Offender’s In-Game Name (if relevant): Not relevant nor do I think he played this round
Date (MM-DD-YYYY):
Round Number: 17042
Rules Broken (if relevant): He used his powers to revive a dead gangboss then tried to make it better when I reported
Part of Admin Conduct Broken (if relevant): Adminbus
Incident Description: Me and Tian had an intense battle which I knew I couldn’t win because he had an uzi and I had riot armor and I was in a straight line. So before he rained hell upon me with 1000 bullets, I shot him with a lethal injection syringe. Resulting in both of us dying. A while later I notice Tian’s body is gone. So I asked this in DC
After this, I confronted the admin.
This was his response
Tian was 100% a human and was taking my shit off. Once he realised how stupid this shit was. He turned Tian into a cluwne and closed the ticket
I decided to tell him I was reporting because if I had not adminhelped he wouldn’t have turned Tian into a cluwne. I know this because he was alive for a while before he got turned into a cluwne
I brought him back as a monkey because he prayed for it and round was going slow. Wasn’t expecting for him to become a human later.
It’s LRP and it’s not like it prevented anyone from greentexting.
You are just mad because he killed you.
No I am not. Do not try to direct this to me because you adminbussed. That’s also the thing, you fucking almost allowed him to greentext. Had I not admin helped, he would’ve easily dommed and won. Me AND Warden were dead in the spot where he also died. He was already taking our gear, Had he succeeded he would’ve had everything he needed to win and comeback. Including all access and instantdeath syringes. I killed him, you revived him. This is on you and not that I am “salty” because I died. The fact that you would pull this shit with another open complaint is despicable
Lmao I was wondering how the fuck Tian was alive at the end as ‘‘Grandma’’
Also ngl, even though this might seem like an honest mistake? Admins not knowing monkeys can turn into humans, bussing like this and other stuff before and not taking it serious is a bruh moment.
Of course i’m not taking this shit seriously.
People report me for garbage reasons while i’m busting my ass trying to make the game fun and enjoyable for you. Responding to your prayers and ahelp so that you can have fun instead of spectating like an idiot.
I haven’t played in the 60h of playtime i’ve got since admin, just so that you can have admemes on golden, so that you can have little special things to make the round fun, AND YOU DO THIS ?
Fucking damnit do you even realise what it is ? No you don’t, otherwise you wouldn’t be screeching on the forums.
I would like to call you every names but i won’t do it and will just give you felyne disease instead when i feel down.
And worst part is that it may lead to me not becoming admin. Well it’s very fine because i won’t have to help people like you in the future.
Damn son, nothing against you personally, to me it is what is and not even that serious/malicious but that’s a true gamer moment comment you made. Still strike-worthy behaviour from the reports or perhaps more because of the combined reports together, but didn’t really feel bad intentions with it in my opinion
Maybe don’t admin if you feel that way and just play, have some fun in the game because this doesn’t seem to be working for you on a personal level.
Lashing out like that against valid critisism is not gucci my man.
It’s a bit of a shame because whenever I was on I did see you’d seem to get on and try to help, and I appreciated that. But when you get HNNNGGG about a report that’s legitimate, that discredits you a bit chief. Just own up on your shit and try to improve.
How the hell am I mad because I died. How is bringing a gang boss back in the round with half of sec dead spicing shit up. You’re being an idiot and you’re shitting up my complaint. Regardless of your definition of “spicing up” you should take it somewhere else because all of your responses are based on flawed logic and direct attacking. If he cannot spice up the round in smarter ways or take a simple complaintnt without breaking down than that is sa . I am not mad at him or anything. Just was really dumb and he should know better.