Admin’s CKEY:kerbinfiber
Is this for both servers or just one? If so, which one: Both
Ban Type:temporary
Ban Length:2 days
Ban Date (03/28/2020):
Round ID:13961
Ban Reason:Knew ERP was against the rules and did it anyway
Appeal Reason:I was not intentionally ERPing. I was in jail by myself and I made a dumb joke about furiously masturbating in the corner because the guards walked away and forgot about me. The admin sent me a text box to respond to the question “Did you know ERP is against the rules?” it didnt occur to me that the dumb joke i just made was in fact a form of ERP so i responded “yes” thinking that was just a message sent to everyone on the server. I won’t talk about masturbation anymore
Additional Information: I realized after i sent my “yes” reply to the admin what was going on and I couldn’t figure out how to private message him again ingame to explain myself before being banned