Itachipirate banned by KerbinFiber


Admin’s CKEY:kerbinfiber

Is this for both servers or just one? If so, which one: Both

Ban Type:temporary

Ban Length:2 days

Ban Date (03/28/2020):

Round ID:13961

Ban Reason:Knew ERP was against the rules and did it anyway

Appeal Reason:I was not intentionally ERPing. I was in jail by myself and I made a dumb joke about furiously masturbating in the corner because the guards walked away and forgot about me. The admin sent me a text box to respond to the question “Did you know ERP is against the rules?” it didnt occur to me that the dumb joke i just made was in fact a form of ERP so i responded “yes” thinking that was just a message sent to everyone on the server. I won’t talk about masturbation anymore

Additional Information: I realized after i sent my “yes” reply to the admin what was going on and I couldn’t figure out how to private message him again ingame to explain myself before being banned

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I demand the logs so we can point and laugh

I’m not gonna lift a 2 day ban because what you did was a “joke.”

that’s not my reasoning for appeal. my reasoning for appeal was that i did not initially consider that what i said was ERP. I clearly was not trying to create an ERP environment of any sort, thats cringy

Well, I’ll lift the ban, but the note is going to stay.
The reasoning with that is, ERP is NOT tolerated here.

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Unbeaned. Don’t ERP again, or joke about it like this.

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