JackTheLing's player report on changeling metagrudger(s) Paul and Adolf along with the AI (and a few minor people that are seen in the screenshots)

In-game report:

CKEY: JackTheLing

Your Discord: JackTheLing ( IC Rebel Trouble)

Offender’s CKEY: Do not know

LRP or MRP server: LRP

Offender’s In-Game Name: Too many, read the screenshots

Date (MM-DD-YYYY): May 19, 2020

Round Number: 16117

Rules Broken: https://i.imgur.com/Q6bKk6B.png

Incident Description: Had a successful murderbone round before this round. People decided to get back at me. Understandable but rude and unwarranted

Additional Information:

These are from the round I murderboned. These were his messages during after shuttle landed
When I died after he made a manhunt for me(below)


^After this the AI proceeded to give out my location SEVERAL times to valid hungry metagrudgers
Additional Proof of Metagrudging:

I think AI’s laws got changed midround but I believe a lot of the shit he did was on round start laws
After killing ONE of the changeling meta grudgers, Osborn sees this as the perfect chance to capitalize

ALL this was done while I was asking admins to come on in adminhelp. Even after they came on last round for my blood brother round to ask me if I did half of my objectives.

Even after all of this, I ended up coming back alive and going on the emergency shuttle since I would feel like they won if I went on the pod, and surviving.

With both of the main changeling metagrudgers dead

Before that Valery asked who cloned me, then some one hit me with a crowbar fresh out of cloning, Valery chased me around with an advanced welder tool. I survived this by going to the bar and jumping in disposals. (Valery is always trying to metagrudge me but he is too unrobust to really succeed. I DARE you to check his OOC history. I fucking dare you to feast your eyes upon the salt she emits for me. )

(Also I did not know this before but looking at their CKEYs they are people have actively shown and possibly admitted they hate me. Which I can get if I check their OOC history and forums probably.) Even if they were changelings they actively metagrudged me. Not to mention the other non-antags that followed along wanting a piece of me.

VALERY’S METAGRUDGING INCIDENT (Longines) (Another round not related to this one but since she decided to join in on this shit, i’ll add another incident with her in which I do not expect to be looked at honestly): Valery instantly went after me as a gang boss. I successfully kicked her ass and cremated her luckily

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imagine actually getting mad over this. besides i was antag that round anyway so i could have killed you if i wanted too. hope you get killed every round

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maybe next time dont murder bone 20 people

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dude just deadass admitted to metagrudging because he got murderboned by a guy with an axe, just play better 4head, enjoy yo ban bruh bruh


it was funny af. still i tecnically didnt metagrudge since i was antag. if you kill 20 people with an axe. no shit the entire servers gonna metagruge

no proof i actually metagrudged just a ss of me saying i was gonna. i was still antag and for all you know you could have been my target

Metagrudge is based on intent. Being antag doesn’t mean you can get away with metagrudge, especially if you admit to it in the report.

Dude just give it up. You metagrudged, I literally have your objective list and Paul’s objective list IN THE REPORT. You literally posted that you did IN THE PLAYER REPORT. Being an antag doesn’t give you a free card to break no tolerance server rules. Proof is posted all over dude

i didnt metagrudge just said i was going to. someone killing him could have given me the opprotinity to extract his geomes

Crusader was banned for metagrudging as antag and so have others. He ignored everyone else and then went out of his way to kill @Bastian0930 when he joined because it was Bass.

There’s already precedent for this in place.

an if you where gonna ban for meetagruge you whould need to do almost the entire server. plus i never even hit rebel

imagine getting salty people where messing with you in lrp after murderboning 20 people. and for the record i did not metagrudge. just said i was going to. never did anything other then trying to get server to kill you so i could extract your genes

even if i was metagrudging which i was not other then the fact i said i did and the server already was trying to murder him round start. killing bastion cause he was a stupid idea. killing the entire server with an axe. i mean literately the entire server is a excuse for someone (not me) to get mad. and ask anyone else in the round. rebel has self antag multible times in the past according to a large number of people

nvm the fact he posted an entire fourm blog about how to be a shitter.

said what
im def gonna metagruge. that like me saying im def gonna murderbone next round then i get antag and release a virus. if i wasnt a antag and i murderboned then that whould be a problem. i said i was gonna metagruge. no proof i did when i was in the actual game. in fourms i only said no shit people might metagruge. my goal was to get more geomes then other changlings. i wanted to complete objective 1 so what i did was try to get a crew which may have been metagrudgeing to kill him so i could take his geomes

axe man had a very exploitable opprotunity to take and extract his geomes

i simply use the advantage the round gave me to complete my objective. with no metagrudge. the ai said he was a criminal so i screamed valid trying to get him killed. SO i could extract genes

just going to casually point out that first your point is “it’s not metagrudge if i’m an antag” and then “it’s not metagrudge at all”, which is slightly different.

what i was trying to say was though there was a coincidence it can not be definitively proven. like if 6 million dudes died in a span of a few years. or a black guy jogging in a rich neighborhood looking at construction with a hammer and attacking a dude with a gun. its not substantial evidence

you could at least try to pretend you did not mean to metagrudge. seriously, it takes minimal effort to not to avoid someone if he is not your assasination target