If you were a normal community member, I would agree that you have a right to not care, but you’re a mod. You really should care a little bit. *shrug
Please do. This report is made in bad faith.
My initial report was about being offensive, doesn’t matter if it offended me, or anyone else.
I am so happy that you saying on a public forum that you do not care about offensive shit, as long as person reporting that isn’t offended. I really hope headmins take a look at this.
So just because one person that got offended was a ‘baddie’, it means you shouldn’t care?
Point is it doesn’t matter if I am personally offended, because not everything I report has to personally affect me.
Very nice, I’m glad we have admins like you.
Same argument as mine. Also was a meme who got an admin and a mentor demoted shown to a woman? Because we have one commenting in this thread that doesn’t seem to mind. Not that it matters for people dealing with those reports.
Can you say the same for the meme that got one admin and one mentor demoted?
A head admin or Crossedfall will handle this report in due time.
First off, apologies for the delay in processing this. The holidays afforded us very limited time to respond and process reports. Also, I got my booster and it really knocked me out for a few days
We have reviewed the incident along with the replies in this thread, and agree that the responses provided by Troon and Sanders did not live up to our expectations and failed to meet our professional standards. Since this is a first time offense for both team members, we have reprimanded them and provided constructive feedback on how to act in the future.
Finally, after a lot of thought… Given the clear bad faith nature of this thread, the original report, a large number of your rants in our Discord’s general channel, and a number of your other forum responses the Head Admins and I have decided to apply an appealable community ban. You wont be banned from the game servers and can still freely play if you so choose.
For over a year, just about all of your interactions within the community and with staff have been generally quite negative and hostile. It’s been abundantly clear that you do not like BeeStation’s current direction and management; which, while normally fine, has evolved into this toxic relationship we find ourselves in today. Decoupling yourself from the community side of things for at least 6-months seems like the best option for everyone.