sage

Ban Type: Server ban

Ban Length: 3 days

Ban Date (MM/DD/YYYY): 07/19/2020

Round ID: 18751

Ban Reason: “Killed the clown for being in the heads of staff meeting room, then delimbed a random for seemingly no reason”

Appeal Reason: I killed the clown with the help of others for tresspassing, I don’t remember me being the sole person to attack him, I believe captain and warden were also there. As for the delimbing incident, I didn’t delimb anybody. It’s not possible with the baseball bat/miniature energy gun combo I had.

The station was in shambles, we had no security besides one warden and a sec officer. I was attacked just outside the bridge minutes before so anybody that was breaking into bridge was pretty much attack on sight. Also, borgs were rogue and attacking us. The whole round was a shit show and I’m surprised I got banned when I saw the warden chopping somebody to death with the bridge axe. I would like to appeal as it was pure self defense on my part since everybody and their mother were breaking into bridge and there were multiple traitors in the mix. I was not out on the prowl trying to kill people, I held my ground in bridge and got banned for it.

Additional Information: Would have been nice to be warned. I know you aren’t supposed to kill people if you are out in public, but defending myself in bridge is kind of a grey area. If people try to break into armory, isn’t the warden cleared to use lethal force? If so, wouldn’t the same principle apply to bridge staff such as HoP and Captain?

Edit: For those who didn’t know, I was HoP.

Bro- Armory is very very different than command meeting room. What were they gonna get? A fucking ligher? They would of had to trespass 3 times or with a lethal weapon before your allowed to even arrest them, much less brutally slaughter.

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“They would have had to trespass 3 times or with a lethal weapon before your allowed to even arrest them”

Is this written somewhere so I can reference it in the future? Also, they were on bridge.


The armoury contains a giant pile of guns.

the head of staff meeting room has a box of donuts.

There is a difference.


Now hold on there a minute. The rules state it can be skipped to 3 to 5
Heads of staff meeting room IS command, however small. This means he could, rule wise, beat the everloving fuck out of that man with no repercussions. I mean I personally wouldn’t, but rules state you can.

Also doesn’t feel too mrp to beat that man in for being in such a low command area, but the rules do allow him to murder him.

Read the passage again. That means you can immediately arrest them with no need to ask them to leave or call sec. You don’t get to pick to go all the way to 5 because you want to.

You also have to respect space law on MRP. HoP can’t execute an unarmed man on the spot for trespass.

also its a fucking clown

how lame are you if you fucking kill the clown for trespassing lmao

what is he gonna do? slip you and honk at you?


The clown among other people kept returning after being removed multiple times. I probably would have brought the clown to be revived if five other people weren’t trying to break into bridge at the same time. I’m sure if you were there to see it, you might have had a different opinion. I still think the ban was a quick act of judgement, and talking to me more first would have been nice. I was really under the impression that bridge is a no-go zone for anyone and you should be able to escalate things for stubborn people who keep coming back.

Edit: The guy that you claimed I “delimbed” was one of the people that kept coming back after being forcibly removed.

Edit 2: @Caecilius It was not an execution. You are viewing this as me deciding to murder a guy for being in command room, I saw it as defending myself because I was probably going to die soon, (and I did.)

Yeah I get you. I think killing him for being in there is overescalation tbh

I feel like your ban for this should stick- While yes, the valid rules are there, there is a rule thats all about being nice to each other, and removing someone from the round, ruining any projects or fun shit they planned for that round, just because they were in your no no square, is a lil fucked bro

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I don’t know about you, but if there’s something important I want to do for the round, I don’t go to sec/bridge and stir the pot.

I dont know about you, but if I’m gonna play clown, I exist to stir the pot.


That is to be expected with most clowns. There is also a threshold of how much screwing around you can do before you get seriously punished for it. This is the reason for my ban appeal.

Then arrest him. Don’t straight up kill someone for being mildly annoying, even the clown.


I apologize for killing the clown. I do not apologize for how I handled the situation at bridge with the knowledge I had at the time. This goes into a point I want to make. A warning would be much more effective in my opinion than a ban. I didn’t disconnect after he died, I was forcibly disconnected after you banned me once I told you I had killed him. Yes, the ban message states why I was banned, but it doesn’t help me understand what I should be doing differently.

A simple “Hey, you shouldn’t have killed the clown. Go read the rules on B&E escalation.” would have done me a huge solid instead of banning me for 3 days, making me appeal and then ask what I could have done differently because I didn’t understand the rules completely at the time.


yeah this is pretty bad

not knowing the rules is not an excuse. And take it from me, just because the rules say you can doesn’t mean you should

@GameAdmin what are your thoughts on this?

I’m cool with lowering the ban a bit, but it should stay, it is not your first time getting banned for not readinf the rules.

I see both sides of this argument, and current escalation allows for the killing of those trespassing in secure areas instead of restraining (doubly so if they keep returning), even if it is the clown. I don’t see the clown half as being worth a ban if the story is correct, it sounds like their pranks went stale.

The delimbing of someone else at random could make it worth one, but that has been completely refuted by the banned player and ignored by all the folks posting so far.