Ingemar Logger and Cigarette cigarette smoking and feedback thread

Been playing here for quite the while now so why not make one of these threads…

Ingemar was the first ever character I created way back on my goon days, then he used to be more of an avatar rather his own character with his own personality, but that only came about after I had been playing here for a while.

Cigarette was created as a balancing force and satire to all the medbay moths with the anxious trait, he was originally a alcoholic substance abusing chain-smoker working in chemistry, now you probably know him as the alcoholic chain-smoking HoS that takes any chance to yell and berate his officers.
Also just because I play a moth character doesn’t it mean I like moths…

I also have a plasma man, but I rarely play him since the plasma man naming guidelines are so god damn boring.


you play cigarette? holy shit 10/10 charater, good job.

Logger is someone I would toss on a table, shove 5 times, and watch as he tosses me into space without o2 tho


Inge is usually fun and a diligent worker, Cigarette is hilarious although I rarely interact with them.

I always thought both of em had a similar but great vibe. Didnt expect for them both to be piloted by the same person though.
Good moth +1

fellow moth player +1 moth


Your music SUCKS!!!


1+, 10 out of 10 moth/atmosia enjoyer


wow. Did not expect Cigarette to be played by Ingemar. Who knew you had the potential to roleplay, huh?

Cool characters, let me bribe him as HoS with Robust Gold Cigarettes

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Why thank you, this is probably the biggest insult I’ve had in recent time lmao.


You’re like a broken record smh, must really have hit home when I said radiohead sucks.
Also you won’t even allow me to post the music I want in the music channel smh smh smh smh smh