I do not validbait nor do I tide the station as Warden. I hope there is a way to pull up all the logs I was security or an assistant with all access and I decided to random search. The lying in this thread is unbearable I always ask to search before anything, anybody saying otherwise is bullshitting
This is a straight up lie, whether you mean to lie or not as I remember a time in particular when you didn’t.
One instance or literally all the time? Why would I waste ammo on a person when there is a chance to comply? Which most people do. You’re lying and I am standing by that. An admin can pull up logs and I guarantee I will be correct.
Valery knows she is lying because she always runs when I ask for a search
I mean, you running around as Warden with captain’s shit (unique items), the captain telling me you tided it, me SEEING YOU tide into the CE’s office and you disabling, cuffing and stripping me of most of my shit for witnessing it, and the trial admin telling me ‘‘greytiding is allowed on LRP’’ sort of did happen. (access=/=clearance before you write some dumb shit about AA)
And this is a bit of a problem with LRP, for quite some time. There’s not really alot of attention spent towards it and it’s becoming a bit of a cess pool.
No admins, when there are it’s trial admins who are not really aware of rules and it’s for me even becoming a bit too much of a no-fun zone.
It’s the same shift over and over, with a nice mix in between of full on self-antag mass murder (like some one who got accepted into mentor a while ago )
Also you might need a reality check @JackTheLing. If time progresses but the only constant in it is you (as in being viewed negatively by nearly everyone) is it perhaps not you at fault to a degree?
I do not mind the hate since it is the usual unrobust riftraft or people who play victim but I do take it serious when people lie on me especially. I have killed Valery as a gangboss and early on a tratior because they denied a search and ran. I understand why she would lie about this shit
I can only remember a few incidents where I did stun and search without consent but those are times where I saw some one bloody in maintenance or just lurking, someone trespassing or coming out of a place they were not suppose to or some one’s whos name I saw too many times on the radio for doing dumb shit.
I did not tide into Captain’s office, AI allowed me in to secure disk and take spare. This was before Captain was present.
You were wearing his gloves as well, amongst other things (unique items, self-antag). AI allowing you in is also not clearance or valid reasoning. AI is bound by its laws. Hacking a door open, having a borg or AI open it, it’s still tiding. If it was only the nuke disk it’d be one thing, but it wasn’t.
I literally witnessed you rush the CE’s locker with your new found AA which got me disabler shots in return. I legit thought you were just some assistant or antag, until I was cuffed/stripped and found out you were the warden.
I’m gonna be real with you chief, it doesn’t really matter if you’re an antag or not, even security. Because you always act like an antag regardless. And not even one that might bring something funny or clever.
It’s always the same shit and you somehow take pride in it. That warden tiding alone today should’ve landed you a ban, but no admins on and shit doesn’t get handled so everything fades away.
The only other player as cancerous I’ve seen in my opinion is Don Arbuckle, so that’s saying alot. But at least he just sticks to assistant.
I did not steal from CE’s locker. I was getting his PDA messages code. What would I get from CE’s locker?
Yeah all you guys say,plus if someone wants to get back on him he makes a player report like a pussy fuck that shit he shoud be baned!!
Also i always have a good time waiting for him to break into sec for the 10th time(at the same door) and just blasting his ass and gulaging him after that he goes afk.
I may as well start executing him when he breaks into brig because i never know if he is antag.Also idk why you think you are robust when you infact are not,i killed you multiple times even when you had riot shield+reflrctor vest.
I mean good I guess. No idea who you are though
i’m not lying, i would know if i was. i don’t think u can say the same CAUSE UR A BITCH ASS BITCH
idk yea ive played lrp a couple times and just get boned by him
Valery you are lying so bad. I could care less about this if you do not admit that I ask for consent all the time. There is nothing to debate with me about because I do not have intelligent conversations with liars.
do u know why u think i’m a liar? it’s bc ur delusional
Because I know what I do, even if I did do it there would be no reason to lie about it since its not against the rules. Even I consider that dickish so I always attempt to ask first. The fact that you are lying about it is annoying
This is fucking ridiculous. If you can’t have a warden who simply guns down Rebel the second they enter the armory, then you deserve whatever is coming to the station.
I don’t like jack’s style. I’m sure many people agree with me.
is this a reason to open a thread about him?
Should anything be done about him?
Hide your antag shit better. Play on MRP. Accept in-game death instead of complaining.
Jack’s allowed to be a dick as much as anyone else.