Ironicpower Player Report

CKEY: Kontaminant

Your Discord: Don’t use discord.

Offender’s CKEY: Ironicpower

LRP or MRP server: MRP

Offender’s In-Game Name: Gulke

Date (MM-DD-YYYY): 11-09-2020

Round Number: 23667

Rules Broken: 5. Don’t Self Antag

Incident Description: This is from my point of view as Chief Engineer that was not directly involved and only estimate how this round degenerated from my limited available infromation.

Gulke the botanist obtains all access from HoP, proceeds to give out access to other people. Goes to cargo and soon “cargonia” is declared, they arm themselves with guns. Security enters the scene to disarm them and strip their access, Gulke starts shooting lethal lasers at them. Gulke wasn’t an antag.

Additional Information: There’s most likely many more guilty parties here in cargo in this incident, and the HoP Frank Moth presumably giving out AA to Gulke to start with.

HoP should be held at higher responsability than Gukle in this scenario tbh, they gave out AA in the first place and supported cargo being hostile towards sec.

I was cap during that shitshow. What happened was basically this :

  1. Hop - Frank Moth gives AA to Gukle.
  2. Gukle then tides around, does HOP job and generally memes around with chap and cargo.
  3. During this HOP goes to cargo and ( as it turns out later) orders guns and shit.
  4. After a while sec tells me that Gukle ( despite his promise) is giving more access to his buddies. And that HOP is trying to make cargonia.
  5. I give them a free hand in that matter. They set Gukle and HOP to arrest, they both cry over it on radio, everyone is going crazy, more cries about mutiny and killing all sec.
  6. I get revived after someone bombed me so i dont know what happened in those 10 minutes between event 5 and 6. When i get back, sec and cargo are heavily armed and trying to kill each other.
  7. Sec wants to lethal raid cargo. I tell them no and I go talk to cargonia ( that was gukle, HOP, chap, cargo and some assistants).
  8. I tell them to stop, they all cry over it and start insulting me. Normally i wouldn’t care, but that was 50. minute of the shift, and the only thing i received from Gukle and his buddies were insults like : shitter, dumbass, i fucked your mother, i will kick your ass idiot, powertriping.
  9. I get mad, shoot Gukle once and tell him to shut the hell up. I get dsiablered, stripped and cuffed naked on a roller chair.
  10. As they strip me from comms, i yell at sec to come to cargo and kill them all for mutiny. Sec comes firing disablers and shotguns filled with rubber, cargo starts shooting lasers back. The battle turns into a slaughter and literally everyone dies, except for one cargo tech that kills me.
  11. End of the round, none of the party involved was antag. Salt mine begins.

Honestly that round was bad, but i think every part involved was a bit shitty. Still, i get that you all like Gukle but honestly giving him AA for no reason ( he was a botanist) and then starting a fucking civil war for trying to take it back, thats super cringe. Meta budies acting like a fucking protective cowl is just not fun.

FUN FACT: The same shit started to happen next round. With HOP giving his id to clown. And cargo arming themselves against “sec tyranny”. It was stopped, but still.

Cargo is such a pussy department

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Just ban everyone that fired a shot in cargo this round

Isn’t guncargo fun when it happens every round?

Nov 9, 2020 @ 08:02:41.786 Starting up round ID 23667.

Paramedic gets some extra access.

Nov 9, 2020 @ 08:33:09.604 ID: ConteudoGenerico/(Frank Moth) assigned /datum/job/captain job to Gukle’s ID Card (Botanist), overriding all previous access using Frank Moth’s ID Card (Head of Personnel) at Head of Personnel’s Office (134, 162, 2).
Nov 9, 2020 @ 08:36:09.710 ID: Ironicpower/(Gukle) assigned /datum/job/captain job to the identification card, overriding all previous access using Gukle’s ID Card (Captain) at Head of Personnel’s Office (134, 162, 2).
Nov 9, 2020 @ 08:36:40.865 ID: Ironicpower/(Gukle) changed Abu Sharmoota’s ID Card (Paramedic) name to ‘Gukle Lover’, using the identification card (Captain) at Head of Personnel’s Office (134, 162, 2).
Nov 9, 2020 @ 08:37:08.292 ID: Ironicpower/(Gukle) changed James Burgees’s ID Card (Detective) name to ‘Gukle Fan’, using the identification card (Captain) at Head of Personnel’s Office (134, 162, 2).

Nov 9, 2020 @ 08:57:48.994 ID: Tropaion/(Samantha Stern) assigned /datum/job/captain job to Samantha Stern’s ID Card (Roboticist), overriding all previous access using Other Gukle’s ID Card (Captain) at Head of Personnel’s Office (134, 162, 2).

I have no idea where the HoP ran off to, but leaving the card in the console for other people to “self-serve” AA is bad.

he went to cargo to open crates for cargonia

That’s even worse.

One of the command staff is expected to assume the job of captain, and there’s expectation for the captain (mainly that they treat their job more than just an Assistant with All Access).

I’ve only had negative interactions with Gukle and they are not a nice person that plays in good faith. I don’t need to ask for evidence, everything said in this thread fits Gukle’s personality perfectly.

I was in this round. I saw Gukle disable the captain. I yelled for sec and prepared to fight Gukle to the death over mutiny. Sadly, I didn’t even manage a single toolbox to the head before security handled the situation.

All-in-all, Gukle is bad. HoP is bad. Security good. :^)


Gukle is literally my favourite player on the server and I see him regularly “lose” combat interactions on purpose because he thinks the losing outcome is more fun.

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Hello this is my first post on this forum and I just want to defend my actions since the situation did get out of control, I jokingly asked the hop for aa at the start of the shift which he did (which is surprising) so I messed around and made sure not to do anything wacky, then the hop proclaims me the second hop so I do a bit of his job for him while hes doing wicked stuff in cargo. I go down to cargo and decide to make a supply express console to make their job easier, and then the ce yells about me over comms. The captain then threatens to murder me and security arrives at the hop office to arrest me where a buddy comes to save me, so already im starting to think this captain genuinely wants to end me. I hide out in cargo which wouldnt kill me because I helped them before and waited around til the captain arrived and shot a lethal laser at me. We obviously cuffed him and didnt kill him but we knew we were doomed so we stacked up on energy guns and all got slain by security. It went out of control because I wasnt trying to get killed by the captain and I wanted to get people to stop it.

I think im a bit at fault but I was getting hunted down and I obviously didnt want to die so I kept myself safe, the claim of “metafriends” is bullshit since i helped cargo that round with easy deliveries and the chaplain that helped me was saved by me earlier. I seriously don’t get why you metagrudge me everytime you can opie because you have spat on me in dchat rounds before like I did something absolutely horrible.

In another note I have never met frank moth (the hop) in my life, he was some rando who probably didnt even know who i was he just wanted to give out aa for some reason.

Oh boy, this is a long one.
Actually it was HOP who told people to run cargonia:

Line 1375: [2020-11-09 14:21:54.100] SAY: ConteudoGenerico/(Frank Moth) “atention guys” (Cargo Bay (156, 145, 2))
Line 1390: [2020-11-09 14:22:01.751] SAY: ConteudoGenerico/(Frank Moth) “if we be good boys” (Cargo Bay (156, 145, 2))
Line 1398: [2020-11-09 14:22:07.702] SAY: ConteudoGenerico/(Frank Moth) “we get independence for cargonia” (Cargo Bay (156, 145, 2))
Line 1537: [2020-11-09 14:23:46.835] SAY: ConteudoGenerico/(Frank Moth) “we need a few things” (Cargo Bay (156, 147, 2))
Line 1559: [2020-11-09 14:23:57.604] SAY: ConteudoGenerico/(Frank Moth) “first russian crates” (Cargo Bay (156, 147, 2))
Line 1564: [2020-11-09 14:24:00.638] SAY: ConteudoGenerico/(Frank Moth) “second be nice” (Cargo Bay (156, 147, 2))
Line 1579: [2020-11-09 14:24:11.210] SAY: ConteudoGenerico/(Frank Moth) “third make a fortress” (Cargo Bay (156, 147, 2))
Line 1646: [2020-11-09 14:24:46.891] SAY: ConteudoGenerico/(Frank Moth) “ok” (Cargo Office (151, 148, 2))
Line 1673: [2020-11-09 14:24:59.653] SAY: ConteudoGenerico/(Frank Moth) “yeah” (Cargo Bay (154, 147, 2))
Line 1702: [2020-11-09 14:25:14.471] SAY: ConteudoGenerico/(Frank Moth) “fuck yeah” (Cargo Bay (156, 145, 2))
Line 1712: [2020-11-09 14:25:17.000] SAY: ConteudoGenerico/(Frank Moth) “WE ARE CUBA” (Cargo Bay (156, 145, 2))
Line 1717: [2020-11-09 14:25:19.819] SAY: ConteudoGenerico/(Frank Moth) “but” (Cargo Bay (156, 145, 2))
Line 1735: [2020-11-09 14:25:31.832] SAY: ConteudoGenerico/(Frank Moth) “dont say nothing until we get weapons and a fortress” (Cargo Bay (156, 145, 2))

He gives gukle AA for his plans and declares him the second HOP.

Line 2946: [2020-11-09 14:40:04.083] SAY: ConteudoGenerico/(Frank Moth) “ATENTION BOYS, GUKLE IS NOW OFFICIALLY THE SECOND HOP” (Cargo Bay (156, 145, 2))

Ung goes to cargo bay to stop cargonia with talking, after getting pissed by the shoots 1 laser to gukle and then the fight breaks out. HOP was a part of thsi fight too. Logs:

Long Logs

Line 5793: [2020-11-09 15:10:00.164] ATTACK: SiurMaster/(Ung Glob) has shot Ironicpower/(Gukle) with the laser (NEWHP: 56) (Cargo Bay (156, 149, 2))
Line 5800: [2020-11-09 15:10:05.635] ATTACK: Ironicpower/(Gukle) has shot SiurMaster/(Ung Glob) with the disabler beam (NEWHP: 89.4) (Cargo Office (151, 147, 2))
Line 5803: [2020-11-09 15:10:05.870] ATTACK: Ironicpower/(Gukle) has fired at SiurMaster/(Ung Glob) with the disabler beam from Cargo Office (NEWHP: 89.4) (Cargo Office (151, 147, 2))
Line 5804: [2020-11-09 15:10:06.030] ATTACK: Ironicpower/(Gukle) has shot SiurMaster/(Ung Glob) with the disabler beam (NEWHP: 89.4) (Cargo Office (151, 147, 2))
Line 5805: [2020-11-09 15:10:06.251] ATTACK: Ironicpower/(Gukle) has fired at SiurMaster/(Ung Glob) with the disabler beam from Cargo Office (NEWHP: 89.4) (Cargo Office (151, 147, 2))
Line 5806: [2020-11-09 15:10:06.435] ATTACK: Ironicpower/(Gukle) has shot SiurMaster/(Ung Glob) with the disabler beam (NEWHP: 89.4) (Cargo Office (151, 147, 2))
Line 5807: [2020-11-09 15:10:06.685] ATTACK: Ironicpower/(Gukle) has fired at SiurMaster/(Ung Glob) with the disabler beam from Cargo Office (NEWHP: 89.4) (Cargo Office (151, 147, 2))
Line 5809: [2020-11-09 15:10:06.887] ATTACK: Ironicpower/(Gukle) has shot SiurMaster/(Ung Glob) with the disabler beam (NEWHP: 89.4) (Cargo Office (151, 147, 2))
Line 5822: [2020-11-09 15:10:11.590] ATTACK: SaltyPenguin25/(Desmond Lyle) has fired at SiurMaster/(Ung Glob) with the disabler beam from Cargo Office (NEWHP: 89.4) (Cargo Office (151, 142, 2))
Line 5825: [2020-11-09 15:10:13.252] ATTACK: SaltyPenguin25/(Desmond Lyle) has shot SiurMaster/(Ung Glob) with the disabler beam (NEWHP: 89.4) (Cargo Bay (153, 147, 2))
Line 5829: [2020-11-09 15:10:14.844] ATTACK: SaltyPenguin25/(Desmond Lyle) has shot SiurMaster/(Ung Glob) with the disabler beam (NEWHP: 89.4) (Cargo Bay (155, 147, 2))
Line 5832: [2020-11-09 15:10:15.550] ATTACK: SaltyPenguin25/(Desmond Lyle) has fired at SiurMaster/(Ung Glob) with the disabler beam from Cargo Bay (NEWHP: 89.4) (Cargo Bay (154, 147, 2))
Line 5833: [2020-11-09 15:10:15.629] ATTACK: SaltyPenguin25/(Desmond Lyle) has shot SiurMaster/(Ung Glob) with the disabler beam (NEWHP: 89.4) (Cargo Bay (153, 147, 2))
Line 5836: [2020-11-09 15:10:16.620] ATTACK: SaltyPenguin25/(Desmond Lyle) has fired at SiurMaster/(Ung Glob) with the disabler beam from Cargo Bay (NEWHP: 89.4) (Cargo Bay (154, 147, 2))
Line 5837: [2020-11-09 15:10:16.705] ATTACK: SaltyPenguin25/(Desmond Lyle) has shot SiurMaster/(Ung Glob) with the disabler beam (NEWHP: 89.4) (Cargo Bay (154, 147, 2))
Line 5838: [2020-11-09 15:10:17.088] ATTACK: SaltyPenguin25/(Desmond Lyle) has fired at SiurMaster/(Ung Glob) with the disabler beam from Cargo Bay (NEWHP: 89.4) (Cargo Bay (154, 147, 2))
Line 5839: [2020-11-09 15:10:17.155] ATTACK: SaltyPenguin25/(Desmond Lyle) has shot SiurMaster/(Ung Glob) with the disabler beam (NEWHP: 89.4) (Cargo Bay (154, 148, 2))
Line 5841: [2020-11-09 15:10:17.413] ATTACK: Ironicpower/(Gukle) has fired at SiurMaster/(Ung Glob) with the disabler beam from Cargo Office (NEWHP: 89.4) (Cargo Office (150, 146, 2))
Line 5842: [2020-11-09 15:10:17.478] ATTACK: Ironicpower/(Gukle) has shot SiurMaster/(Ung Glob) with the disabler beam (NEWHP: 89.4) (Cargo Office (150, 146, 2))
Line 5861: [2020-11-09 15:10:27.837] ATTACK: SaltyPenguin25/(Desmond Lyle) has handcuffed SiurMaster/(Ung Glob) (NEWHP: 89.4) (Cargo Office (152, 147, 2))
Line 5862: [2020-11-09 15:10:27.913] ATTACK: Quantuminfinity/(Ra-Petaxai) has grabbed SiurMaster/(Ung Glob) passive grab (NEWHP: 89.4) (Cargo Office (150, 148, 2))
Line 5866: [2020-11-09 15:10:29.025] ATTACK: SiurMaster/(Ung Glob) has pulled from Quantuminfinity/(Ra-Petaxai) with Desmond Lyle (NEWHP: 83) (Cargo Office (151, 148, 2))
Line 5867: [2020-11-09 15:10:29.026] ATTACK: SaltyPenguin25/(Desmond Lyle) has grabbed SiurMaster/(Ung Glob) passive grab (NEWHP: 89.4) (Cargo Office (152, 147, 2))
Line 5868: [2020-11-09 15:10:29.303] ATTACK: SiurMaster/(Ung Glob) has pulled from SaltyPenguin25/(Desmond Lyle) with Ra-Petaxai (NEWHP: 86) (Cargo Office (151, 148, 2))
Line 5869: [2020-11-09 15:10:29.303] ATTACK: Quantuminfinity/(Ra-Petaxai) has grabbed SiurMaster/(Ung Glob) passive grab (NEWHP: 89.4) (Cargo Office (150, 148, 2))
Line 5874: [2020-11-09 15:10:30.217] ATTACK: Ironicpower/(Gukle) has handcuffed SiurMaster/(Ung Glob) (NEWHP: 89.4) (Cargo Office (150, 147, 2))
Line 5875: [2020-11-09 15:10:30.770] ATTACK: Quantuminfinity/(Ra-Petaxai) has grabbed SiurMaster/(Ung Glob) aggressive grab (NEWHP: 89.4) (Cargo Office (150, 148, 2))
Line 5877: [2020-11-09 15:10:31.112] ATTACK: SiurMaster/(Ung Glob) has pulled from Quantuminfinity/(Ra-Petaxai) with Gukle (NEWHP: 83) (Cargo Office (151, 148, 2))
Line 5878: [2020-11-09 15:10:31.112] ATTACK: Ironicpower/(Gukle) has grabbed SiurMaster/(Ung Glob) passive grab (NEWHP: 89.4) (Cargo Office (150, 147, 2))
Line 5892: [2020-11-09 15:10:46.110] ATTACK: SiurMaster/(Ung Glob) has pulled from Ironicpower/(Gukle) with Hobo Clewett (NEWHP: 56) (Cargo Bay (159, 143, 2))
Line 5893: [2020-11-09 15:10:46.111] ATTACK: Alpella18/(Hobo Clewett) has grabbed SiurMaster/(Ung Glob) passive grab (NEWHP: 89.4) (Cargo Bay (159, 142, 2))
Line 5916: [2020-11-09 15:11:00.026] ATTACK: SaltyPenguin25/(Desmond Lyle) has stripped �the captain’s bowman headset off SiurMaster/(Ung Glob) (NEWHP: 89.4) (Warehouse (155, 151, 2))
Line 5917: [2020-11-09 15:11:00.478] ATTACK: SaltyPenguin25/(Desmond Lyle) has stripped the security HUDSunglasses off SiurMaster/(Ung Glob) (NEWHP: 89.4) (Warehouse (155, 151, 2))
Line 5922: [2020-11-09 15:11:02.861] ATTACK: SaltyPenguin25/(Desmond Lyle) has stripped the captain’s cloak off SiurMaster/(Ung Glob) (NEWHP: 89.4) (Warehouse (155, 151, 2))
Line 5923: [2020-11-09 15:11:03.035] ATTACK: SaltyPenguin25/(Desmond Lyle) has stripped the security gas mask off SiurMaster/(Ung Glob) (NEWHP: 89.4) (Warehouse (155, 151, 2))
Line 5924: [2020-11-09 15:11:03.233] ATTACK: SaltyPenguin25/(Desmond Lyle) has stripped the collectable HoP hat off SiurMaster/(Ung Glob) (NEWHP: 89.4) (Warehouse (155, 151, 2))
Line 5925: [2020-11-09 15:11:03.332] ATTACK: Alpella18/(Hobo Clewett) has stripped the brown shoes off SiurMaster/(Ung Glob) (NEWHP: 89.4) (Warehouse (157, 151, 2))
Line 5930: [2020-11-09 15:11:03.887] ATTACK: Alpella18/(Hobo Clewett) has stripped the captain’s backpack off SiurMaster/(Ung Glob) (NEWHP: 89.4) (Warehouse (157, 151, 2))
Line 5932: [2020-11-09 15:11:06.968] ATTACK: Alpella18/(Hobo Clewett) has stripped the captain’s jumpsuit off SiurMaster/(Ung Glob) (NEWHP: 89.4) (Warehouse (157, 151, 2))
Line 5937: [2020-11-09 15:11:10.621] ATTACK: Alpella18/(Hobo Clewett) has stripped the antique laser gun off SiurMaster/(Ung Glob) (NEWHP: 89.4) (Warehouse (157, 151, 2))
Line 5946: [2020-11-09 15:11:12.426] ATTACK: Alpella18/(Hobo Clewett) has stripped the captain’s carapace off SiurMaster/(Ung Glob) (NEWHP: 89.4) (Warehouse (157, 151, 2))
Line 5970: [2020-11-09 15:11:25.667] ATTACK: Alpella18/(Hobo Clewett) has stripped the captain’s gloves off SiurMaster/(Ung Glob) (NEWHP: 89.4) (Warehouse (157, 151, 2))
Line 5981: [2020-11-09 15:11:44.084] ATTACK: Alpella18/(Hobo Clewett) has grabbed SiurMaster/(Ung Glob) aggressive grab (NEWHP: 89.4) (Warehouse (156, 150, 2))
Line 5988: [2020-11-09 15:11:52.145] ATTACK: Alpella18/(Hobo Clewett) has attempted to neck grab SiurMaster/(Ung Glob) neck grab (NEWHP: 89.4) (Warehouse (156, 150, 2))
Line 5989: [2020-11-09 15:11:55.597] ATTACK: Alpella18/(Hobo Clewett) has grabbed SiurMaster/(Ung Glob) neck grab (NEWHP: 89.4) (Warehouse (156, 150, 2))
Line 5994: [2020-11-09 15:12:01.506] ATTACK: Alpella18/(Hobo Clewett) has grabbed SiurMaster/(Ung Glob) passive grab (NEWHP: 89.4) (Warehouse (157, 151, 2))
Line 6066: [2020-11-09 15:13:15.303] ATTACK: Alpella18/(Hobo Clewett) has grabbed SiurMaster/(Ung Glob) passive grab (NEWHP: 89.4) (Warehouse (159, 151, 2))
Line 6530: [2020-11-09 15:15:47.614] ATTACK: SiurMaster/(Ung Glob) has punched Alpella18/(Hobo Clewett) (NEWHP: 50.5) (Warehouse (161, 150, 2))
Line 6532: [2020-11-09 15:15:48.547] ATTACK: SiurMaster/(Ung Glob) has punched Alpella18/(Hobo Clewett) (NEWHP: 43.5) (Warehouse (160, 150, 2))
Line 6536: [2020-11-09 15:15:48.685] ATTACK: Alpella18/(Hobo Clewett) has shoved SiurMaster/(Ung Glob) with knocking them down (NEWHP: 89.4) (Warehouse (160, 151, 2))
Line 6543: [2020-11-09 15:15:50.262] ATTACK: SiurMaster/(Ung Glob) has attacked Alpella18/(Hobo Clewett) with iron (INTENT: HARM) (DAMTYPE: BRUTE) (NEWHP: 38.5) (Warehouse (159, 151, 2))
Line 6550: [2020-11-09 15:15:50.542] ATTACK: Alpella18/(Hobo Clewett) has kicked SiurMaster/(Ung Glob) (NEWHP: 78.9) (Warehouse (159, 151, 2))
Line 6590: [2020-11-09 15:15:58.082] ATTACK: SiurMaster/(Ung Glob) has attacked Alpella18/(Hobo Clewett) with iron (INTENT: HARM) (DAMTYPE: BRUTE) (NEWHP: 36.3) (Cargo Bay (156, 149, 2))
Line 6591: [2020-11-09 15:15:58.169] ATTACK: Alpella18/(Hobo Clewett) has punched SiurMaster/(Ung Glob) (NEWHP: 71.9) (Cargo Bay (156, 148, 2))
Line 6599: [2020-11-09 15:15:59.193] ATTACK: Alpella18/(Hobo Clewett) has punched SiurMaster/(Ung Glob) (NEWHP: 64.9) (Cargo Bay (156, 147, 2))
Line 6600: [2020-11-09 15:15:59.402] ATTACK: SiurMaster/(Ung Glob) has attacked Alpella18/(Hobo Clewett) with iron (INTENT: HARM) (DAMTYPE: BRUTE) (NEWHP: 34) (Cargo Bay (156, 148, 2))
Line 6607: [2020-11-09 15:16:00.289] ATTACK: SiurMaster/(Ung Glob) has attacked Alpella18/(Hobo Clewett) with iron (INTENT: HARM) (DAMTYPE: BRUTE) (NEWHP: 29) (Cargo Bay (156, 147, 2))
Line 6610: [2020-11-09 15:16:00.643] ATTACK: Alpella18/(Hobo Clewett) has punched SiurMaster/(Ung Glob) (NEWHP: 57.9) (Cargo Bay (156, 146, 2))
Line 6625: [2020-11-09 15:16:01.479] ATTACK: Alpella18/(Hobo Clewett) has punched SiurMaster/(Ung Glob) (NEWHP: 52.6) (Cargo Bay (156, 144, 2))
Line 6629: [2020-11-09 15:16:01.719] ATTACK: SiurMaster/(Ung Glob) has attacked Alpella18/(Hobo Clewett) with iron (INTENT: HARM) (DAMTYPE: BRUTE) (NEWHP: 24) (Cargo Bay (156, 145, 2))
Line 6631: [2020-11-09 15:16:02.418] ATTACK: Alpella18/(Hobo Clewett) has punched SiurMaster/(Ung Glob) (NEWHP: 45.6) (Cargo Bay (156, 143, 2))
Line 6632: [2020-11-09 15:16:02.655] ATTACK: SiurMaster/(Ung Glob) has attacked Alpella18/(Hobo Clewett) with iron (INTENT: HARM) (DAMTYPE: BRUTE) (NEWHP: 19) (Cargo Bay (156, 144, 2))
Line 6644: [2020-11-09 15:16:04.617] ATTACK: SiurMaster/(Ung Glob) has slipped on the [floor] (LUBE) (Cargo Bay (157, 143, 2))
Line 6647: [2020-11-09 15:16:05.686] ATTACK: SiurMaster/(Ung Glob) has kicked Alpella18/(Hobo Clewett) (NEWHP: 8.5) (Cargo Bay (157, 141, 2))
Line 6648: [2020-11-09 15:16:05.718] ATTACK: Alpella18/(Hobo Clewett) has attacked SiurMaster/(Ung Glob) with baseball bat (INTENT: HARM) (DAMTYPE: BRUTE) (NEWHP: 32.6) (Cargo Bay (158, 141, 2))
Line 6657: [2020-11-09 15:16:07.404] ATTACK: SiurMaster/(Ung Glob) has kicked Alpella18/(Hobo Clewett) (NEWHP: -2) (Cargo Bay (157, 141, 2))
Line 6670: [2020-11-09 15:16:14.540] ATTACK: Erol509/(Proxima Centauri) has attacked SiurMaster/(Ung Glob) with stun baton (INTENT: HARM) (DAMTYPE: BRUTE) (NEWHP: 27.6) (Cargo Bay (155, 141, 2))
Line 6671: [2020-11-09 15:16:15.330] ATTACK: Erol509/(Proxima Centauri) has grabbed SiurMaster/(Ung Glob) passive grab (NEWHP: 27.6) (Cargo Bay (155, 141, 2))
Line 6672: [2020-11-09 15:16:16.235] ATTACK: Erol509/(Proxima Centauri) has attacked SiurMaster/(Ung Glob) with stun baton (INTENT: HARM) (DAMTYPE: BRUTE) (NEWHP: 22.7) (Cargo Bay (154, 141, 2))
Line 6673: [2020-11-09 15:16:17.055] ATTACK: Erol509/(Proxima Centauri) has attacked SiurMaster/(Ung Glob) with stun baton (INTENT: HARM) (DAMTYPE: BRUTE) (NEWHP: 17.7) (Cargo Office (151, 141, 2))
Line 6684: [2020-11-09 15:16:21.582] ATTACK: SiurMaster/(Ung Glob) has kicked SaltyPenguin25/(Desmond Lyle) (NEWHP: -71.2) (Cargo Office (150, 142, 2))
Line 6691: [2020-11-09 15:16:22.542] ATTACK: SiurMaster/(Ung Glob) has kicked SaltyPenguin25/(Desmond Lyle) (NEWHP: -76) (Cargo Office (150, 142, 2))
Line 6696: [2020-11-09 15:16:23.415] ATTACK: SiurMaster/(Ung Glob) has kicked SaltyPenguin25/(Desmond Lyle) (NEWHP: -81.3) (Cargo Office (150, 142, 2))
Line 6732: [2020-11-09 15:16:50.239] ATTACK: ConteudoGenerico/(Frank Moth) has shot SiurMaster/(Ung Glob) with the disabler beam (NEWHP: 17.7) (Warehouse (157, 152, 2))
Line 6734: [2020-11-09 15:16:50.921] ATTACK: ConteudoGenerico/(Frank Moth) has shot SiurMaster/(Ung Glob) with the disabler beam (NEWHP: 17.7) (Warehouse (157, 152, 2))
Line 6741: [2020-11-09 15:16:53.970] ATTACK: SiurMaster/(Ung Glob) has punched ConteudoGenerico/(Frank Moth) (NEWHP: 35.3) (Warehouse (158, 151, 2))
Line 6744: [2020-11-09 15:16:54.784] ATTACK: SiurMaster/(Ung Glob) has punched ConteudoGenerico/(Frank Moth) (NEWHP: 32.1) (Warehouse (158, 151, 2))
Line 6746: [2020-11-09 15:16:55.646] ATTACK: SiurMaster/(Ung Glob) has punched ConteudoGenerico/(Frank Moth) (NEWHP: 27.6) (Warehouse (158, 151, 2))
Line 6749: [2020-11-09 15:16:56.537] ATTACK: SiurMaster/(Ung Glob) has punched ConteudoGenerico/(Frank Moth) (NEWHP: 23.1) (Warehouse (158, 151, 2))
Line 6751: [2020-11-09 15:16:57.495] ATTACK: SiurMaster/(Ung Glob) has punched ConteudoGenerico/(Frank Moth) (NEWHP: 19.9) (Warehouse (158, 151, 2))
Line 6752: [2020-11-09 15:16:58.085] ATTACK: ConteudoGenerico/(Frank Moth) has attacked SiurMaster/(Ung Glob) with energy gun (INTENT: HARM) (DAMTYPE: BRUTE) (NEWHP: 12.7) (Warehouse (158, 152, 2))
Line 6753: [2020-11-09 15:16:58.365] ATTACK: SiurMaster/(Ung Glob) has punched ConteudoGenerico/(Frank Moth) (NEWHP: 15.4) (Warehouse (158, 151, 2))
Line 6756: [2020-11-09 15:16:58.889] ATTACK: ConteudoGenerico/(Frank Moth) has attacked SiurMaster/(Ung Glob) with energy gun (INTENT: HARM) (DAMTYPE: BRUTE) (NEWHP: 7.7) (Warehouse (158, 152, 2))
Line 6773: [2020-11-09 15:17:01.547] ATTACK: SiurMaster/(Ung Glob) has punched ConteudoGenerico/(Frank Moth) (NEWHP: 10.9) (Warehouse (159, 152, 2))
Line 6778: [2020-11-09 15:17:02.556] ATTACK: SiurMaster/(Ung Glob) has punched ConteudoGenerico/(Frank Moth) (NEWHP: 6.4) (Warehouse (159, 152, 2))
Line 6782: [2020-11-09 15:17:03.492] ATTACK: SiurMaster/(Ung Glob) has punched ConteudoGenerico/(Frank Moth) (NEWHP: 1.9) (Warehouse (159, 152, 2))
Line 6787: [2020-11-09 15:17:04.354] ATTACK: SiurMaster/(Ung Glob) has punched ConteudoGenerico/(Frank Moth) (NEWHP: -5.6) (Warehouse (159, 152, 2))
Line 6793: [2020-11-09 15:17:05.282] ATTACK: SiurMaster/(Ung Glob) has punched ConteudoGenerico/(Frank Moth) (NEWHP: -11.7) (Warehouse (159, 152, 2))
Line 6800: [2020-11-09 15:17:06.133] ATTACK: SiurMaster/(Ung Glob) has punched ConteudoGenerico/(Frank Moth) (NEWHP: -19.2) (Warehouse (159, 152, 2))
Line 6806: [2020-11-09 15:17:07.019] ATTACK: SiurMaster/(Ung Glob) has punched ConteudoGenerico/(Frank Moth) (NEWHP: -25.4) (Warehouse (159, 152, 2))
Line 6813: [2020-11-09 15:17:09.509] ATTACK: SiurMaster/(Ung Glob) has kicked ConteudoGenerico/(Frank Moth) (NEWHP: -37.4) (Warehouse (158, 152, 2))
Line 6815: [2020-11-09 15:17:10.436] ATTACK: SiurMaster/(Ung Glob) has kicked ConteudoGenerico/(Frank Moth) (NEWHP: -46.4) (Warehouse (158, 152, 2))
Line 6841: [2020-11-09 15:17:17.563] ATTACK: SiurMaster/(Ung Glob) has stripped the head of personnel’s cap off ConteudoGenerico/(Frank Moth) (NEWHP: -63.2) (Warehouse (158, 152, 2))
Line 6842: [2020-11-09 15:17:17.811] ATTACK: SiurMaster/(Ung Glob) has stripped the �SWAT mask off ConteudoGenerico/(Frank Moth) (NEWHP: -63.2) (Warehouse (158, 152, 2))
Line 6843: [2020-11-09 15:17:18.123] ATTACK: SiurMaster/(Ung Glob) has stripped the head of personnel’s cloak off ConteudoGenerico/(Frank Moth) (NEWHP: -63.2) (Warehouse (158, 152, 2))
Line 6846: [2020-11-09 15:17:19.423] ATTACK: SiurMaster/(Ung Glob) has stripped the backpack off ConteudoGenerico/(Frank Moth) (NEWHP: -63.9) (Warehouse (158, 152, 2))
Line 6861: [2020-11-09 15:17:24.605] ATTACK: SiurMaster/(Ung Glob) has stripped the advanced sunglasses off ConteudoGenerico/(Frank Moth) (NEWHP: -65.2) (Warehouse (157, 152, 2))
Line 6873: [2020-11-09 15:17:27.050] ATTACK: SiurMaster/(Ung Glob) has stripped �the head of personnel’s headset off no key/(Frank Moth) (NEWHP: -100) (Warehouse (157, 152, 2))
Line 6902: [2020-11-09 15:17:35.791] ATTACK: SiurMaster/(Ung Glob) has stripped MK.I SWAT Suit off no key/(Frank Moth) (NEWHP: -100) (Warehouse (157, 152, 2))
Line 6910: [2020-11-09 15:17:40.089] ATTACK: SiurMaster/(Ung Glob) has stripped the brown shoes off no key/(Frank Moth) (NEWHP: -110) (Warehouse (157, 152, 2))
Line 6917: [2020-11-09 15:17:41.601] ATTACK: SiurMaster/(Ung Glob) has stripped the insulated gloves off no key/(Frank Moth) (NEWHP: -110) (Warehouse (157, 152, 2))
Line 6925: [2020-11-09 15:17:43.973] ATTACK: SiurMaster/(Ung Glob) has stripped the head of personnel’s jumpsuit off no key/(Frank Moth) (NEWHP: -110) (Warehouse (157, 152, 2))
Line 6945: [2020-11-09 15:18:07.898] ATTACK: SiurMaster/(Ung Glob) has fired at [floor] with the laser from Cargo Office (Cargo Office (152, 147, 2))
Line 6947: [2020-11-09 15:18:09.849] ATTACK: SiurMaster/(Ung Glob) has fired at [floor] with the laser from Cargo Office (Cargo Office (151, 146, 2))
Line 6949: [2020-11-09 15:18:10.006] ATTACK: SiurMaster/(Ung Glob) has shot Deidrah23/(James Burgees) with the laser (NEWHP: 40) (Cargo Office (151, 146, 2))
Line 6950: [2020-11-09 15:18:10.227] ATTACK: SiurMaster/(Ung Glob) has fired at [floor] with the laser from Cargo Office (Cargo Office (151, 145, 2))
Line 6952: [2020-11-09 15:18:10.320] ATTACK: SiurMaster/(Ung Glob) has shot Deidrah23/(James Burgees) with the laser (NEWHP: 28.8) (Cargo Office (151, 144, 2))
Line 6953: [2020-11-09 15:18:11.003] ATTACK: SiurMaster/(Ung Glob) has fired at [wall] with the laser from Cargo Office (Cargo Office (150, 144, 2))
Line 6955: [2020-11-09 15:18:11.848] ATTACK: SiurMaster/(Ung Glob) has fired at [floor] with the laser from Cargo Office (Cargo Office (150, 146, 2))
Line 6956: [2020-11-09 15:18:12.514] ATTACK: SiurMaster/(Ung Glob) has fired at [floor] with the laser from Cargo Office (Cargo Office (150, 148, 2))
Line 6994: [2020-11-09 15:18:47.806] ATTACK: SiurMaster/(Ung Glob) has grabbed Deidrah23/(James Burgees) passive grab (NEWHP: -5) (Cargo Office (144, 147, 2))
Line 6999: [2020-11-09 15:18:50.690] ATTACK: SiurMaster/(Ung Glob) has attempted to inject Deidrah23/(James Burgees) with the epinephrine medipen (Epinephrine and Formaldehyde) (NEWHP: -5) (Central Primary Hallway (139, 147, 2))
Line 7000: [2020-11-09 15:18:50.691] ATTACK: SiurMaster/(Ung Glob) has transferred reagents (/datum/reagent/medicine/epinephrine (10u) and /datum/reagent/toxin/formaldehyde (3u)) from the epinephrine medipen to Deidrah23/(James Burgees) (NEWHP: -5) (Central Primary Hallway (139, 147, 2))
Line 7001: [2020-11-09 15:18:50.692] ATTACK: SiurMaster/(Ung Glob) has transferred reagents (no reagents) from the epinephrine medipen to Deidrah23/(James Burgees) (NEWHP: -5) (Central Primary Hallway (139, 147, 2))
Line 7002: [2020-11-09 15:18:50.692] ATTACK: SiurMaster/(Ung Glob) has injected Deidrah23/(James Burgees) with the epinephrine medipen (Epinephrine and Formaldehyde) (NEWHP: -5) (Central Primary Hallway (139, 147, 2))
Line 7012: [2020-11-09 15:18:55.297] ATTACK: SiurMaster/(Ung Glob) has grabbed Deidrah23/(James Burgees) passive grab (NEWHP: -3.5) (Central Primary Hallway (139, 144, 2))
Line 7039: [2020-11-09 15:19:02.341] ATTACK: Selfiren/(Max Anders) has shot SiurMaster/(Ung Glob) with 7.62 bullet (NEWHP: -34.3) (Central Primary Hallway (139, 144, 2))

Gukle was one of the people who ordered cargonia to get weapons:


Line 5342: [2020-11-09 15:02:13.114] SAY: Ironicpower/(Gukle) “put that” (Cargo Bay (156, 144, 2))
Line 5353: [2020-11-09 15:02:15.778] SAY: Ironicpower/(Gukle) “into cargo budget” (Cargo Bay (156, 144, 2))
Line 5370: [2020-11-09 15:02:23.418] SAY: Ironicpower/(Gukle) “order guns” (Cargo Bay (156, 144, 2))
Line 5384: [2020-11-09 15:02:29.752] SAY: Ironicpower/(Gukle) “hurry” (Cargo Bay (156, 144, 2))
Line 5423: [2020-11-09 15:02:56.592] SAY: Ironicpower/(Gukle) “evil security want to DESTROY GUKLE” (Cargo Bay (155, 143, 2))

and obviously one of the people who pulled weapons on sec:

His attack logs

Line 5799: [2020-11-09 15:10:05.474] ATTACK: Ironicpower/(Gukle) has fired at [copper floor] with the disabler beam from Cargo Office (Cargo Office (151, 147, 2))
Line 5800: [2020-11-09 15:10:05.635] ATTACK: Ironicpower/(Gukle) has shot SiurMaster/(Ung Glob) with the disabler beam (NEWHP: 89.4) (Cargo Office (151, 147, 2))
Line 5803: [2020-11-09 15:10:05.870] ATTACK: Ironicpower/(Gukle) has fired at SiurMaster/(Ung Glob) with the disabler beam from Cargo Office (NEWHP: 89.4) (Cargo Office (151, 147, 2))
Line 5804: [2020-11-09 15:10:06.030] ATTACK: Ironicpower/(Gukle) has shot SiurMaster/(Ung Glob) with the disabler beam (NEWHP: 89.4) (Cargo Office (151, 147, 2))
Line 5805: [2020-11-09 15:10:06.251] ATTACK: Ironicpower/(Gukle) has fired at SiurMaster/(Ung Glob) with the disabler beam from Cargo Office (NEWHP: 89.4) (Cargo Office (151, 147, 2))
Line 5806: [2020-11-09 15:10:06.435] ATTACK: Ironicpower/(Gukle) has shot SiurMaster/(Ung Glob) with the disabler beam (NEWHP: 89.4) (Cargo Office (151, 147, 2))
Line 5807: [2020-11-09 15:10:06.685] ATTACK: Ironicpower/(Gukle) has fired at SiurMaster/(Ung Glob) with the disabler beam from Cargo Office (NEWHP: 89.4) (Cargo Office (151, 147, 2))
Line 5809: [2020-11-09 15:10:06.887] ATTACK: Ironicpower/(Gukle) has shot SiurMaster/(Ung Glob) with the disabler beam (NEWHP: 89.4) (Cargo Office (151, 147, 2))
Line 5810: [2020-11-09 15:10:07.262] ATTACK: Ironicpower/(Gukle) has fired at [copper floor] with the disabler beam from Cargo Office (Cargo Office (151, 147, 2))
Line 5814: [2020-11-09 15:10:08.562] ATTACK: Ironicpower/(Gukle) has fired at [floor] with the disabler beam from Cargo Bay (Cargo Bay (153, 147, 2))
Line 5815: [2020-11-09 15:10:08.727] ATTACK: Ironicpower/(Gukle) has shot Alpella18/(Hobo Clewett) with the disabler beam (NEWHP: 100) (Cargo Bay (153, 147, 2))
Line 5816: [2020-11-09 15:10:09.005] ATTACK: Ironicpower/(Gukle) has fired at SaltyPenguin25/(Desmond Lyle) with the disabler beam from Cargo Bay (NEWHP: 86) (Cargo Bay (154, 147, 2))
Line 5817: [2020-11-09 15:10:09.189] ATTACK: Ironicpower/(Gukle) has shot Alpella18/(Hobo Clewett) with the disabler beam (NEWHP: 100) (Cargo Bay (155, 146, 2))
Line 5834: [2020-11-09 15:10:15.682] ATTACK: Ironicpower/(Gukle) has fired at [Mailroom] with the disabler beam from Cargo Office (Cargo Office (150, 144, 2))
Line 5835: [2020-11-09 15:10:16.292] ATTACK: Ironicpower/(Gukle) has fired at [wall] with the disabler beam from Cargo Office (Cargo Office (150, 147, 2))
Line 5841: [2020-11-09 15:10:17.413] ATTACK: Ironicpower/(Gukle) has fired at SiurMaster/(Ung Glob) with the disabler beam from Cargo Office (NEWHP: 89.4) (Cargo Office (150, 146, 2))
Line 5842: [2020-11-09 15:10:17.478] ATTACK: Ironicpower/(Gukle) has shot SiurMaster/(Ung Glob) with the disabler beam (NEWHP: 89.4) (Cargo Office (150, 146, 2))
Line 5854: [2020-11-09 15:10:24.822] ATTACK: Ironicpower/(Gukle) has thrown the cable coil (Cargo Office (150, 147, 2))
Line 5874: [2020-11-09 15:10:30.217] ATTACK: Ironicpower/(Gukle) has handcuffed SiurMaster/(Ung Glob) (NEWHP: 89.4) (Cargo Office (150, 147, 2))
Line 5878: [2020-11-09 15:10:31.112] ATTACK: Ironicpower/(Gukle) has grabbed SiurMaster/(Ung Glob) passive grab (NEWHP: 89.4) (Cargo Office (150, 147, 2))
Line 5892: [2020-11-09 15:10:46.110] ATTACK: SiurMaster/(Ung Glob) has pulled from Ironicpower/(Gukle) with Hobo Clewett (NEWHP: 56) (Cargo Bay (159, 143, 2))
Line 5965: [2020-11-09 15:11:20.172] ATTACK: Ironicpower/(Gukle) has shaken Gudzest/(Smelly Muffin) (NEWHP: 88.1) (Cargo Office (152, 148, 2))
Line 5966: [2020-11-09 15:11:21.555] ATTACK: Gudzest/(Smelly Muffin) has shaken Ironicpower/(Gukle) (NEWHP: 56) (Cargo Bay (153, 147, 2))
Line 5968: [2020-11-09 15:11:22.426] ATTACK: Gudzest/(Smelly Muffin) has shaken Ironicpower/(Gukle) (NEWHP: 56) (Cargo Bay (153, 147, 2))
Line 6017: [2020-11-09 15:12:25.938] ATTACK: Selfiren/(Max Anders) has grabbed Ironicpower/(Gukle) passive grab (NEWHP: 56) (Warehouse (159, 153, 2))
Line 6053: [2020-11-09 15:12:55.329] ATTACK: Ironicpower/(Gukle) has thrown the glass (Warehouse (156, 152, 2))
Line 6055: [2020-11-09 15:12:56.088] ATTACK: Ironicpower/(Gukle) has thrown the iron (Warehouse (156, 152, 2))
Line 6115: [2020-11-09 15:13:34.061] ATTACK: Ironicpower/(Gukle) has thrown the shipping manifest - #8972 (Energy Guns Crate) (Cargo Bay (159, 143, 2))
Line 6131: [2020-11-09 15:13:44.616] ATTACK: The black Flag/(Omar Abduellh) has fired at Ironicpower/(Gukle) with the disabler beam from Cargo Office (NEWHP: 56) (Cargo Office (152, 142, 2))
Line 6132: [2020-11-09 15:13:44.777] ATTACK: The black Flag/(Omar Abduellh) has shot Ironicpower/(Gukle) with the disabler beam (NEWHP: 56) (Cargo Office (152, 142, 2))
Line 6136: [2020-11-09 15:13:45.252] ATTACK: The black Flag/(Omar Abduellh) has fired at Ironicpower/(Gukle) with the disabler beam from Cargo Bay (NEWHP: 56) (Cargo Bay (153, 142, 2))
Line 6137: [2020-11-09 15:13:45.329] ATTACK: The black Flag/(Omar Abduellh) has shot Ironicpower/(Gukle) with the disabler beam (NEWHP: 56) (Cargo Bay (153, 142, 2))
Line 6139: [2020-11-09 15:13:45.723] ATTACK: The black Flag/(Omar Abduellh) has fired at Ironicpower/(Gukle) with the disabler beam from Cargo Bay (NEWHP: 56) (Cargo Bay (154, 142, 2))
Line 6140: [2020-11-09 15:13:45.789] ATTACK: The black Flag/(Omar Abduellh) has shot Ironicpower/(Gukle) with the disabler beam (NEWHP: 56) (Cargo Bay (154, 142, 2))
Line 6160: [2020-11-09 15:13:51.635] ATTACK: The black Flag/(Omar Abduellh) has grabbed Ironicpower/(Gukle) passive grab (NEWHP: 56) (Cargo Bay (155, 142, 2))
Line 6172: [2020-11-09 15:13:59.584] ATTACK: Ironicpower/(Gukle) has fired at [firelock] with the laser from Cargo Office (Cargo Office (150, 142, 2))
Line 6173: [2020-11-09 15:13:59.586] ATTACK: Ironicpower/(Gukle) has shot The black Flag/(Omar Abduellh) with the laser (NEWHP: 83.5) (Cargo Office (150, 142, 2))
Line 6181: [2020-11-09 15:14:00.080] ATTACK: The black Flag/(Omar Abduellh) has shot Ironicpower/(Gukle) with the disabler beam (NEWHP: 56) (Cargo Office (151, 144, 2))
Line 6183: [2020-11-09 15:14:00.288] ATTACK: Ironicpower/(Gukle) has fired at [floor] with the laser from Cargo Office (Cargo Office (150, 143, 2))
Line 6185: [2020-11-09 15:14:01.167] ATTACK: Ironicpower/(Gukle) has fired at [firelock] with the laser from Cargo Office (Cargo Office (151, 141, 2))
Line 6186: [2020-11-09 15:14:01.340] ATTACK: Ironicpower/(Gukle) has shot The black Flag/(Omar Abduellh) with the laser (NEWHP: 73) (Cargo Office (152, 141, 2))
Line 6188: [2020-11-09 15:14:01.612] ATTACK: Ironicpower/(Gukle) has fired at [floor] with the laser from Cargo Office (Cargo Office (152, 141, 2))
Line 6195: [2020-11-09 15:14:03.663] ATTACK: Ironicpower/(Gukle) has fired at [wall] with the laser from Cargo Bay (Cargo Bay (157, 143, 2))
Line 6196: [2020-11-09 15:14:03.665] ATTACK: Ironicpower/(Gukle) has shot Firespider[DC]/(E-026) with the laser (NEWHP: 80) (Cargo Bay (157, 143, 2))
Line 6199: [2020-11-09 15:14:04.072] ATTACK: Ironicpower/(Gukle) has fired at [floor] with the laser from Cargo Bay (Cargo Bay (158, 145, 2))
Line 6200: [2020-11-09 15:14:04.244] ATTACK: Ironicpower/(Gukle) has shot no key/(�MULEbot) with the laser (NEWHP: 36) (Cargo Bay (158, 145, 2))
Line 6223: [2020-11-09 15:14:09.845] ATTACK: Deidrah23/(James Burgees) has fired at Ironicpower/(Gukle) with the soporific slug from Cargo Bay (NEWHP: 56) (Cargo Bay (161, 147, 2))
Line 6266: [2020-11-09 15:14:16.433] ATTACK: Ironicpower/(Gukle) has shoved Gudzest/(Smelly Muffin) (NEWHP: 90.6) (Supply Shuttle (168, 146, 2))
Line 6275: [2020-11-09 15:14:17.660] ATTACK: Deidrah23/(James Burgees) has flashed(targeted) Ironicpower/(Gukle) with the flash (NEWHP: 56) (Supply Shuttle (167, 146, 2))
Line 6276: [2020-11-09 15:14:18.056] ATTACK: The black Flag/(Omar Abduellh) has stunned Ironicpower/(Gukle) (NEWHP: 56) (Supply Shuttle (168, 146, 2))
Line 6281: [2020-11-09 15:14:19.031] ATTACK: The black Flag/(Omar Abduellh) has stunned Ironicpower/(Gukle) (NEWHP: 56) (Supply Shuttle (168, 145, 2))
Line 6286: [2020-11-09 15:14:19.838] ATTACK: The black Flag/(Omar Abduellh) has stunned Ironicpower/(Gukle) (NEWHP: 56) (Supply Shuttle (168, 145, 2))
Line 6294: [2020-11-09 15:14:23.872] ATTACK: The black Flag/(Omar Abduellh) has handcuffed Ironicpower/(Gukle) (NEWHP: 56) (Supply Shuttle (168, 145, 2))
Line 6298: [2020-11-09 15:14:24.533] ATTACK: The black Flag/(Omar Abduellh) has grabbed Ironicpower/(Gukle) passive grab (NEWHP: 56) (Supply Shuttle (168, 145, 2))
Line 6350: [2020-11-09 15:14:35.927] ATTACK: Erol509/(Proxima Centauri) has shot Ironicpower/(Gukle) with the laser (NEWHP: 33.5) (Cargo Office (151, 142, 2))

(these aren’t complete since forum doesn’t let me post more characters)

Looks like Gukle was firing a disabler originally, and switched when the fight escalated.

Still, he mass handed AA, was a big part of the cargonia mutiny and also ordered guns, disobeyed cap’s order’s and more. You can’t say he is innocent because he followed proper escalation.

If you’re the HOP and you give a random person AA and tell them to do your job that’s “Play stupid games, win stupid prizes” imo

IMO this rests more or less entirely on the HoP.

Gun Cargo, handing out AA, and the rest of the stupidity seems to have all been their initiative.

If I give you a gun and you shoot people with it, we both are criminals, yes HOP was the main rule breaker here but that’s no reason to break rules with him.