IC Nanotrasen hiring notes to add more depth to your character

Would actually be way easier to sus out the shitters before they even do something to fuck a round up, in the long run this makes moderating way easier because a griefer or LRP person is going to fill up their thing with meme shit.

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I removed the beestation child friendly filter

Or more likely they just don’t fill it out. Anything like this will always add additional overhead when it comes to moderation. Not saying I inherently dislike the idea, but saying it won’t add overhead or that it’d actually make things easier is just outright untrue.

Does this really add much to moderation considering most griefers are water/potassium/napalm or engineer borgs? I seriously doubt accounts that are 3 hours old would fill this out…

Though it’s wishful to see IC notes be added (Crossed has made it clear many times that he dislikes them) I do like the format of this so if anything I think it would be perfectly acceptable for players to make this “IC notes” out of the game.
Perhaps making them part of player feedback posts here on the forums.

As for the “Lizard Twink gang” scare. lol lmao, lizards stay epic.


We’ve had griefers that macro copy and pasted bible verses over common.

I’ve done that as a Chaplain where I copy and paste verses, does that make me a griefer?

If you didn’t spam them to the point the chat was unusable then no. The point I was trying to make with that doesn’t really work though. At the end of the day some people will abuse anything they can so it does still add overhead.

It depends on whenever its being used in good faith or maliciously, I don’t see why playstyles like psychiatrists should be excluded from finding clients because some people would abuse it.


I have no issue with the idea as a concept.

I know but the fact is I’m saying based on previous threads I’ve contributed to such as Gimmick system will be possibly refactored - #28 by LodedDiper Roles such as psychiatrists are basically useless unless there’s some kind of medical background system in place as adverts alone are not enough to get sessions.

One of my most enjoyed roles, when I was playing on Paradise Station, was being a therapist but that was BECAUSE I had the ability to contact people who had a troubled past on their medical history; This is impossible on this current server and I think that’s a shame because people who OPT IN for it could really be enjoyable to talk to.

forgot to add the age because I forgot it, but last I checked it was somewhere in the 20s I THINK. But this is what an average Hardy Clone’s note looks like.

Griefers aren’t really the ones who create much overhead with these things. It’s more about clueless people writing stuff they shouldn’t and admins having to walk them through it. E.g. it’s super common with flavor text for people to write judgments/backstory/ooc stuff that doesn’t fit.

This probably has fewer avenues to screw up than flavor text does, but admins would probably still have to deal with people writing down history that makes no sense or would be disqualifying for their positions.

If a griefer just dumps a bunch of racial slurs or something into it that doesn’t amount to much overhead as you can just instantly perma them since they obviously came in bad faith.


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