So i joined fulp before coming here and i saw it had verylong hours needed to play more roles. When i joined the bee i was very happy when i saw that the needed hours were much lower. Because who dislikes playing head while they are new ( when you play a couple of times you realize what a pain it is)
The first rounds that i played as head, i had no idea what to do, i hadn’t even learned the basics of the department yet. I was lucky that i always had the wiki open in background.
So i stopped beign head for some times and went back to learn the game, but now i see there are many people who play head roles while they still lack a lot of skill even in basic concepts of thay department.
So i say we should increase these hours. not too much, but seriously no one can master for example engineering just by 8 hours unless they played on different servers before.
Or a different idea, new players who pass the 8 hour needed get to play as head but can only set it’s priority to “low”
Then they need extra hours to set it to high or medium. This ensures that the role will probably get filled when server is low populated and no new player gets the role while a robuster player is there (unless that guy joins midround, poof)
Maybe playing headroles should require some playtime for all the jobs in the department, so you would need x hours as a cargo tech and y hours as a miner before you can be the QM. The requirements wouldn’t have to be great, just enough for some experience with the entire department.
I’m not sure about capping priority settings based on playtime as that head, because it could lead to experienced players who want the headrole for the flexibility and perks always getting the job while locking everyone else out.
I’d think a lot of the playerbase comes from other SS13 servers at this point with few new players coming in. If it will be increased at least create a system for one to show their competence and skip an extremely long wait for a head role.