Introducing Point 0 (provisional name): A brand new map for BeeStation in the works

Hi! I’m making a new map with a unique idea and I’m second doubting if the playerbase would actually like it. Keep in mind this is ultra early stage. This is the idea: Instead of a space station, this map is a village, a colony of some sort. Departments are multi Z buildings that are inspired by how the old Pokemon used to do represent buildings with several floorsYou don’t need internals to breath since we are not in space

Maintenance would be in a series of underground tunnels that connect all departments, with cool meeting points and rooms along the way. The surface will also have tons of details and places to have fun.

Once again, this is super early work. But I would like to get some feedback from the community. Would you like to play this map? Is it too different to the standard that you wouldn’t enjoy it? Please tell me.


A closer look at the security building


If you somehow manage to pull this off, not only the creation but administration, its going to be absolutely fucking glorious.


This looks neat as fuck


I think limiting it to 3 layers would be better for lag, gameplay and map design.

Reserving one layer for tunnels and mining, the main surface layer and a second housing layer.

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Echo has 4 quite crowded layers and works just fine. This is also a small station and the 4th layer is just the last floor of some of the buildings, it shouldnt cause much problem

You complained of lag yourself over on Discord and you have a lot of dead space not being used other than air. I bet you could squeeze the buildings closer to each other and utilize 100% of the second floor instead of just 20% such as in your third picture.

The map is nowhere being finish, the fourth layer will have more uses, and lag will not be a problem I’m sure


Depends on size, GlowStation had a lot of moments where it had lag issues and it had the same amount(or one more?) Z-levels and it was a massive map, even Echo has those laggy moments

Regardless the idea is certainly interesting!,curious on how everything will be handled in regards to atmos stuff, looking forward for the development of it, can’t really say anything about brig given it’s on mega early stages

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Oh well, feel free to talk about brig! Its literally the only department I’ve mapped completely. It is lacking a brig physician but medbay is literally in front of brig so for now it doesn’t have one. So, give me your opinions

this idea is fucking RAD [give mime his own office :3]

sure thing

Ill do you one better. The theatre is finally a real theatre. Clown and mime get an office so they have a word with the crew, and then they have their own quarters full of fun stuff for both of em to get ready to prank the crew!


Of course

Their beds are together :pleading_face:


i’ll sprite you a joint clown/mime bedsheet if you wanna make it a double.


I really like this idea! I can contribute in the following way:

general morale support
advanced morale support
expert morale support
and of course
supportus maximus


its fine thanks

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This is how it was looking before StrongDMM crashed and I lost basically everything new I added since the screenshots you already saw


Hell yeah.
This would be very gnarly to play on!

My thoughts on the current brig layout are good, but a few additions I can think of, would be perhaps an outside gulag dirt type area, with rocks for the prisoners to hit or something.
As for the leaving part of genpop, I think having it go instead to a maints type corridor that leads back to the lobby would make more practicality than just a straight up boot out of the door on the side.

DAAMMM, I’ve lost a few maps that way :skull:
Saving each time after you finish a portion of the area your working on is a good practice.

Keep it up! I would absolutely love to play on this.

You saying you don’t have an obsession of pressing [CTRL] + [S] every 30 seconds no matter what program you use?